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Fello fellas, Krellian here!

Guys, the thing is: with EP. 19 getting close by the day (i hope soooo much!), i decided to rerun the game. But now i know so much about the game (which pokémons can we get before/after each gym, where to, how to) that i feel kinda lost with so many options.


In this rerun i've decided to: create a balanced team, with 3 physical attacker, 3 special attackers (they can be bulky, glass cannon, doesn't matter) and with no repeated types. But im strugling at choosing the types i want for the team!


So, long story short, i would like to know your opinion about which pokémon types you believe are essential for such team, which can be avoided, which caNOT and etc.

Thanks in advance for all replies and sorry for the broken english


PS: So far ive chosen these types: Fire (Arcanine; love that dog!), Water/Fairy (Primarina; new run, new starter) and Poison/Ground (Nidoking; like him a lot, but maybe not enough to be here forever)

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41 minutes ago, Krellian said:

Fello fellas, Krellian here!

Guys, the thing is: with EP. 19 getting close by the day (i hope soooo much!), i decided to rerun the game. But now i know so much about the game (which pokémons can we get before/after each gym, where to, how to) that i feel kinda lost with so many options.


In this rerun i've decided to: create a balanced team, with 3 physical attacker, 3 special attackers (they can be bulky, glass cannon, doesn't matter) and with no repeated types. But im strugling at choosing the types i want for the team!


So, long story short, i would like to know your opinion about which pokémon types you believe are essential for such team, which can be avoided, which caNOT and etc.

Thanks in advance for all replies and sorry for the broken english


PS: So far ive chosen these types: Fire (Arcanine; love that dog!), Water/Fairy (Primarina; new run, new starter) and Poison/Ground (Nidoking; like him a lot, but maybe not enough to be here forever)

A balanced team doesn't have to mean that it has a 3/3 ratio with special and physical attackers. It might as well be 4/2 or even 1/5. All you need is some support pokes and like 2 win conditions.

Start thinking about a damage dealer/winning condition first.

You could go OP straight away and choose the Tyranitar-excadrill combo. Assault Vest Ttar with Swords Dance excadrill will get you a lot of wins. Hop a defensive (mega-)scizor on it with U-turn and you have a quite powerfull team already with no repeated typings.

In my opinion Dark and Ghost type coverage on the same team is a waste of STAB cause they cover both the same types, in Ghost and Psychic.

You can now think of your second win condition, maybe a nasty plotter? Salazzle? Or if you want to put the work in for it, Naganadel.

You have 4 pokemon now on your team, the last step is just looking at your weaknesses.

You're weak to fighting types and ground types so a Primarina would definitely benefit the team a lot!

Last but not least you could pick like a Stealth Rock setter or just something to go all out attacking with, what balances your team out more is up to you because i'm not testing it 😛  Maybe something like a Ferrothorn or a third win con in like Z-Clanging scales Kommo-o. Should be a lot of fun as well. Or just a screen setter in Espeon. Get rid of the dark, bug and ghost types with Ttar and scizor so you can set up screens with Espeon so you can sweep with your win cons in Salazzle or excadrill. Should work as well idk 😛.


Hope I helped you a bit and gave you some inspiration!

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Wow.... It actually did help a ton! I did think of excadrill, mega scizor and someone else (you mean a sand weather double right?) and i liked how it even managed to use my starter! 


Now, i have some questions about a few things:


1 - Instead of Stealth Rock, how about Toxic Spikes or Spikes? I could use a toxic spike / venoshock situation with, lets say, a Roserade? 🤔

2 - Since both Tyranitar and Primarina are considered "slow", how about putting a tricky room pokémon? (musharna, maybe)

3 - why assault vest? I dont get, Tyranitar already has 100 BP of Sp. Def

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1 hour ago, Krellian said:

Wow.... It actually did help a ton! I did think of excadrill, mega scizor and someone else (you mean a sand weather double right?) and i liked how it even managed to use my starter! 


