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Getting frustrated


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I really liked this game to start off with, and I still do, I really want to like it like I did at the start, but the difficulty is asinine! I've literally spent  two hours trying to beat the Lapis gym because the AI spams attacks and the game's mechanics are generally so unbalanced. I don't know if it's supposed to be ridiculously difficult or if it's just been too long since I've played Pokemon, but it's a little insane to give gym leaders six pokemon if they're all going to be so close to the player's level cap. I've had to resort to reloading the game every time the slightest thing goes wrong because if I'm not perfect, I'm not going to win the fight.  If anyone has any suggestions on what to do, I'd gladly take them, I'm just sick of dreading the next boss fight because I know it'll take me three hours to prepare for it.

I really just want to enjoy the game and the story and atmosphere, but these insane boss battles are sucking all of the fun out of it. I'm at the point where I feel like im never going to be able to progress past this gym because my pokemon get one shot by that stupid Anorith and I don't have any pokemon that can combat it. Like, I get that it's realistic, a Gym Leader shouldn't be a walk in the park to beat, but it shouldn't be IMPOSSIBLE either, and that's where I'm at right now.

Also I realized I put this in the wrong category but I don't know how to change it and it's probably really obvious but I'm just so frustrated that I'm not thinking clearly enough to find it

Edited by Clutterfunky
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It's definitely a system shock for people who haven't played in a while or don't have experience with more difficult pokemon games, but I promise it's very doable. Hard pokemon may just not be for you though, so don't force it too much. 


The biggest thing for making battles is counters. you can read the full effects of the terrain and work out ways to turn it to your advantage, as well as tune your team to have a better advantage against the leaders type, or even try to counter specific pokemon that are giving you trouble.

For Shelly in particular, one example would be using a pokemon with fake out (say persian for example) to prevent Illumise from setting up the rain, then transform the forest into a burning field with something like flame burst or lava plume. but there's many different pokemon and strategies that work. For what it's worth though, Shelly is generally recognised as one of the hardest leaders relative to the point in the game you fight her at. later on you have much more options to work with.


I'd recommend heading over to the mod market and picking up expscale from Aironfaars mod box, which lets you prevent yourself from going over the level cap, and then multiply your XP gain so that you can easily train up new pokemon to swap in for fights

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8 minutes ago, DreamblitzX said:

It's definitely a system shock for people who haven't played in a while or don't have experience with more difficult pokemon games, but I promise it's very doable. Hard pokemon may just not be for you though, so don't force it too much. 


The biggest thing for making battles is counters. you can read the full effects of the terrain and work out ways to turn it to your advantage, as well as tune your team to have a better advantage against the leaders type, or even try to counter specific pokemon that are giving you trouble.

For Shelly in particular, one example would be using a pokemon with fake out (say persian for example) to prevent Illumise from setting up the rain, then transform the forest into a burning field with something like flame burst or lava plume. but there's many different pokemon and strategies that work. For what it's worth though, Shelly is generally recognised as one of the hardest leaders relative to the point in the game you fight her at. later on you have much more options to work with.


I'd recommend heading over to the mod market and picking up expscale from Aironfaars mod box, which lets you prevent yourself from going over the level cap, and then multiply your XP gain so that you can easily train up new pokemon to swap in for fights

I was thinking about doing that with my Liepard but I didn't want to go all the way back to reteach it the move especially since its level is too low now, but I'll give it a shot, along with those mods, I appreciate it. I really don't want to stop playing it because it's too difficult, I'm really into the plot and everything so that's where most of my frustration was coming from; not just that I couldn't win but that I also couldn't progress the story.

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Reborn (and Rejuvenation) are known for having a ramped up difficulty compared to the child-friendly GF games. If this is your first time playing, you'll prolly encounter a lot of bosses that seem unbeatable, but if you keep trying you'll prolly feel berry satisfied when you beat them eventually 🙂 Subsequent runs of the game will feel easier because you'll already know what the bosses' teams are and the strats that work against them.

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You may want to try the following strategy for Shelly: 



Step 1: Catch an Espurr. You can find it in the Lapis Ward Alleyways, where the Aqua Gangs hideout is. Make sure your Espurr knows the move Fake Out.

