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Looking for a place to Train(with ev iv etc) Riolu




So recently i thought "my team iz shitty" and so I bought a latest addition: rioluuuu( and fennekin too). So the thing is that feom past experiences of training Krookodile with an Exp. Share(cough cough), ive realized that it just isnt powerful enough. Cuz basically its evs are 0000

So i wanna know if there is a place around the route 3 route 2 circus area where i can raise my riolu PROPERLY?

And please give me tips on how to raise my pokess from lvl 0 cuz ive been playing pkmn reborn for AGES and I still dont know. Im at the part where you rescue amaria and then weird blue hair and sassy ass bizh fight you.


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2 hours ago, Lorane2234 said:


So recently i thought "my team iz shitty" and so I bought a latest addition: rioluuuu( and fennekin too). So the thing is that feom past experiences of training Krookodile with an Exp. Share(cough cough), ive realized that it just isnt powerful enough. Cuz basically its evs are 0000

So i wanna know if there is a place around the route 3 route 2 circus area where i can raise my riolu PROPERLY?

And please give me tips on how to raise my pokess from lvl 0 cuz ive been playing pkmn reborn for AGES and I still dont know. Im at the part where you rescue amaria and then weird blue hair and sassy ass bizh fight you.


The exp share should still give the EVs it should get from battle

I am going to assume you want atk and speed you can correct me if I'm wrong. You can use one of the power items having Riolu hold it and switch training or have it hold a lucky egg/exp share and switch train carefully selecting which Pokemon you fight against, each Pokemon gets 510 EVs to work with, you can have a max of 252 on any 1 stat, combined with IVs which range from 0-31 they determine how much of that stay you have. You can look on Pokemon database if you want to see best stats.

These Pokemon from the areas u mentioned are atk/speed EVs anything else get outta there for:



Machoke 50-55 2 Atk)

Rhydon 52-59 DN (2 Atk)

Ursaring 52-59 MD (2 Atk)

Meditite 50-55 (1 Speed)

Absol 50-59 DN (2 Atk)

Boldore 50-55 (2 Atk)

Rufflet 50-52 (1 Atk)

Hawlucha 50-59 M (2 Atk)

Rockruff 50-55 (1 Atk)


Water finneon/lumineon give 1/2 speed respectively


Route 2

Machoke 50-55 MD (2 Atk)

Rydon 50-55 DN (2 Atk)

Ursaring 52-59 MD  (2 Atk)

Absol 50-55 DN (2 Atk)

Meditite 50-55 (1 Speed)

Rufflet 50-52 MD (1 Atk)

Hawlucha 50-59 M (2 Atk)

Mienfoo 50-55 DN (1 Atk)

Rockruff 52-59 (1 Atk)


Route 3

Ursaring 50-62 (2 Atk)

Absol 72 D (2 Atk)

Starly 55-60 MD (1 Speed)

Staravia 50-60 MD (2 Speed)

Staraptor 64 M (3 Atk)

Mienfoo 55-60 MD (1 Atk)

Golett 55-60 DN (1 Atk)

Golurk 64 DN (2 Atk)


Celestine Mountain (can be accessed though Ametrine)

Swinub 50-55 (1 Atk)

Piloswine 50-58 (1 HP, 1 Atk)

Delibird 70 (1 Speed)

Buizel 50-55 (1 Speed)

Floatzel 50-70 (2 Speed)

Cubchoo 50-58 (1 Atk)

Beartic 50-58 (2 Atk)


Route 4 accessible to you

Absol 65 N (2 Atk)

Absol 72 D (2 Atk)

Snover 50-65 (1 Atk)

Abomasnow 60-72 (1 Atk, 1 Sp Atk)

Blitzle 50-60 MD (1 Speed)

Zebstrika 55-62 MD (2 Speed)

Cottonee 50-62 MD (1 Speed)

Pawniard 50-60 DN (1 Atk)

Phantump 55-62 N (1 Atk)


Indra can also be a decent battle but for EV training as you are now it would probably be easier to do wild switch with it holding desired ev enhancing items.

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12 hours ago, Starry Knight said:

The exp share should still give the EVs it should get from battle

I am going to assume you want atk and speed you can correct me if I'm wrong. You can use one of the power items having Riolu hold it and switch training or have it hold a lucky egg/exp share and switch train carefully selecting which Pokemon you fight against, each Pokemon gets 510 EVs to work with, you can have a max of 252 on any 1 stat, combined with IVs which range from 0-31 they determine how much of that stay you have. You can look on Pokemon database if you want to see best stats.

