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Help with Titania


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To point out how much trouble I am having with Titania I have yet to make it past her 2nd pokemon (made it past 3rd with the help of hail). Her team is very bulky and she hits hard thanks to the field effects,and my only useful mons in this battle are Blaziken and Nidoking. Any other Pokemon that I can get that will be useful for this fight?



Roserade-Poison Point 

-Giga Drain


-Toxic Spikes


Nidoking-Sheer Force 

-Sludge Wave

-Poison Jab


-Earth Power




-Dragon Pulse

-Signal Beam

-Power Gem


Blaziken-Speed Boost 

-High Jump Kick

-Blaze Kick

-Brave Bird

-Quick Attack


Floatzel-Swift Swim

-Aqua Tail





Mamoswine-Thick Fat 

-Ice Shard

-Ice Fang




Reserve aka mons that useless rn:


-Misty Terrain



-Light Screen





-Dragon Claw

-Rock Slide




Aqua Ring

Icy Wind


Aqua Tail

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I recommend abusing magical seeds on her field. It raises the highest offensive stat of your pokemon, and if that stat is regular attack, and not special attack, then it also gives you kings shield protect for one turn. You can buy them post-rebuild at the floral store in the lapis ward.


With that on your Blaziken you'll be able to sweep her entire team, aside from her Aegislash(and potentially her Excadrill). When it comes to dealing with Aegislash, in my opinion the only way to really defeat it is to be bulky enough to take a hit from it, and retaliate, knocking it out(since it has pitiful defense in Blade form).

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for me, titania took a couple tries to perfect a strategy, but the way i won was using a bulk up blaziken!

i know it seems weird, but you can really set up a few against her scizor as it tends to spam bullet punch. just use a couple potions as necessary because it still hits relatively hard, but after awhile, it can sweep.

one thing i would try to watch out for is that you avoid getting her excadrill out while the sand is up, or before your blaziken has a large amount of speed boosts under its belt.


if you're looking for helpful pokemon to add, there's honedge at the top of mirage tower that does really well since it benefits from the field effects.  the con is that i believe it comes at elvel 30, and you should probably ev train it, so it might be a bit time consuming.

Edited by hapufini
messed up and said something about a tyrantitar but that’s in a different fight, oops
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/19/2019 at 10:50 PM, Vinnie said:

I recommend abusing magical seeds on her field. It raises the highest offensive stat of your pokemon, and if that stat is regular attack, and not special attack, then it also gives you kings shield protect for one turn. You can buy them post-rebuild at the floral store in the lapis ward.


With that on your Blaziken you'll be able to sweep her entire team, aside from her Aegislash(and potentially her Excadrill). When it comes to dealing with Aegislash, in my opinion the only way to really defeat it is to be bulky enough to take a hit from it, and retaliate, knocking it out(since it has pitiful defense in Blade form).

Wailord is a good choice, since you can get it while diving in azurine lake at around 71, and it is BEEFY AF. especially, if you give it leftovers. plus I'm pretty sure Titania doesn't have any electric or grass attacks. I'm going up against her soon too.


I surprised none of her pokemon have rock slide or stone edge, since most steel types can learn both of those, but because none of her pokemon have any rock type moves, hopefully I can ohko most of er team with flamethrower from my charizard.


also, one thing that always helps as a backup for taking out a bulky attacker is a max HP and physical/special attack Aggron, because mine has sturdy and Metal burst, and since Metal burst does double damage back, if they activate my sturdy, 9 times out of 10, they ded

Edited by Geekyperson
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  • 2 weeks later...

First thing I did with this fight was getting rid of that annoying hail with sunny day. so she couldn't use Aurora Veil to boost all defences and got rid of hers Sandslash insane speed boost. After that I was able to 1KO every Pokemon with fire or fight(only Excadrill was still to fast and too overpowered, but luckily sturdy golem handled the situation).


But really, if any fight is getting too difficult, you should consider changing the field, so all of the sick bonusses that gym leaders have will just fly away 😄 You've got Misty Terrain, that sould work like charm 🙂

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Lefties + Curse Swampert swept her 6-1 for me, so you could try that. A set of Rain Dance/Curse/dual STABs should do the trick easily, since it worked out for me even with Hail up the entire battle. Swampert ended up going down from repeated chip damage, but once she's down to just Aegislash it shouldn't be much of an issue.

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