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How to train your Volcarona


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several months ago, I lucked out on the mystery egg sidequest and got Larvesta. Now, I'm grinding to get ready for Noel, and once I beat him, I can finally evolve my boy. I'm already pretty sure what moves he'll need (Quiver Dance, Fiery Dance for Samson, Signal Beam for Luna but Bug Buzz afterwards, and maybe a Recovery move like Morning Sun or an extra offensive option in Hidden Power) as well as EVs (252 SpA/4 SpD/252 Spe). So, my question is, what's the best place for me to get those EVs? Where do you all go to train special attackers before Radomus? and is there anything about this mon that I'm missing? Lastly, what do you think of team options for volcarona? My guess is that my prankster/dual screens Meowstic may be enough for now, but as Meowstic's actual stats fade into irrelevance, I'm looking for a stronger screens setter, and possibly a hazard setter to meake sweeping easier.


Thank you for your time.

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So what you wanna do for the speed ev's is to look for any of those woobat's dark circle spots. May take a bit to get there but at least you won't have to keep searching for 1 specific Pokemon to look for speed ev's. For the special attack ev's, you should probably listen to @Starry Knight above me to get those.

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Your last move could be Roost or Giga Drain ... but in Reborn double battles consider the mighty HEATWAVE.


The only good HP is HP Ground but it's for Heatran so no need. There is Psychic too but it's only useful against Toxapex ... There is Hurricane too if you use rain. Nah, run Heatwave, it's good.


As for EV training, the fastest way I know is to fight in this first area in the Underground Railnet. There are only Noibat and Woobat who give you Speed. Run the item that gives you Sp.Att EV (Power Lens) and then switch to the one that gives you Speed. Every battle will be useful.

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I'm currently in my ntienth run and also lucked out and got a larvesta. I saved rare candies to evolve it early and then lower it's level with common candies. Because this game is a bit forgiving when it comes to EV's and IV's, I also lucked out and got one with +25's in it's best stats, meaning no more breeding. Maybe if I have trouble with the endgame I'll try to get the "perfect" team but I just enjoy running w/e I haven't used before or a team oriented around fun members. For most hard battles, I use roserade for t.spikes and have a galvantula with sticky web as a fallback. I also plan on adding rocks to my Swampert set. For a setup Volcorna sweep, you can take a page out of common competitive battles from gen 5 and gen 7 and use a helping hand partner  in doubles to boost its already high damage to 100% 1-shot territory. Lucky for you if you have a dunsparce, you can get the tyrouge from the nature observation area to get a hitmontop and use that as an amazing helping hand partner. 

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The best way to EV train is Des Teto's. It's easy, fast, non randomized and you only need to heal if you run out of PP. I like the Obsidia entrance which has the Woobat spot right as you enter the stairs and you just need to leave and re enter to reset it! As for moves, dual STAB ofc, QD is a must and in last slot you could run either Giga Drain when you got access to it or Heat Wave for double battles and destroying Fields. Recovery moves are not needed since you have to breed for Morning Sun and Roost TM is too late, and cause healing items are superior in every way. Another underrated option is Substitute which let's you set up easier vs more passive mons and don't have to worry about hax!

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The best/easiest way to EV train any Pokémon who wants Speed + [other stat], in my opinion, is to use the Aqua Hideout alley in Lapis Ward. All the Pokémon there give Speed EVs, and you don't have to reset for dark spots or anything. So you start out with the other Power item (in this case Lens for SpAtk), and then switch to Anklet to finish off Speed.


For the moveset, like some others have suggested I would also strongly recommend Heat Wave. It is very good, considering double battles are some of the toughest in the game.

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