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As a Xenoblade Chronicles fan, this recent Direct made me feel happy inside.


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First of all, Xenoblade Chronicles definitive edition. I already have the game on the 3DS, but I'm still picking it up. It looks beautiful. Fiora looks prettier with these graphics.


And with the announcement of more DLC characters, Rex's chances of being in Smash just skyrocketed. He was a prime candidate that didn't make it in because he came too late. But now he has another shot. I'm glad I never lost my faith in him.


All we got as consolation in Sword and Shield... was better customization options and a cooking minigame. I probably can't make my character look like Alice Winthrop or Legacy Axel. So who really cares? This is not enough to get me to consider spending money on this game.


Witcher 3 looks nice. I wouldn't have thought that Nintendo would ever allow the publishing of such graphic sex scenes in their children's video game console, but I'm wrong about a lot of things. Not that I’m complaining, because I’m not.


Also, Overwatch came to Switch a few years too late for me to care.


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