These Pokemon from the areas u mentioned are atk/speed EVs anything else get outta there for:



Machoke 50-55 2 Atk)

Rhydon 52-59 DN (2 Atk)

Ursaring 52-59 MD (2 Atk)

Meditite 50-55 (1 Speed)

Absol 50-59 DN (2 Atk)

Boldore 50-55 (2 Atk)

Rufflet 50-52 (1 Atk)

Hawlucha 50-59 M (2 Atk)

Rockruff 50-55 (1 Atk)


Water finneon/lumineon give 1/2 speed respectively


Route 2

Machoke 50-55 MD (2 Atk)

Rydon 50-55 DN (2 Atk)

Ursaring 52-59 MD  (2 Atk)

Absol 50-55 DN (2 Atk)

Meditite 50-55 (1 Speed)

Rufflet 50-52 MD (1 Atk)

Hawlucha 50-59 M (2 Atk)

Mienfoo 50-55 DN (1 Atk)

Rockruff 52-59 (1 Atk)


Route 3

Ursaring 50-62 (2 Atk)

Absol 72 D (2 Atk)

Starly 55-60 MD (1 Speed)

Staravia 50-60 MD (2 Speed)

Staraptor 64 M (3 Atk)

Mienfoo 55-60 MD (1 Atk)

Golett 55-60 DN (1 Atk)

Golurk 64 DN (2 Atk)


Celestine Mountain (can be accessed though Ametrine)

Swinub 50-55 (1 Atk)

Piloswine 50-58 (1 HP, 1 Atk)

Delibird 70 (1 Speed)

Buizel 50-55 (1 Speed)

Floatzel 50-70 (2 Speed)

Cubchoo 50-58 (1 Atk)

Beartic 50-58 (2 Atk)


Route 4 accessible to you

Absol 65 N (2 Atk)

Absol 72 D (2 Atk)

Snover 50-65 (1 Atk)

Abomasnow 60-72 (1 Atk, 1 Sp Atk)

Blitzle 50-60 MD (1 Speed)

Zebstrika 55-62 MD (2 Speed)

Cottonee 50-62 MD (1 Speed)

Pawniard 50-60 DN (1 Atk)

Phantump 55-62 N (1 Atk)


Indra can also be a decent battle but for EV training as you are now it would probably be easier to do wild switch with it holding desired ev enhancing items.

(Im so sorry to trouble you but ive never ever ev iv trained before....)

So basically youre saying that exp share DOES help in raising stats..... thats like wow since ive ( as i mentioned before) used the exxp share on my krookodile and it didnt work so....

Okay i think i should research more on it, for the time being please tell me how to raise a pokemon properly from scratch

Anyways a BIG THANK YOU!

Okay i think i should forget about evs ivs for now and just try to raise riolu and fennekin PROPERLY. But i dont know how to. So please help meeeee

Edited by Lorane2234
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IVs are determined when the pokemon is hatched or caught. see those numbers? the ones beside 0 (assumign no EVs yet) those are IVs. by now its too late to change those though you can breed once you get back to the city.


EVs are gained by fighting pokemon. but you also need to level up and increase stats to see the results of the EV training. getting the full 252 will increase stat by a good margin initially. but will still require levelling to see the full effect.

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4 hours ago, MachoPony said:

IVs are determined when the pokemon is hatched or caught. see those numbers? the ones beside 0 (assumign no EVs yet) those are IVs. by now its too late to change those though you can breed once you get back to the city.


EVs are gained by fighting pokemon. but you also need to level up and increase stats to see the results of the EV training. getting the full 252 will increase stat by a good margin initially. but will still require levelling to see the full effect.


Also i can try resetting again and again to get natures whatchit riight?

Anyways thank you(and StarryKnight), now atleast i have a rough idea on what to do.

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On 9/21/2019 at 9:40 PM, Starry Knight said:

The exp share should still give the EVs it should get from battle

I am going to assume you want atk and speed you can correct me if I'm wrong. You can use one of the power items having Riolu hold it and switch training or have it hold a lucky egg/exp share and switch train carefully selecting which Pokemon you fight against, each Pokemon gets 510 EVs to work with, you can have a max of 252 on any 1 stat, combined with IVs which range from 0-31 they determine how much of that stay you have. You can look on Pokemon database if you want to see best stats.

