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can someone walk me through how to get spiritomb, all I know is I need an odd keystone and that is comes out of a rock but I have searched the entire wasteland. If those pillars you have to turn red are a part of it I have turned everyone I have come across. Thanks for all replies and consideration!!

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You have to turn ALL of the pillars red their a few a bit hard to find look for jumpable ledges, once you've done that go back to the 2 building in the middle of the wasteland the one that was locked should be unlocked go through the whole route and remember to bring cut you should enter a hidden grotto one of the rooms has a giant stone spire click it with your odd keystone in your inventory and a wild spiritomb should appear.

btw you might wanna get other peoples opinions on how to beat Aya just in case spiritomb doesn't help as much.

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You have to turn ALL of the pillars red their a few a bit hard to find look for jumpable ledges, once you've done that go back to the 2 building in the middle of the wasteland the one that was locked should be unlocked go through the whole route and remember to bring cut you should enter a hidden grotto one of the rooms has a giant stone spire click it with your odd keystone in your inventory and a wild spiritomb should appear.

btw you might wanna get other peoples opinions on how to beat Aya just in case spiritomb doesn't help as much.

Ive only battled her 4 times and got her down to 2 pokes once, Im sure I could beat her with this team just don't want to win entirely based on luck. I just feel that with spiritomb my team has the bulk to just be outright better than hers. PS dont EVER use sharpedo, Its like tissue paper and speed and attack arent even that great. We need a good shark type poke

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You have to turn ALL of the pillars red their a few a bit hard to find look for jumpable ledges, once you've done that go back to the 2 building in the middle of the wasteland the one that was locked should be unlocked go through the whole route and remember to bring cut you should enter a hidden grotto one of the rooms has a giant stone spire click it with your odd keystone in your inventory and a wild spiritomb should appear.

btw you might wanna get other peoples opinions on how to beat Aya just in case spiritomb doesn't help as much.

you my friend must be a master in the art of saving lives

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