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I don't mind IV's. If you pick your strategy well, they become irrelevant. If you are really nitpicky, you can spend hours grinding up a pokemon if you wish.


Usually in a playthrough like this, you will have 12-20 pokemon on your squad trained up to handle any event. Get creative, dont just grind.

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10 hours ago, Ravi Kabir said:

Pretty sure you can edit a pokemon's stats (Evs, ivs, nature, levels, moves) using the debug menu.

Well I said there that I feel uncomfortable using debug mode so yeah.. I usually play like that so I don't waste my time grinding eggs.. Also the debug mode is still kinda outdated.. I can only find the ones for V11 and it has some problems and crashes at some points, picking the Seviper Egg on Venam's Gym is an example of those..


9 hours ago, SadMoney said:

I don't mind IV's. If you pick your strategy well, they become irrelevant. If you are really nitpicky, you can spend hours grinding up a pokemon if you wish.


Usually in a playthrough like this, you will have 12-20 pokemon on your squad trained up to handle any event. Get creative, dont just grind.

IVs are irrelevant to begin with.. Since you can get ur Pokemon to have all of them on 31 without penalties or limits then it's just a massive waste of time.. Also, try getting through with a team with 0 IVs and see how irrelevant they are.. They do give a massive edge when it comes down to it.. Here, just as an example, a the Speed of a Lv100 Lucario with 0 IVs is 203 Speed while a 31 IVs is 306 according to Serebii.net, that is a MASSIVE difference but, in the end, it's just pointless grind for a better Pokemon.. Nature has balances and EVs have limits so they are fine in my books, specially since I always tend to have a Nidoking, a Pokemon that has both a S.Attacker and P.Attacker builds based on Nature and EVs distributed.

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That's not how IVs work. 


The difference between a pokemon with 0 IVs in speed and 31 IVs in speed is exactly 31 at lvl 100.


You probably soft reset or catch 5-10 of each pokemon on your team to get decent IVs. That should take 5 mins tops. You should end up with 15 IVs in each stat on average. So that stat difference between a perfect IV pokemon will be miniscule for the majority of the game.

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9 minutes ago, SadMoney said:

That's not how IVs work. 


The difference between a pokemon with 0 IVs in speed and 31 IVs in speed is exactly 31 at lvl 100.


You probably soft reset or catch 5-10 of each pokemon on your team to get decent IVs. That should take 5 mins tops. You should end up with 15 IVs in each stat on average. So that stat difference between a perfect IV pokemon will be miniscule for the majority of the game.

Hmm.. Maybe I was looking at EV calculations then.. It still is a pointless thing tho'.. And a 31 points difference is still a big thing..

Edited by MhicKy
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16 hours ago, MhicKy said:

I can only find the ones for V11 and it has some problems and crashes at some points, picking the Seviper Egg on Venam's Gym is an example of those..

I don't think one exists. You can turn it on, but it requires being able to edit the scripts of the game. Also, turning on debug mode that way currently causes an issue where if you soft reset the game it will corrupt your data file and you have to unpack it again. I wouldn't really recommend it unless you specifically want to set up specific runs or similar. And even then its probably easier to ask someone to trade you an alternative starter or whatever.


The big point of IVs aren't final stats, since outside of an outright competitive environment like Showdown (where you can just set all of this anyway), the only real use for IVs is your Hidden Power typing. Which means that for a physical attacker they're basically irrelevant. And hidden power in Rejuvenation just cares if the value is odd or even, not what it is (this is untrue is Pokemon Reborn which uses the old formula). So long as you aren't just actively using say a physical attacker with 0 Attack and Speed IVs there's pretty much no difference. I tend to aim for somewhere over 15 in every relevant stat for Pokemon I'm not going to use hidden power on. Going higher will technically give you a more powerful Pokemon, but the difference is miniscule. Because of that, the actual play difference between a party of absolutely perfect Pokemon and one you are likely to catch (again, so long as you don't just go with the worst IVs you can find) isn't really significant.


My general point is that making IVs always be 31 wouldn't really change much, but would have the downside of making hidden power pretty much completely useless outside of a Pokemon that really wants Hidden Power Fairy. Or the entire Hidden Power mechanic would need to be overhauled.



