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...I somehow managed to forget that was them. Well, the caves are still an option, and those two really need to deal with their sleep deprivation now. 🤷‍♀️


25 minutes ago, Tikkit said:

I feel like at least one core would be near Garufan territory. They'd probably have captured at least one, and it would probably make for a good sidequest to have to go and retrieve it from the depths of some old Garufan facility. Call it HL5 or something, because that quest line has a history of giving insight into ancient Garufan structures.

That's a fair point, though HL5 specifically is out of the question, I feel (the sidequest already has a tendency to lock people out, no need to exacerbate the issue), but thankfully it's not the only quest we've had that deals with Garufan shenanigans (I really oughta use Solatone at some point...). 

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6 minutes ago, Autumn Zephyr said:

...I somehow managed to forget that was them. Well, the caves are still an option, and those two really need to deal with their sleep deprivation now. 🤷‍♀️


That's a fair point, though HL5 specifically is out of the question, I feel (the sidequest already has a tendency to lock people out, no need to exacerbate the issue), but thankfully it's not the only quest we've had that deals with Garufan shenanigans (I really oughta use Solatone at some point...). 

Oh yeah, Solatone… Dancing with Alexandra was probably the best part of that sidequest. And the changed dialogue on the train to GDC.

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9 hours ago, Autumn Zephyr said:

Hmm, that's an interesting point. If I remember correctly, there are canonically 5 Zygarde Cores (at least as far as Alola's concerned), which would initially seem at odds with Aevium's four Subregions… until you remember that Terrial is further split into two drastically different landmasses. I figure that there'd be one Core per landmass, so my guesses are...


Floria: Route 4's fancy new Wild Area (a place that big and unspoiled by man's bound to attract an ecosystem-defense system, after all)

Terrajuma: Part of the jungle we don't currently have access to (somewhere down the river beneath the Lover's Bridge, perhaps? 🤔); Valor Mountain's also an option, but that place is packed to the brim with events already...

East Terrial: Somewhere in Route 9, either beyond the two NPCs that have been in that absurdly long conversation (seriously, it's been almost a week in game, minimum...), or in the cave system.

West Terrial: the quicksand-filled cave (this is the one we already have, BTW)

Neverwinter: ...We've never been to any part of this place (assuming Blacksteeple isn't in its waters, of course), so I naturally can't guess for this one


Generally speaking, it seems unlikely that Zygarde would want to put it's most important parts near Garufan territory given their tendency to... mistreat the laws of nature in dramatic ways, but it also wouldn't want to be too far away as to keep it from springing to action should they pull anything dramatic enough. Of course, I'm not a partially-connected deific hivemind spread across several hundred miles of land, so my thought process might be a bit off here. 😅

The reason why I asked it's because there were already more than 100 Zygarde cells and 1 core currently and we get only 10% Forme Zygarde. That's sad that we can't change forms between 10% and 50%. It's like we can't control Zygarde Cube completely.

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Hmmm, if the twitter is to be considered a reliable source of information, then she isn't too messed up. Of course, this is also the twitter that pretty much just has Saki playing animal crossing all day, and I don't know how to feel about Saki just sitting around doing nothing but play ACNH all day while we're fighting Flora atop a massive pyramid at the end of a wasteland comprised of the former capital of the Aevium region.

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1 minute ago, Cadmium48 said:

Isn't Rejuv not including Dynamax or Gigantamax?

Dynamax isn't being used at all, while the Gigantimax forms are reportedly being retrofitted to serve as custom Mega Evolutions. No point in letting official designs go to complete waste, ya know?

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Gmax, but more as custom megas rather than a new thing. Dynamax is not included.


Can't wait to see where the new Zygarde cores are, especially since it's currently my team's ground type.


Edited by ArcaneArceus
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47 minutes ago, Autumn Zephyr said:

Dynamax isn't being used at all, while the Gigantimax forms are reportedly being retrofitted to serve as custom Mega Evolutions. No point in letting official designs go to complete waste, ya know?