Now, i have some questions about a few things:


1 - Instead of Stealth Rock, how about Toxic Spikes or Spikes? I could use a toxic spike / venoshock situation with, lets say, a Roserade? 🤔

2 - Since both Tyranitar and Primarina are considered "slow", how about putting a tricky room pokémon? (musharna, maybe)

3 - why assault vest? I dont get, Tyranitar already has 100 BP of Sp. Def

Well if you really want spikes I would go with a Chesnaught in your last slot. Your ground weakness is still very much a live and a poor physical defensive roserade won't help with that. And if you don't know the opponents team a t-spike is risky because he/she can just send out a poison type the next turn and your t-spike is gone. So i guess that a Chesnaught with spikes is a really good alternative.


Well you could indeed mess around with some trick room, but because you're running defensive scizor you want his U-turns to be slow otherwise the pokemon coming in has to take the hit.
A slow tyranitar with that much bulk and power isn't a problem as you will see later, you could run choice scarf primarina. Primarina is a popular mon to be choiced, either specs or scarf, both works. Depends on your match-up but isn't that always the case? 😛  You could ofcourse try it out, I would recommend Reuniclus as your Trick Room setter. Bulky, hits hard and gets calm mind.


True but you want to exploid the strong sides of your pokemon. You want him to live as much hits as possible as a special wall to be a thread with his physical power.

For example;

Tyranitar @ Assault Vest
Careful Nature
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 224 HP / 32 Atk / 252 SpD
- Rock Slide
- Crunch
- Pursuit
- Earthquake


This set lives 2 specs hydro pumps of Greninja and KO's him with 2 Earthquakes or Rock slides.
252 SpA Choice Specs Greninja Hydro Pump vs. 224 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Tyranitar in Sand: 150-176 (37.7 - 44.3%) 

32 Atk Tyranitar Rock Slide vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Greninja: 147-174 (51.5 - 61%)

And the more it lives the more satisfying it gets for me at least ^^


You could run smooth rock ofcourse to give your excadrill more turns, but could damage the rest of your team as well. Or you could even make it banded or something, but again that's just really your choice what you personally prefer the most 🙂 

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1 hour ago, N1Dude said:

Well if you really want spikes I would go with a Chesnaught in your last slot. Your ground weakness is still very much a live and a poor physical defensive roserade won't help with that. And if you don't know the opponents team a t-spike is risky because he/she can just send out a poison type the next turn and your t-spike is gone. So i guess that a Chesnaught with spikes is a really good alternative.


Well you could indeed mess around with some trick room, but because you're running defensive scizor you want his U-turns to be slow otherwise the pokemon coming in has to take the hit.
A slow tyranitar with that much bulk and power isn't a problem as you will see later, you could run choice scarf primarina. Primarina is a popular mon to be choiced, either specs or scarf, both works. Depends on your match-up but isn't that always the case? 😛  You could ofcourse try it out, I would recommend Reuniclus as your Trick Room setter. Bulky, hits hard and gets calm mind.


True but you want to exploid the strong sides of your pokemon. You want him to live as much hits as possible as a special wall to be a thread with his physical power.

For example;

Tyranitar @ Assault Vest
Careful Nature
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 224 HP / 32 Atk / 252 SpD
- Rock Slide
- Crunch
- Pursuit
- Earthquake


This set lives 2 specs hydro pumps of Greninja and KO's him with 2 Earthquakes or Rock slides.
252 SpA Choice Specs Greninja Hydro Pump vs. 224 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Tyranitar in Sand: 150-176 (37.7 - 44.3%) 

32 Atk Tyranitar Rock Slide vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Greninja: 147-174 (51.5 - 61%)

And the more it lives the more satisfying it gets for me at least ^^


You could run smooth rock ofcourse to give your excadrill more turns, but could damage the rest of your team as well. Or you could even make it banded or something, but again that's just really your choice what you personally prefer the most 🙂 

Thanks a lot man! I'll think on the options i have, i may also drop in the "Rate my team" so you can see how did it ended up.

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1 hour ago, Krellian said:

Thanks a lot man! I'll think on the options i have, i may also drop in the "Rate my team" so you can see how did it ended up.