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6 hours ago, wcv said:

I don't think one exists. You can turn it on, but it requires being able to edit the scripts of the game. Also, turning on debug mode that way currently causes an issue where if you soft reset the game it will corrupt your data file and you have to unpack it again. I wouldn't really recommend it unless you specifically want to set up specific runs or similar. And even then its probably easier to ask someone to trade you an alternative starter or whatever.

Soft resetting does indeed crash the game and requires you to reinstall the game, but i've never had my save files corrupt. Also, there's online trading in this game? Thats kinda dope, how do I access it?

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23 minutes ago, Ravi Kabir said:

Soft resetting does indeed crash the game and requires you to reinstall the game, but i've never had my save files corrupt. Also, there's online trading in this game? Thats kinda dope, how do I access it?

Online trading is available in Reborn, not in Rejuvenation sadly. I think Jan also mentioned trading/online functions won't be a part of Rejuvenation. 

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1 hour ago, Ravi Kabir said:

i've never had my save files corrupt.

I was just talking about the game itself.


41 minutes ago, Nocturne93 said:

Online trading is available in Reborn, not in Rejuvenation sadly. I think Jan also mentioned trading/online functions won't be a part of Rejuvenation. 

Ah. I'll admit I never use online features, so had just thought there was.

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Either way..
There's also the issue if the debug mode will even work on v13.. In Reborn they changed the engine already in order to fix battle animations and compatibility with MAC and such so I assume Jan will do the same for v13 which means that the v11 debug mode might not work anymore anyways.. 

In this topic, I also don't like how the other EV training rooms are locked via keycards with the AP system.. Usually I spend a good chunk of time in the beginning just running around to completed Tired Feet achievement and battling Pokemons that give the EV I need to farm the Tall Grass Battle achievement just so I can get, at least, the Attack or S.Attack Room Keycard but at this point I am nitpicking since I am glad there's at least a easy way to farm EVs in Rejuv..

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1 hour ago, Alisae said:

To my knowledge, Jan doesn't want the debug mode to honestly exist tbh. If it doesn't work honestly its not his problem.

I know, hence why I was asking if anyone could make a mod to disregard IVs (or place every pokemon's IV to 31 by default) because I know Jan doesn't like people using debug mode, I myself feel uncomfortable using it but I do so I don't need to spend hours running back and forth in front of the daycare.. If all I needed to worry about was Nature and Ability that would cut a massive amoiunt of time.. 

I am not putting this on the shoulder of Jan, I know he doesn't want people using debug mode and I am not going to demand one from him, if I could I would make this mod myself but I no idea how to code so my only option is pleading someone that knows to do it for me "pretty please?" style.

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23 minutes ago, Baumina said:

So, I couldn't help but be a bit shocked when I saw that the sidequests progress-bar vanished from the progress board.

Does anyone know, what happened?


Jan and the dev team decided to split V13 into two releases, with the second release being "additional content", including almost all of the new sidequests.


That may be why.

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And even tho' he decided to split the content, v13 is still going to be the biggest version so far, just to put in perspective how massive this big boy is..

I believe the versions after it will be completed faster since this one had to include Gen8.. Assuming GameFreak doesn't add yet another DLC to SnS and add more Pokemons that is.. (I really hate SnS tho')

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2 hours ago, Tikkit said:

I'd be more worried about more megas being added/regional variants from the next remakes if anything. I say megas because any new Gigantamax variant will be implemented as a mega regardless.

I just don't want any new weird gimmicks, we already had megas and z-moves, there was no need for dynamax to exist.. It's just making things complicated.. The reason why I hate SnS is exactly because of that, there's no megas or z-moves there, just dynamax, how is it going to work on Gen9? Are the megas coming back or is it still going to be dynamax? Or aare they going to implement yet another gimmick and erase those two?

I don't dislike megas, I actually like them, z-moves? I am indifferent towards them, don't like them nor hate them mostly cuz I don't like the implementation of them but they are balanced in the sense that you need an item and can only be used once but dynamax is just a weird fusion between megas and z-moves for 3 turns, no items required, any pokemon can do it.. About regional variants I like them because it make sense in a Darwinian sense in which certain species become different over time based on their habitat and I like some of them too, yeah, it's just doing the same pokemon again with a different color paint but as long as it makes sense and it's interesting I am in

That's why I am fully supporting Jan's decision to make dynamax into mega variantions on Rejuvenation because, in my point of view, that's what they should had done in the first place instead of creating yet another new gimmick.. I am afraid for Gen9..