These Pokemon from the areas u mentioned are atk/speed EVs anything else get outta there for:



Machoke 50-55 2 Atk)

Rhydon 52-59 DN (2 Atk)

Ursaring 52-59 MD (2 Atk)

Meditite 50-55 (1 Speed)

Absol 50-59 DN (2 Atk)

Boldore 50-55 (2 Atk)

Rufflet 50-52 (1 Atk)

Hawlucha 50-59 M (2 Atk)

Rockruff 50-55 (1 Atk)


Water finneon/lumineon give 1/2 speed respectively


Route 2

Machoke 50-55 MD (2 Atk)

Rydon 50-55 DN (2 Atk)

Ursaring 52-59 MD  (2 Atk)

Absol 50-55 DN (2 Atk)

Meditite 50-55 (1 Speed)

Rufflet 50-52 MD (1 Atk)

Hawlucha 50-59 M (2 Atk)

Mienfoo 50-55 DN (1 Atk)

Rockruff 52-59 (1 Atk)


Route 3

Ursaring 50-62 (2 Atk)

Absol 72 D (2 Atk)

Starly 55-60 MD (1 Speed)

Staravia 50-60 MD (2 Speed)

Staraptor 64 M (3 Atk)

Mienfoo 55-60 MD (1 Atk)

Golett 55-60 DN (1 Atk)

Golurk 64 DN (2 Atk)


Celestine Mountain (can be accessed though Ametrine)

Swinub 50-55 (1 Atk)

Piloswine 50-58 (1 HP, 1 Atk)

Delibird 70 (1 Speed)

Buizel 50-55 (1 Speed)

Floatzel 50-70 (2 Speed)

Cubchoo 50-58 (1 Atk)

Beartic 50-58 (2 Atk)


Route 4 accessible to you

Absol 65 N (2 Atk)

Absol 72 D (2 Atk)

Snover 50-65 (1 Atk)

Abomasnow 60-72 (1 Atk, 1 Sp Atk)

Blitzle 50-60 MD (1 Speed)

Zebstrika 55-62 MD (2 Speed)

Cottonee 50-62 MD (1 Speed)

Pawniard 50-60 DN (1 Atk)

Phantump 55-62 N (1 Atk)


Indra can also be a decent battle but for EV training as you are now it would probably be easier to do wild switch with it holding desired ev enhancing items.

Hey so i hatched my egg and i got a Calm Riolu and ive decided to make it a special attacker with Nasty and Vaccum Wave. But i battled with Indra using Exp share and riolu is now 28, but still hasnt gained any worthwhile evs. I think there is some fault in my raising. Plz help!

Also where did you get the ev info from?

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10 hours ago, Lorane2234 said:

Hey so i hatched my egg and i got a Calm Riolu and ive decided to make it a special attacker with Nasty and Vaccum Wave. But i battled with Indra using Exp share and riolu is now 28, but still hasnt gained any worthwhile evs. I think there is some fault in my raising. Plz help!

Also where did you get the ev info from?

Pokemon database for the EVs, but the Pokemon on the routes are from the pbs files that I manually checked and copied. My guide the first link in the spoiler has all wild Pokemon EVs beside them. Special attack is the least distributed EV, would almost recommend if your not opposed to it sandbox it has a dedicated training area

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On 9/23/2019 at 10:42 PM, Starry Knight said:

Pokemon database for the EVs, but the Pokemon on the routes are from the pbs files that I manually checked and copied. My guide the first link in the spoiler has all wild Pokemon EVs beside them. Special attack is the least distributed EV, would almost recommend if your not opposed to it sandbox it has a dedicated training area

Um which link are you talking about? Sandbox?

Also i am still TRYING to evolve my riolu but it isnt working....

Anyways Thanks a lot (in advance too)

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5 hours ago, Lorane2234 said:

Um which link are you talking about? Sandbox?

Also i am still TRYING to evolve my riolu but it isnt working....

Anyways Thanks a lot (in advance too)

This link should be in my signature in the spoiler https://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/42836-void-kissed-pokemon-location-guide/


This is Sandbox mod link https://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/27076-pokemon-reborn-sandbox-mode/


Riolu evolves day only by happiness so lots of Pokesnax, ice cream, walking around with it as lead pokemon and no rare/common candies, medicinal herbs, cotton candy and fainting


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On 9/25/2019 at 9:49 PM, Starry Knight said:

This link should be in my signature in the spoiler https://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/42836-void-kissed-pokemon-location-guide/


This is Sandbox mod link https://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/27076-pokemon-reborn-sandbox-mode/


Riolu evolves day only by happiness so lots of Pokesnax, ice cream, walking around with it as lead pokemon and no rare/common candies, medicinal herbs, cotton candy and fainting


Thanks a LOT!

Riolu evolved because i feeded it lots and lots of Pokésnax! Now all i gotta do is raise her speeeed~~

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