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New EV training in V12


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Okay so I just went to go do some EV training in the lab for the first time after updating to V12...and HOLY JESUS THERE AREN'T ANY GRASS PATCHES...there is a trainer though so I guess I fight her for them now?  I proceed to fight her and LOL 6 Lv. 1 Meltans.  I look online to see how many EVs they would give and...they don't.  Okay, so I look at my pokemon and see how many EVs I get from that encounter and HOLY FUCKING SHIT 72 Atk EVs from 6 Meltans!!!???  I LOVE IT!  Thank you so much Jan!  Thank you so much dev team!  I don't know who actually came up with that idea but THANK YOU SO MUCH!  I can't wait to not have to spend hours to max EVs on my pokemon anymore!

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7 hours ago, J-Dawg said:

Okay so I just went to go do some EV training in the lab for the first time after updating to V12...and HOLY JESUS THERE AREN'T ANY GRASS PATCHES...there is a trainer though so I guess I fight her for them now?  I proceed to fight her and LOL 6 Lv. 1 Meltans.  I look online to see how many EVs they would give and...they don't.  Okay, so I look at my pokemon and see how many EVs I get from that encounter and HOLY FUCKING SHIT 72 Atk EVs from 6 Meltans!!!???  I LOVE IT!  Thank you so much Jan!  Thank you so much dev team!  I don't know who actually came up with that idea but THANK YOU SO MUCH!  I can't wait to not have to spend hours to max EVs on my pokemon anymore!

Yeah ev training just got a hell lot easier now this is a godsend, especially if you are on intense and need that ev for your mon asap

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The one and only downside I see is now you can only get EVs in sets of 12...so like if I want specifically 100 EVs in a stat, then I have to get it to 96, switch the pokemon out to a different one to prevent it from going over 100, and go out into the wild to find pokemon that will give me 4 more EVs in that stat.

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I'm definitely not going to miss going into the Speed room to get my EVs and suddenly realize my pokemon fainted because I wasn't paying attention to the fact I was fighting a Voltorb and aftermath damage and such.  I eventually just gave up and never used contact moves on Voltorb in that room ever again.

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6 hours ago, Jargo7 said:

How do you unlock the rooms that are locked? (attack, defense, special attack, and special defense) Is it just progressing through the game or is their some kind of special thing you have to do?

The Card keys for the Atk, Def, SpA & SpD rooms are sold by the AP (achievement point) shop in the hotel for 10 AP each (same shop also has HM-replacement Items and an EXP-all for sale)

Edited by Falirion
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