Nue Posted September 5, 2019 Share Posted September 5, 2019 So, I hunted each encounter area before the first gym for one Shiny Pokemon with a decent IV line so I'm not there for days hunting got every shiny I can get in the areas (AKA at least 10 in the attacking defenses speed and hp. But I usually don't mind if they fail an attacking stat they don't use or a Speed stat on a trick room or Gyro Ball user IF I get one in a hunt. EX: A Physical attacker can have zero in its Sp. Attack stat). Basically each place you can get an encounter such as the Alleys and Seacrest's garden. After about 3 days of shiny hunting all the events and available areas I decided to use these shinies since I feel I can use them later down the line. I have a Woobat cause I count them as static since they respawn when you renter the railnet. Chimchar is my starter and lady luck decided I could have a decent Naive nature one with a amazing stat line for a mixed attacker (I plan on giving him Grass Knot for Swamperts/Ground Types). I honestly just randomly shiny hunted the starters from the ones I really like (Aka mostly Fire starters besides Cyndaquil due to a small movepool and Tepig who I'd honestly make into bacon if could with Rowlet, Snivy Mudkip and Turtwig. and he was the first to show up with busted ivs while all the others had like 3 and 4 in their main attack stat. Pachirisu is there due to Pick-Up (Sigh mine currently has Run Away but that's what Capsules are for). These are the other shinies I don't think would be able to stand in higher tier battles BUT feel free to tell me if I'm overlooking something cause I may be forgetting something about them. They all have good stats and I MAY add Trubbish but he has Stench at the moment and would be a pain to grind up since it lowers encounters. I know there will be trainers in the grand hall you can train on so I may add him when I can grind off them instead of wild mons. And just to say I can't stand fishing encounters since I have to disable speed up since they ALWAYS get away when its on so Goldeen was a massive pain to get from the small pool (I honestly wanted Finnion but all the shiny ones I got failed horribly. I'm talking zero across the board). I know event mons are tied to the weather/Gym Badges and it is currently raining in my game and I have searched EVERYWHERE on the map and haven't found any more yet. But feel free to leave any mons that I may have missed or how to get certain events to trigger if they need something (Someone told me I need honey to find Surkit in the fountain when its raining but I don't know if that's true and I have no honey at the moment). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zaqrwe Posted September 5, 2019 Share Posted September 5, 2019 For surskit it has to be raining or thunderstorm, and I'm pretty sure I've got it without honey.. pokasnax maybe, or nothing at all? If you manage to find Rose Incese(there is one you get In Lower Peridot Ward, after battle with someone I think) and then have clear or suny day, give incense to your firts party mon, go along the railroad towards the desert entrance and when you'll see the Lapis Ward flower shop at your right, there should be budew. During thunderstorm night when you got into Lower Peridot Ward's back alley, there will be Tynamo. Blitzie will be near Julia's Gym during Thunderstorm too. And there is Teddiursa hide and seek game, but it's high possibility that it is bugged and you can't finish this event. And in Seacrest's Garden you can try to catch some more, there is grass with some grass/bug mons, eg, cherrim and headbut tree(burmy, pineco and combee) also in here. And you can fish grimer with old rod in any place you can fish in tainted water across the city. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nue Posted September 7, 2019 Author Share Posted September 7, 2019 (edited) So, here are some new shinies I hunted out. First is one of my favorite shinies so far, Blitzle. He also goes into the Hall of Consent Failing IVs Just To Waste My Time. He also almost swept Juila but her Plusle had Lightning Rod (My Blitzle only had Shock Wave at the time and I stacked Charge before using it) and Eletrode's Sonicboom hadn't beaten it. The thunderstorm stopped when I put him into the PC since the weather stays the same until you walk into a building and my party was full at the time. Onix, one of the easiest shinies I've gotten in the game so far. He failed speed but I'll just put Gyro Ball on him. Now the most annoying pokemon I've shiny hunted in the game so far. She's the first shiny I got and I stuck with it since I'll most likely replace her down the line if I need a fairy-type but she's still useful at this stage. I must have done the puzzle over a hundred times and could most likely do it in my sleep by now but I finally got this shiny. Just got this in the slums and it passed my IV limit but I feel the RNG gods are still laughing like I did upon seeing it. Still one of the worst Region birds ever. Edited September 7, 2019 by Nue New Shiny Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zaqrwe Posted September 7, 2019 Share Posted September 7, 2019 I like this Blitzie Btw, if getting right weather is too much a problem to find various event pokemons, there was a mod pack, and one of them allows you to choose weather. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nue Posted September 7, 2019 Author Share Posted September 7, 2019 (edited) On 9/7/2019 at 9:02 AM, zaqrwe said: I like this Blitzie Btw, if getting right weather is too much a problem to find various event pokemons, there was a mod pack, and one of them allows you to choose weather. Expand Well may try it out when my internet speed becomes fast again but I think the Teddirusa quest bugged out so I have to rehunt the Budew I got early since I'm using a backup file and like an idiot didn't save before starting the quest and saved in the middle of it. Edited September 7, 2019 by Nue Rehunting Budew Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nue Posted September 8, 2019 Author Share Posted September 8, 2019 (edited) So, rehunted Budew (to fix the Teddy bug that happen in that save) and got this one after about an hour. Got lucky and got a Bold nature one. So, my Pachirisu picked up Choco Ice Cream so I went to shiny hunt Vanillite and after around two hours of near zero shinies I got this girl. Edited September 8, 2019 by Nue New Shiny Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nue Posted September 10, 2019 Author Share Posted September 10, 2019 So, got the Carol Ward Shiny encounters and it took 3 DAYS of off and on fishing to finally get a decent IV Grimer. So here they are! 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nue Posted September 12, 2019 Author Share Posted September 12, 2019 My first reject shiny cause to be honest I AM NEVER USING THIS THING. I shiny hunted it on pure principle of the run. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zaqrwe Posted September 14, 2019 Share Posted September 14, 2019 I must confess, shiny run gets way easier when you'll get the shiny charm.. Now I have all my team shiny and I'm bumping into shinies in the wild pretty often I think I've got about 150 in total Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nue Posted September 28, 2019 Author Share Posted September 28, 2019 (edited) So, BIG UPDATE INCOMING. I know its been days (IRL stuff and Shinies not wanting to having good IVs when I have time to hunt). So, here are all the Shinies I am currently using (EVs are crazy but will be fixed along with natures when I have the money). Rotation Team: Others I MAY use later on or may just evolve them cause I do wanna see what their shinies look like in this game: Pickup Pokemon (Honestly only in party during Grinding): Just caught these guys: Now this one almost had me fall out of my chair. In fact I'll post the catch information just to show I didn't breed it cause I don't know how to hack this game without breaking it (Sorry only have my word so believe me or not). Here's the catch information. Anyone else gotten this lucky before? (I know its not a very good rock type but MAN these stats). I had a Bellsprout from the area I caught this guy but I got better one in Onyx with better stats so I rehunted it. Edited September 28, 2019 by Nue New Shinies Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Urist_Imiknorris Posted September 28, 2019 Share Posted September 28, 2019 Pokemon that can't breed get three perfect IVs guaranteed. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zaqrwe Posted September 28, 2019 Share Posted September 28, 2019 On 9/28/2019 at 9:51 PM, Urist_Imiknorris said: Pokemon that can't breed get three perfect IVs guaranteed. Expand It's not exactly true. All baby pokemons catched in the wild get 3 perfect IVs, legendaries too. And for some reason Corey's Nidorina always has 3 perfect IVs also. But it's not applied to all genderless pokemons. For example beldum, golurk, klinks(plural) I caught didn't have any perfect IVs, these are totally random. @Nue, I'm guessing Chimchar was your starter? Actually I didn't see shiny chimchar on my playthrough and it looks cool munma also looks good, but Lotad is my favourite, his hat reminds me of my country flag, colors are exactly the same xD Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Urist_Imiknorris Posted September 28, 2019 Share Posted September 28, 2019 Most genderless pokemon can still breed, thanks to Ditto. As for Nidorina and Nidoqueen, I have no idea why they can't breed, but they can't in the main games either (yet female Nidoran can - it's strange). 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nue Posted September 29, 2019 Author Share Posted September 29, 2019 On 9/28/2019 at 10:06 PM, zaqrwe said: It's not exactly true. All baby pokemons catched in the wild get 3 perfect IVs, legendaries too. And for some reason Corey's Nidorina always has 3 perfect IVs also. But it's not applied to all genderless pokemons. For example beldum, golurk, klinks(plural) I caught didn't have any perfect IVs, these are totally random. @Nue, I'm guessing Chimchar was your starter? Actually I didn't see shiny chimchar on my playthrough and it looks cool munma also looks good, but Lotad is my favourite, his hat reminds me of my country flag, colors are exactly the same xD Expand @zaqrweYep, Chimchar is my starter. Got lucky and it was Naive so going for Mixed. Didn't know about the Baby Pokemon IV thing thought the others I had was cause of them being events. Lombre is a reference to Miror B from Pokemon XD. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nue Posted September 30, 2019 Author Share Posted September 30, 2019 (edited) K got a few more now. Now that I have a got group of mons of different types I've decided not to hunt one mon per area but I still hunt event mons. I still catch any shiny I see though. Also tried to hunt down a Sunflora for a trade but guess they're not out during intense sun but I did randomly run into this guy. So gave Beelzebuzz his nickname as a joke then it evolved into this. Edited September 30, 2019 by Nue Ironic Evo Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zaqrwe Posted October 1, 2019 Share Posted October 1, 2019 Sunflora can be encountered only in the morning if I remember correctly. And yes, shiny Vivilion looks super cool in Reborn Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nue Posted October 4, 2019 Author Share Posted October 4, 2019 Thanks to the mining kit I actually have money to fix/train my mons correctly. I'll mostly only train a handful of mons at the moment and expand from there. Here's my starter. He's going to be a mixed attacker later on since he's Naive and has decent IVs. Just finished training this girl. I have never hated EV a rasing Sp. Atk mon before. About an hour into raising it I remembered power ankles and had just enough to buy one from the market cause only Sp. Atk giving mon being an Oddish at the moment. I plan to use Own Tempo/Petal Dance since I can switch out mid battle. I love power braclets/anklets. \ So had just enough to fix my little demon bug. Waiting on Flare Blitz before I evolve her. Waiting on Thunderbolt. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nue Posted October 7, 2019 Author Share Posted October 7, 2019 So thought my Teddiursa quest bugged out since I searched the entire ward and couldn't find it then got clear weather again as I was going to shiny hunt Croagunk and guess who was next to fountain...the one spot I forgot to check last time. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nue Posted October 8, 2019 Author Share Posted October 8, 2019 So here are some shiny event mons I got while shiny hunting. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nue Posted October 11, 2019 Author Share Posted October 11, 2019 One of my most favorite shinies so far. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nue Posted October 11, 2019 Author Share Posted October 11, 2019 Just got this guy after about 2 hours of resetting and I wish his sp attack ivs and attack ivs would of swap places but I don't mind as long as they have at least 10 in their usable stats. Also, Flygon is like my 3rd favorite with Noivern being my 4th so I may switch them around as I play. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zaqrwe Posted October 11, 2019 Share Posted October 11, 2019 Yes, shiny Spiritomb looks amazing.. But Hydreigon is even better, I love its look since I first saw it.. And yeah.. I'm not training EVs Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nue Posted October 12, 2019 Author Share Posted October 12, 2019 On 10/11/2019 at 10:18 PM, zaqrwe said: Yes, shiny Spiritomb looks amazing.. But Hydreigon is even better, I love its look since I first saw it.. And yeah.. I'm not training EVs Expand Wow got to agree there, were did you find Deino at or is this breed/traded in?. Also just got this guy after about two hours of resetting with around 5 fails. Surge almost killed it with a critical and I had to set Legion in so it wouldn't knock itself out with Take Down (i was freaking at the critical cause I 100% thought it was going to use Take Down) . I actually like where its 31 IVs rolled since its going to be pure physical cause I heard its shinies are amazing. The first one I fought (and it failed due to zero attack/ def) literally used all my dusk balls, spare ultra ball and half my great balls so I had to get Flora from the PC to use sleep powder on it at one point but this one used like 5 dusk balls cause I was too scared of Take Down to send in Flora to put it to sleep. Oh here are some updated mons I evolved I'm using right now. I am slowly starting to fix their natures but its a very slow process. Rotation mons (Null is in them just haven't trained him up yet): I changed her name from Geo cause I honestly thought she was male for the longest time till I started to train her up for a gym lol. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zaqrwe Posted October 12, 2019 Share Posted October 12, 2019 Well, it is breeded, but not traded I breeded my own shiny team when I got Shiny Charm sadly you only can get Deino after being able to use Rock Climb, so after 16 gym badge. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Urist_Imiknorris Posted October 12, 2019 Share Posted October 12, 2019 Having spent about an hour shiny hunting Type: Null myself, I can confirm that Silvally's shiny sprites are amazing. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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