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Im really stuck at the Fiore mansion fights.


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Hell yeah, I did it. For anyone else struggeling with this fight, I cant recommend Walrain enough, it really helped out.



Hi everyone,

been playing Reborn for some time pretty casually and had fun with figuring out how to beat the hard fights, but Im at a point where I just cant figure out how to beat the Fiore mansion fights. After using google and the search function, it seems like I missed tons of good pokemon, items and important NPCs before I got trapped in Agathe Circus. I just dont know what pokemon to get (and where) and what to do with my pokemon.

Current lineup, all lvl 74(been switching alot, but thats what I tried the last time I went to Fiore mansion):
Mamoswine: Thick Fat; Strength, Earthquake, Blizzard, Ancient Power

Houndoom: Early Bird; Smog, Flamethrower, Foul Play, Crunch

Emolga: Motor Drive; Discharge, Acrobatics, Volt Switch, Shock Wave 

Forretress: Overcoat; Gyro Ball, Bug Bite, Protect, Spikes

Blaziken: Speed Boost: Blaze Kick, Sky Uppercut, Bulk Up, Rock Smash

Quagsire: Unaware; Earthquake, Waterfall, Surf, Amnesia


I normally try to set up Spikes, Toxic Spikes (Roselia) or do some other shenanigans in the first few turns (Really like Trick Room on my Bronzong). If I can I try to get Blaziken buffed with Bulk up, but that seems pretty hard in the double battles.

I switched Emolga for Ampharos a few times, but I really like Acrobatics, therefore Im currently going with Emolga. Houndoom isnt a favorite of mine for this battle, but Im not sure what else to use.


As I said, Im stuck in Agatha Circus. Pokemon mostly have bad natures, since I never had enough Heart Scales to change them. IVs are pretty meh for most of them (not sure if I can change those) and none have a proper EV training, since I dont think I can get anything to reset EVs at the moment. Dont expect me to have any items to equip on my pokemon, I didnt go explore too much, since I also wanted to progress the story.

Below are the other pokemon I have, any recommendations are appreciated

reborn 1.jpg

Edited by Fabi676
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if blaziken isnt cutting it outright, hawlucha is an option on route 2.  emolga should comfortably fry 3/6 of Blake's team. 


an ice type could help immensely with Fern and can take a good chunk off solaris and the orderly. if you have a Dawn Stone froslass works wonderfully if not then i think you can get spheal/sealeo in the mountain so walrein can be an asset. 


honestly between Mamoswine, froslass/walrein and blaziken/hawlucha you should have everything covered 

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Did you consider going back to Adventurine Forest and catching Joltik? If you put galvantula at first place and throw sticky web in first turn, it will be huge help on these battles, it should slow down enemy team enough to make most of your moves go first and eliminate at least one enemy before it moves each round.

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