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3rd gym


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If you REALLY can't take out the crobat try training a gravler or boldore with sturdy they should be able to live and hit hard with a rock type move only do this if you can't kill the crobat. Make sure to bring a poison type to clear his toxic spike his trubbish will set up. But once you train you shouldn't have that much trouble with anything else but haunter and crobat.

whats his pokes lvs

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Dude, do the thing that I did, after training a little bit, save before the battle agaisnt Corey, and then watch how he's strategy is, if you fail to defeat some of his poke-men, reset and try to look for some pokemon like Geoude, Graveler or Boldore with Sturdy to defeat his Crobat like Sky said, and then try to improve your strategy with your pshcyic types, he's not too difficult to defeat though, so I think you'll be ok. :T

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Dude, do the thing that I did, after training a little bit, save before the battle agaisnt Corey, and then watch how he's strategy is, if you fail to defeat some of his poke-men, reset and try to look for some pokemon like Geoude, Graveler or Boldore with Sturdy to defeat his Crobat like Sky said, and then try to improve your strategy with your pshcyic types, he's not too difficult to defeat though, so I think you'll be ok. :T

welll if i can survive until i get to his bat gardivoir should beat it with psychic attacks and charge beam

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