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EVs for Building Unaware Stored Power Clefable for Terra


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Basically, I've figured out that while Terra makes use of unaware, she has no way to deal with it herself. So the build so far is:


Clefable@Synthetic Seed


Cosmic Power

Lucky Chant

Stored Power


252 spdef, 252 ???, 4 ???


I'm also intending to support it with

Scolipede@Synthetic Seed

Speed Boost

Iron Defense

Baton Pass


(Flex Slot)

252 speed, 252 ???, 4 ???


If I use Iron Defense turn 1 and baton Pass turn 2, with luck Nidoking will boost turn one and scolipede never takes a hit. The first mon of mine to get attacked is a +4 def +2 spdef +1 speed unaware Clefable, who cannot be crit, and who can from there boost up to +6 +6 +1 and take over the match with a field-boosted stored power. As for why I'm going this far, the answer is simple: I want to beat Terra at her own game, and my team rn is.....not the best suited to that.


So, my questions are:

1. What are the best EVs for these two? Scolipede is mostly just going to pass boosts this run, but they need to do that as reliably as possible, and Clefable mostly just needs to live long enough to take over. I guess that 252 spdef would ensure max damage, but should I go HP or Def on Clef in order to best weather her physical mons?


Finally, are there any holes in this evil scheme of mine? Is there anything else that can go wrong here?


Thank you for your time.


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For clefable, I'd say that putting the second 252 in HP is a sound idea- you're already boosting your other defenses a bit, so why not make it even more durable? With any luck, you won't even need to use Lucky Chant! You could opt to put into Speed instead, though, for reasons I'll get to in a bit. Before that, however, it's important to keep in mind that the Glitch Field strips away the Fairy Type's right to exist, so clefable isn't immune to RAWRchomp's clever tricktm like one might expect. As such, breeding a clefable to have Misty Terrain as its fourth move seems like a fine idea, especially since the dragon isn't exactly built for being outside the Glitch World.


Scolipede probably wants its 252 to go to it's Sp. Def- while it wont be taking very many blows, it'll still have some attacks slip through its defenses and a large chunk of Terra's team is equipped to aim at its weak spot. The fourth attack slot should definitely go to Protect, though- this move can be grabbed on it in exchange for a Heart Scale, which I believe makes scolipede the only pokemon to get both Speed Boost and a blocking move by that point in the game. Use that a couple times to cheese some extra Speed buffs out for your clefable, and watch your pixie actually outpace things with a small amount of extra (Stored) power to work with to boot! The extra Speed also makes clefable mostly immune to the Field's bonus to Crit. Rate (while claiming said bonus for itself), which should make Lucky Chant a little less mandatory for you.


I'd recomend keeping a handful of other 'mons on hand as well, since no plan is truly foolproof and RNGesus is a fickle god. Of course, there's also the fact that there's also the dungeon's midboss you need to worry about, and it takes a lot of backtracking to change your team out between the two...

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Thank you so much! I may just try and burn down Rawrchomp through the cheap trick (tm), since synthetic seed (which I'm relying on to get Clefable going quickly) changes it's type to ???, meaning gar would hit anyway, and without glitch field I'd be sacrificing an incredible amount of special attack.

Protect completely slipped under my radar, which is funny 'cause the Venipede I'm planning to train for the job might still know it, being level 25 and all. That 2x speed could be incredible, but I've gotta go find a calculator to see just how many EVs I need to pull it off. 

As for the rest of the team, I figure that I might as well rely on Prankster PS Murkrow for the midboss, with Meowstic along for the ride and to stall out perish Song turns. That should also help deal with Gchomp if it gets out of hand. The last two slots I'll probably just figure out from my regular team, based on what TMX's I need, but Cofagrigus is another option--while it wouldn't be useful offensively, Tspikes could help break down Terra's walls, and it would be incredibly bulky. I also have a few Sucker Punch users and a Haze Crobat who could all help revenge kill, and a HP psy Gastrodon who would like the glitch world just fine.

Thanks again, I'm still only just before Luna but by the time I hit the circus, you've helped me become much more prepared for the challenges to come.

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@doombotmecha A long time ago I posted something for Terra as well. I suggested Claydol as a pokemon to beat it with.

I'll just copy paste and put the comment underneath for you to look into, I personally thought that's something worth trying and it works with the same principle as your Clefable but if you want to keep with your clefable and scolipede that's good too ofcourse!