Step 2: Bring at least one fire or flying type Pokémon. Make sure they have a strong attacking move.

Step 3: Bring any two Pokémon you want that can counter Araquanid and Anorith. Best pick is Ampharos, it counters both of them.

Step 4: Bring some healing items if you think you need it.


The fight:

Start with Espurr and one of your fire or flying types. Fake Out on Illumise, so it can't use Rain Dance, and make sure to KO it with your second mon on turn 1. As soon as Espurr goes down bring out Ampharos. Its Power Gem (learned at Lvl. 35) does great damage to all of Shellys Pokémon. Its Thunder Punch also makes dealing with Araquanid (her second Rain Dance user) an easy job.

While Espurr does not need to survive after using Fake Out, you should try to keep your other mons alive, especially Ampharos. People always say Shelly is difficult, but that's not really true. She only needs the right tactics to be dealt with.

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Generally speaking, every Gym in this game has a counter obtainable nearby. Having trouble with the Psychic Gym? There's a couple strong Bug Types nearby, one of which can even take advantage of the Gym Leader's strategy for itself. Stuck on the infamous Ice Gym? Their town happens to have the fossil restoration NPC, giving you long-awaited access to a host of Rock Types to work with. They aren't always so obvious, however, as Shogoki's ampharos vs. Shelly example points out, so be sure to keep an eye out on the pokemon you pick up along the way even if you don't plan on using them on your team. After all, you never know when that random shiny you caught three badges ago will prove to your ace in the hole~


A good piece of advice would be to take advantage of the fact that you get the Nature Power TM so early in the game. It'll turn into something that gets boosted by the current Filed Effect regardless of what it is, with just one extremely uncommon exception (read: you have to make that one yourself). This means that you'll always be able to lessen the gap the Field Effect creates between you and your foes, while simultaneously giving the pokemon access to valuable Type coverage in most situations. It can even yield some funny results sometimes! 

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You should always keep in mind that Pokémon Reborn is designed to be more challenging than the original Pokémon games. You should train a certain amount of different Pokémon, because you will need them. I'm not saying you should train 30+ Pokémon while still playing through the story, but at least somewhat between 10 and 15 Pokémon, so you can always swap around depending on your current needs.


Just like @Autumn Zephyr said, you will always find some useful Pokémon somewhere near the gym you are currently facing. The game may seem to be difficult at times, but it's never unfair, since there is always at least a few ways to counter any opponent blocking your way. The game even throws some very strong (but easily underestimated) Pokémon at you right before you even obtain your first 2 badges. One of my favorite examples is Caterpie. You can get it before the first gym, and once it evolves into Butterfree it will carry you a lot. It may be useless in the first gym, since that's an electric gym, but after that this little bug may be your trump card for a while.

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Leave the approach from the official games behind and enjoy the game: plan for the battle, start thinking outside of box, look for pokemon you normally wouldn't even consider useful. Dont get too attached to most of your pokemons too, some of them will be useful only for a certain part. On the other hand, nothing prevents you from brutal forcing your way and fighting fire with fire or finding a way with the team you had in mind at the very beggining.It depends only on your playstyle if you find this or that fight especially difficult. I always struggle with flying leader, Ciel, while few other considered much harder never made me trouble. Few times I beat a leader on the first try, which was meant to be a reconnaissance fight. Reborn indeed is difficult, but also satysfying. Maybe frustrating or even tedious in few moments, but not much.

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Git Gud



But in all honesty for all major bosses, I highly recommend studying the field effect manual (if you find the notes or just use the Reborn Wiki). Fields seem "rigged" at first, but the player can abuse them as much as the opponent can.


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A big big way to counter Shelly (and I think Narcissa in Rejuv) imo is to use your Rare Candies past the level cap for evolution. Most starters evolve at lvl36, but the CAP is 35; level up, then Common-Candy down, and you have a strong evolved starter instead of a measly 2nd-stage-evo. This applies to quite a few pokemon as well, so do some research!


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I think a -kind of- good thing of these games is that you can't just go throught them with a single (or a couple) of strong pokémon and that makes you rethink your strategy. As a result of that, going through the game with a single 6 pokémon team is very difficult because you'll have to to change your strategies to adapt to your foes. But, yeah, sometimes bosses can be a little op.

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