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The Seventh Street [Map]


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I noticed recently that there were a quite a few people having trouble with Seventh Street here and on reddit, so I threw this together. 


Let me know what you think and if I missed anything. 



Also a couple of notes-

I didn't include a lot of hidden items since the map already felt incredibly cluttered as is. The one rare candy I put on there is many since you get one opportunity to grab it.

I didn't add the final spot for Bennett since I figure that the cutscene after entering the watering hole should make it clear where to go next.


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6 hours ago, smeargletail said:

cool map hope none of this gets changed come ep19. The text is kinda hard to read with the magma and aqua list although personally I have a harder time reading the magma one but, that might just be me

It's probably because it's a slightly darker version of the same colour so I agree with that.


Yeah hope you have them all in one topic or something (like just a link to em all or whatever). I like seeing these maps too

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18 hours ago, smeargletail said:

cool map hope none of this gets changed come ep19. The text is kinda hard to read with the magma and aqua list although personally I have a harder time reading the magma one but, that might just be me


13 hours ago, DreamblitzX said:

Do you have any plans to have some kind of collection of all these maps in one place? (maybe linked in your signature). I really like them!


12 hours ago, Abyssreaper99 said:

It's probably because it's a slightly darker version of the same colour so I agree with that.


Yeah hope you have them all in one topic or something (like just a link to em all or whatever). I like seeing these maps too



Yeah, I went ahead and changed the font to plain Arial and tossed the backgrounds. Functionality over form any time. To be honest, I even had a hard time reading it myself, but I was probably too tired when I finished up to realize. I'm sure that eventually I can find a way to make it look much nicer without making everyone's eyes bleed when trying to read it. 


I'm not too worried about E19 changes when it comes to the maps. I have all the PSD files, it wouldn't take much to edit in minor tweaks here and there. 


I'll see what I can do about that. Organizing them all in one topic would probably be really nice that way people could find them easily if they're searching for them. 

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