You can even just use something like claydol. The glitch field makes it that whichever stat at the special side is the highest gives it the special stat. Claydol has levitate so is immune to ground type attacks and has base 120 special defence, so this makes it 120 base special attack too. In this field psychic attacks are boosted by 1.2 times and it gets Extrasensory so this becomes a 96 base power + STAB move. Give it a Synthetic seed to boost its defence and special stat even more so you hit even harder. Claydol also gets cosmic power which boosts special defence and defence so in this field it also boosts your special attack so you can set up. It also gets heal block so you can even prevent Palossand to shore up and Quagsire to recover. Last i'd run Explosion. It's a 340 base power move in gen 1 so you'd hit hard anyway.


Oefff i'm getting excited! It would be so much fun to use this in the glitch field! 
You even completely wall her whole team!


Nidoking, does not OHKO you but you DO OHKO him with extrasensory after the boosts of the synthetic seed.
252 SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Nidoking Blizzard vs. +1 252 HP / 252 SpD Claydol: 143-169 (44.1 - 52.1%) -- 13.3% chance to 2HKO


Hippowdon, Literally can't touch you. Setup Fodder! Click cosmic power! You easily 2HKO him after the seed boosts but why not get more?


Excadrill, Can only click x-scissor. Good thing it isn't a steel type so extrasensory isn't resisted. He is faster but you OHKO him with extrasensory after the seed boosts as you can see:
+1 252 SpA Mind Plate Claydol Extrasensory vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Excadrill: 378-445 (104.4 - 122.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO

And he doesn't OHKO you even with a crit.

252 Atk Life Orb Mold Breaker Excadrill X-Scissor vs. +1 252 HP / 4 Def Claydol: 151-179 (46.6 - 55.2%) -- 67.6% chance to 2HKO


Palossand, His Giga Drain is tricky because it has amnesia and the synthetic seeds. You 2HKO him with Extrasensory and 3HKO him if he gets up 1 amnesia. But after that he 2HKO's you and gets hp back so you don't 3HKO him anymore actually. You will need 1 cosmic power boosts so you'll be +2 in the special end defence stat to beat him. Good thing that shadow ball won't hit you because psychic types are immune to ghost type attacks in gen 1.


Quagsire, Okay this mon has unaware so that's just not fair. His blizzard will 2HKO you and your extrasensory 3HKO him so that's a battle you won't win unless he misses 90% accurate blizzards. You could heal till he misses or runs out of pp and set up but that's just kind off an Unorthodox method isn't it. I'd say heal block and boom with explosion (you're faster) so that your other mons can clean him up for you.


Last is Garchomp, Garchomp won't do NOTHING to you.

+1 252 SpA Garchomp Draco Meteor vs. +1 252 HP / 252 SpD Claydol: 111-132 (34.2 - 40.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO (+1 cause of assault vest).

You can even come in on him without the seed boost and he still won't 2HKO you with craco meteor.

+1 252+ SpA Garchomp Draco Meteor over 2 turns vs. 252 HP / 252 SpD Claydol: 265-313 (81.7 - 96.6%) -- not a KO.


LOL i got Waaaaaayy tooo in to this. Was going on a rampage lol. Got me way too excited. And i know it isn't simple anymore and it won't probably help him but it just looks so great doesn't it? Is there a way to redo the battle so i can use this without having to do a whole new run? 😛 


Anyway i hope you beat him soon enough so you can progress with this awesome game!



I'll drop the link of the thread here as well 😉 

I guess i forgot/did not know about this as well at the time lol

1 hour ago, doombotmecha said:

synthetic seed changes it's type to ???


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@N1Dude Man, Cosmic Power really snaps Terra in half, doesn't it? However, I think that the trade of levitate and some stats for the ABSURD damage of stored power+unaware is worth it. SP also really helps with the Quagsire matchup, since it retains the crazy base power and with Unaware his boosts get cancelled right back, so Clef is still stronger. The only thing I'm even mildly worried about is Hippowdon clicking Bulldoze to null my speed boosts, but I figure it will probably click Stone Edge for more damage.

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If I remember well, this is actually how one member of the Penta-OP defeated Terra in a 6-0 battle. This strategy could make Pokemon like Sigilyph extremely fun to use in single fights, and even more in Reborn since various stats can be automatically boosted by seeds if held in some specific Field Effects 🙂

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