I already fear the terror that Saki will unleash with her Mega - Duraladon. Oh god I already hear Boss music.

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3 minutes ago, Rising Emperor said:

I already fear the terror that Saki will unleash with her Mega - Duraladon. Oh god I already hear Boss music.

Can't be any more terrifying than that Wailord with the crazy name that we fought with Goomink.


Still, I'm looking forward to fighting it.

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The Wailord was a sidequest. I hope there is no comparison. I would argue that the hardest battles in the main story so far have been:

1) Angie.

2) Rift Aelita.

3) Rift Gardevoir.

4) Nim/Lorna at Zone Zero.


Also I'm suspecting Freya's involvement. Risa disappears and in the next scene she reappears behind the noticeboard. (???)


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It does make me wonder if Saki's gonna be a Double Battle, actually. It most reasonable for G-Duradulon to keep its Signature Stalwart Ability, which doesn't do anything in Single Battles. Failing that, it seems reasonable that it'd have a "new" Ability like Mega Charizard Y's Drought, since Heavy Metal and Light Metal don't do a whole lot (and even less, if Gigantimax's lack of a Weight stat is carried over from the main games).

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Just now, Autumn Zephyr said:

It does make me wonder if Saki's gonna be a Double Battle, actually. It most reasonable for G-Duradulon to keep its Signature Stalwart Ability, which doesn't do anything in Single Battles. Failing that, it seems reasonable that it'd have a "new" Ability like Mega Charizard Y's Drought, since Heavy Metal and Light Metal don't do a whole lot (and even less, if Gigantimax's lack of a Weight stat is carried over from the main games).

Damn I hope it godamn is!
I love double battles! I make my teams based in double battles! I have 2 teams for that, a Hail Team and a Sunny Team!
(Also Greninja with Mat Block is very underated!)

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Good lord, that Nim fight. Never have I hated trick room with such intensity before. I forgive her for putting us through that, because it's Nim, but still.


Anyway, I hope sidequest boss fights remain somewhat more difficult than main ones. I found Defaux to be the hardest rift prior to the nerf, followed by Chandelure. Though admittedly the second one did come after a fairly challenging fight.

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2 minutes ago, AdamAsh123456 said:

So I have a question. Will the ladder that is East Gearen be accessible in v13? 

Now taht's a question I want answered..

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Regarding the ladder, we'll just have to wait and see. The Q&A did reveal that it would be accessible eventually, but how soon it'll be was left up in the air.


As for the Tournament... I dunno. The government's been to busy making sure that their leader was still safe in the days following Bladestar's attack to make any official announcements on the matter (as far as we're aware, anyway), so who knows how things are looking from that angle. On the other hand, it's looking increasingly likely that it was the Mysterious Figures that signed us up in the dang thing, and they don't seem like the types to do anything if they don't think it'll go exactly the way they want it to. I highly doubt putting us a "convenient" reason to travel to the Eclysia Pyramid was the only thing they had in mind for that move if I'm correct on this one.

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15 minutes ago, AdamAsh123456 said:

So will the mystery egg be able to have galaran darumuaka and will more mons be added to the list?

I highly doubt that more pokemon will be added to the list- the Mystery Egg in both games have maintained a strict 18 option availability list (one for each Type), which doesn't seem like something Jan would be too keen on changing. What the representitives are, however, are guaranteed to see sort of change- Rejuvenation's got mareanie on its Mystery Egg list despite predating Gen. 7, after all.


As for Galarian darumaka specifically... I'd be genuinely surprised if it did get added. Both forms of Galarian darmanitan are notorious for savagely bludgeoning competitive on release, so they're probably going to be deemed too powerful to be given right after the third Gym. Never mind the fact that the current Ice representative is the generally respected sneasel, which I don't see getting dropped anytime soon on its own. Naturally, it's always possible for the Devs to make me eat my words, so we'll just have to wait and see.

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