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Nidoran F



is it possible to pass down Flamethrower/Thunderbolt/Ice Beam to a Nidoran F via Chain-Breeding?

EDIT: Also read that there's an "Ability Bug" with Sheer Force/Hustle. Can someone shed some light to what that means?

Edited by EnkiAO
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umm I don't think so about those moves, I'm checking the learnable egg moves on bulbapedia and none of them are their.

About the ability bug hustles OUT of battle ability isn't working properly and I don't think sheer force works at all (and I'm pretty sure there's a bug with getting dw like sheer force anyway)

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hmm... I always thought learnable TM moves were passed down from father Pokemon to female.

Thanks for cleaning up the confusion, btw. :) Will have to find a replacement for my awesome Gladiator (Nidoking) I had in mind. =(

Maybe Garbage-Man Aka Mr. Biggles...

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You can get a Nidoran ♂ or ♀ with Ice Beam/ Thunderbolt but not Flamethrower, because the Nidoran ♂ and ♀ first evolutions can't learn it via TM. But you'll have to chain breed to get these, so good luck!

Edited by Soysauce
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The bulbapedia list is not 100% accurate to this game ShatteredSkys. Any move that is learnable as a TM can be passed down from the father even if it wasn't taught the move via TM but learned naturally. I recently posted asking about the same thing and found that out and tried it already. Yet to test this personally but i'm under the impression you can chainbreed TM learnable moves repeatedly from rumours i've heard.
For example EQ is not available as a TM move in game yet but i bred my level 39 Geodude M with my crustle F and got myself an EQ crustle. Heard i guy took it one step further and bred an EQ dwebble with Trapinch?

To get the moves you want Enkiao it's gonna take a bit of effort and you have to plan alot.

For nidoran with those moves you could get the Flamethrower off Vulpix, Growlithe, Heatmor or Charmander if you have it.

Thunderbolt use Pikachu.
Icebeam you will have to chain breed like crazy as only remoraid, vaniluxe & Cryonagal and they are all in very different egg groups. recomend going Remoraid to Swampert to produce Mudkip with Ice beam then breeding that with Nidoran.
Curious to see how you go and good luck!

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The bulbapedia list is not 100% accurate to this game ShatteredSkys. Any move that is learnable as a TM can be passed down from the father even if it wasn't taught the move via TM but learned naturally. I recently posted asking about the same thing and found that out and tried it already. Yet to test this personally but i'm under the impression you can chainbreed TM learnable moves repeatedly from rumours i've heard.

For example EQ is not available as a TM move in game yet but i bred my level 39 Geodude M with my crustle F and got myself an EQ crustle. Heard i guy took it one step further and bred an EQ dwebble with Trapinch?

To get the moves you want Enkiao it's gonna take a bit of effort and you have to plan alot.

For nidoran with those moves you could get the Flamethrower off Vulpix, Growlithe, Heatmor or Charmander if you have it.

Thunderbolt use Pikachu.

Icebeam you will have to chain breed like crazy as only remoraid, vaniluxe & Cryonagal and they are all in very different egg groups. recomend going Remoraid to Swampert to produce Mudkip with Ice beam then breeding that with Nidoran.

Curious to see how you go and good luck!

Oh never knew you could do that, my bad than.

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