No worries!

You can always just drop it here if you still have questions or if you want to show it and if you want advice with novesets and EV spreads or something 🙂


but I was thinking of something like this


Tyranitar @ Assault Vest  
Ability: Sand Stream  
EVs: 224 HP / 32 Atk / 252 SpD  
Careful Nature  
- Earthquake  
- Pursuit  
- Crunch  
- Rock Slide  


Excadrill @ Life Orb  
Ability: Sand Rush  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Adamant Nature  
- Swords Dance  
- Earthquake  
- Rock Slide  
- Iron Head  


Scizor-Mega @ Scizorite  
Ability: Technician  
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def  
Impish Nature  
- U-turn  
- Bullet Punch  
- Knock Off  
- Roost  


Chesnaught @ Leftovers  
Ability: Bulletproof  
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def  
Impish Nature  
- Spikes  
- Synthesis  
- Drain Punch  
- Wood Hammer  


Primarina @ Choice Scarf  
Ability: Torrent  
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Modest Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Hydro Pump  
- Moonblast  
- Sparkling Aria  
- Psychic  


Salazzle (F) @ Life Orb  
Ability: Oblivious  
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Fire Blast  
- Sludge Wave  
- Nasty Plot  
- Substitute  

4 physical attackers 2 special

3 defensive mons 3 attacking, win cons

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6 hours ago, doombotmecha said:

@N1Dude Just wanted to drop by and say thanks for all of this. As someone who never truly understood competitive Pokemon, putting it in these terms helped me "get" team composition a lot better.

No problem man!

I really like to help the people in need 🙂


But you should really thank;




And if you want to get more into the competitive scene;



This man taught me everything I know.

He explains his thinkingproces during battles very clearly, builds teams very precisely and I'm sure he will help you guys a lot! I'll recommend you guys to watch his latest Delcatty video.

In this video he picks a random pokemon, then builds a team around it and then brings it to OU-tier. You really should check it out for yourself, very inspiring.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/5/2019 at 9:20 AM, N1Dude said:

A balanced team doesn't have to mean that it has a 3/3 ratio with special and physical attackers. It might as well be 4/2 or even 1/5. All you need is some support pokes and like 2 win conditions.

Start thinking about a damage dealer/winning condition first.

You could go OP straight away and choose the Tyranitar-excadrill combo. Assault Vest Ttar with Swords Dance excadrill will get you a lot of wins. Hop a defensive (mega-)scizor on it with U-turn and you have a quite powerfull team already with no repeated typings.

In my opinion Dark and Ghost type coverage on the same team is a waste of STAB cause they cover both the same types, in Ghost and Psychic.

You can now think of your second win condition, maybe a nasty plotter? Salazzle? Or if you want to put the work in for it, Naganadel.

You have 4 pokemon now on your team, the last step is just looking at your weaknesses.

You're weak to fighting types and ground types so a Primarina would definitely benefit the team a lot!

Last but not least you could pick like a Stealth Rock setter or just something to go all out attacking with, what balances your team out more is up to you because i'm not testing it 😛  Maybe something like a Ferrothorn or a third win con in like Z-Clanging scales Kommo-o. Should be a lot of fun as well. Or just a screen setter in Espeon. Get rid of the dark, bug and ghost types with Ttar and scizor so you can set up screens with Espeon so you can sweep with your win cons in Salazzle or excadrill. Should work as well idk 😛.


Hope I helped you a bit and gave you some inspiration!

Just going to throw this out there briefly... Excadrill is Ground/Steel. Scizor is Bug/Steel There is a repeated steel type in the first three mons you recommended lol. Powerful combo for sure, but just wanted to make that clear.

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Honestly, get yourself a Multiscale Dragonite for your flyer, then grab yourself Metagross. Lastly, I'd recommend something that can change the weather for you. I used a Hippowdon which came in clutch as a stealth rock setter and immediate weather swap, but you already have yourself a ground type. You could try Abomasnow or Aurorus.

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