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On 1/29/2021 at 7:46 PM, MhicKy said:

I just don't want any new weird gimmicks, we already had megas and z-moves, there was no need for dynamax to exist.. It's just making things complicated.. The reason why I hate SnS is exactly because of that, there's no megas or z-moves there, just dynamax, how is it going to work on Gen9? Are the megas coming back or is it still going to be dynamax? Or aare they going to implement yet another gimmick and erase those two?

I don't dislike megas, I actually like them, z-moves? I am indifferent towards them, don't like them nor hate them mostly cuz I don't like the implementation of them but they are balanced in the sense that you need an item and can only be used once but dynamax is just a weird fusion between megas and z-moves for 3 turns, no items required, any pokemon can do it.. About regional variants I like them because it make sense in a Darwinian sense in which certain species become different over time based on their habitat and I like some of them too, yeah, it's just doing the same pokemon again with a different color paint but as long as it makes sense and it's interesting I am in

That's why I am fully supporting Jan's decision to make dynamax into mega variantions on Rejuvenation because, in my point of view, that's what they should had done in the first place instead of creating yet another new gimmick.. I am afraid for Gen9..

I'm going to go from bottom to top here because that's how I like addressing points.


Jan is probably doing that mostly because it would be simpler to just address Gigantimaxes as custom megas instead of doing an entirely new thing for them separate from megas. Which makes sense for a fan game, but could probably be done better together with the budget of a big Pokemon title.


I do personally hate the execution of megas, mostly because they gave them to already great Pokemon instead of just to Pokemon who could actually use the stat boost to catch up. Z-Moves are... Eh, I find them inoffensive too. But I actually like Gigantimax, and how its not arbitrarily exclusive to just a few Pokemon.


As for Gen 9? Honestly, as long as the game itself and the new Pokemon/Variants are good I don't care if they implement some dumb gimmick in order to mix up the formula.

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On 1/31/2021 at 6:44 AM, Tikkit said:

I'm going to go from bottom to top here because that's how I like addressing points.


Jan is probably doing that mostly because it would be simpler to just address Gigantimaxes as custom megas instead of doing an entirely new thing for them separate from megas. Which makes sense for a fan game, but could probably be done better together with the budget of a big Pokemon title.


I do personally hate the execution of megas, mostly because they gave them to already great Pokemon instead of just to Pokemon who could actually use the stat boost to catch up. Z-Moves are... Eh, I find them inoffensive too. But I actually like Gigantimax, and how its not arbitrarily exclusive to just a few Pokemon.


As for Gen 9? Honestly, as long as the game itself and the new Pokemon/Variants are good I don't care if they implement some dumb gimmick in order to mix up the formula.

I hope they won't add another mechanic like dynamax to gen 9..but looking back at past games.. They might do it... The main talks these days are about the DP Remake. What if they add new megas?

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  • 4 weeks later...
1 hour ago, enderowl said:

For some reason, it feels like the progress bar went up just about a small percentage the last time I checked.  Or maybe it has been at 86% for a while and I was thinking it was a different number that was still in the 80%.

It was 80%, then it went up to 85% and now it's been on 86% for a while.
I still check this bar everyday just in case so I know it did go up but it been stuck in there for some time now.

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On 2/26/2021 at 7:13 AM, MhicKy said:

It was 80%, then it went up to 85% and now it's been on 86% for a while.
I still check this bar everyday just in case so I know it did go up but it been stuck in there for some time now.


do you know if it need to go up to 100?

or because V13 part 2 it's not.

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42 minutes ago, gilam said:


do you know if it need to go up to 100?

or because V13 part 2 it's not.

I'm sorry. What...?


Are you trying to ask them "How do you know if it needs to go up to 100%? It's not even part 2."? Yeah, it's not part 2. But when part 1 is done they're going to release it. And then when they're ready they will work on part 2. We shouldn't rush things.

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