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Chain breeding Eevee (Umbreon) with Toxic and/or Protect and/or Wish in Episode 9




So i was looking for an Umbreon with a combination of those three moves in Episode 9 and i figured that i can share what i figured out, even if it can be long. If you're looking for the 3 moves at the same time, skip to the end. For other combinations, scroll down little by little until you find what you like.

The same process can be applied to a lot of Pokemon as Toxic and Protect can be learnt by a huge amount of Pokemon. Or Taunt, Sunny Day, Rain Dance...

Toxic only

Stunky ♂ with Toxic (lvl 27) + Eevee ♀

=> Eevee with Toxic!

Wish only

1) Togetic ♂ with Wish (lvl 29 for Togepi and Togetic) + Skitty or Pikachu ♀ ( you cannot breed with Togepi)

=> Pichu/Skitty ♂ with Wish

2) Pikachu/ Skitty ♂ with Wish + Eevee ♀ (you cannot breed with Pichu)

=> Eevee with Wish !

Protect only

Torkoal ♂with Protect (lvl 36) + Eevee ♀

=> Eevee with Protect!

Protect + Toxic (straight forward and good results)

1) Torkoal ♂ with Protect (lvl 36) + Stunky ♀

=> Stunky ♂ with Protect

2) Level up this Stunky ♂ to lvl 27, it learns Toxic.

3) Stunky ♂ with Toxic and Protect + Eevee ♀

=> Eevee with Toxic and Protect

Protect + Wish (now it starts to get more complicated, as you have gender ratios)

1) Pelipper ♂ with Protect (lvl 25) + Togetic ♀ (you cannot breed with Togepi)

=> Togepi ♂ with Protect

2) Level up and evolve this Togepi♂ to Togetic ♂. At lvl 29, both can learn Wish.

3) Togetic ♂ with Protect and Wish + Skitty or Pikachu ♀ (again you cannot breed with Togepi)

=> Pichu/Skitty ♂ with Protect and Wish

4) Pikachu/ Skitty ♂ with Protect and Wish + Eevee ♀ (you cannot breed with Pichu)

=> Eevee with Protect and Wish !

Toxic + Wish (if for some reason you want that )

1) Stunky ♂ with Toxic (lvl 27) + Pachirisu ♀

=> Pachirisu ♂ with Toxic

2) Pachirisu ♂ with Toxic + Togetic ♀ (cannot breed with Togepi)

=> Togepi with Toxic

3) Level up and evolve this Togepi ♂ to Togetic ♂, both learn Wish at lvl 29.

4) Togetic ♂ with Toxic and Wish + Skitty or Pikachu ♀ (again you cannot breed with Togepi)

=> Pichu/Skitty ♂ with Toxic and Wish

5) Pikachu/ Skitty ♂ with Toxic and Wish + Eevee ♀ (you cannot breed with Pichu)

=> Eevee with Toxic and Wish !

Toxic + Protect + Wish (long chain breeding : switching between egg groups, not to mention the gender ratios...)

1) Foongus ♂ with Toxic (lvl 32) + Lotad ♀

=> Lotad ♂ with Toxic

2) Lotad ♂ with Toxic + Wingull ♀

=> Wingull ♂ with Toxic

3) Level up this Wingull and evolve to Pelipper at the regular level (25), it learns Protect (or use a heart scale) .

4) Pelipper ♂ with Protect and Toxic + Togetic ♀ (you cannot breed with Togepi)

=> Togepi ♂ with Protect and Toxic

5) Level up and evolve this Togepi♂ to Togetic ♂. At lvl 29, both can learn Wish.

6) Togetic ♂ with Protect and Toxic and Wish + Skitty or Pikachu ♀ ( again you cannot breed with Togepi)

=> Pichu/Skitty ♂ with Protect and Toxic and Wish

7) Pikachu/ Skitty ♂ with Protect and Toxic and Wish + Eevee ♀ (you cannot breed with Pichu)

=> Eevee with Protect and Toxic and Wish !! And you can breed other Pokemon with Toxic and Protect more easily as you still have those Pelipper and Pikachu/Skitty. =p

Warning : When you put your Pokemon in the daycare, make sure the moves you're interested in are not erased by leveling up. Meaning that you may want to level up your lvl 1 Pokemon to something higher so that you can control the moves it learns while getting eggs!

Finding the Pokemon that were mentioned

Please check out the Pokemon Location Guide on this part of the forums. =p

Good luck! Please tell me if sth goes wrong or can't work or you find sth better, i didn't finish the process yet.

Edited by Soysauce
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I definitely recommend doing this. My hyper offensive team struggled quite hard against Noel and his Clefable. Without Toxic stalling, it took me 20 minutes to take it down with a switch combo between Butterfree and Honchkrow. Long story short, I PP stalled it, and it KOed itself with Struggle (Honchkrow's Foul Play attack helped speed that process up). Honestly, I would like Toxic to teach to my Camerupt, but I don't know if the TM is actually available in the game yet.

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  On 8/14/2013 at 10:03 PM, Khayoz said:

My Umbreon does not need such trivialities. It sets up and squashes everyone with Curse + Payback :P

I don't have access to the game right now, but is there the TM for Payback in the game? I don't know how else you'd get payback on Umbreon. It's not an Eggmove. I'd like to get Curse+Payback+Moonlight+Toxic

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Protip: Instead of putting all the pokemon in to daycare as soon as they are ready to go (lvl 1 Lotad on my part) level them up to 30 or something instead just to avoid these elderly people remove the toxic (in my case) during pokémon's stay resulting no toxic for wingull.

And can't believe the pain getting female togepi out of egg caused, lol.

Edited by Chrattac
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Good. :-)

I almost broke apart after noticing the Wingull didn't have toxic due to having spend day and a half (not irl time) trying to hatch that female togepi (bad luck on my part). Also fml I apparently released the female lotad I had but luckily I had one spare egg from the earlier stage that happened to be male lotad (w/toxic) once hatched. Do far I haven't noticed any faults, but this chainbreeding stuff is kinda infuriating due to not being able to see which gender the hatching pokemon is (I think I managed to dig savefile code so I can tell which one is going to hatch, but that does no good since you have to save after receiving that egg anyway).

E: And many moments after here is the result for all this chainbreeding pain:


I am kinda happy now that it is over. And thanks for the hard research you did.

Now to headbutt the certain tree for additional lefties and EV train this thing to something like 252/0/252/0/4/0

And after that back to breeding business (unfortunately) Garbodor (learn Toxic) + Roggenrolla -> Roggenrolla w/Toxic (learn Sandstorm) + Dwebble -> Dwebble w/Toxic&Sandstorm -> Shuckle w/Toxic&Sandstorm -> Can't touch this.

Edited by Chrattac
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There's a pinned guide in the Team Showcase section with a link to E12 (where you can breed TMs), as well as general breeding stuff.

By the way, please refrain from necroposting from now on.

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