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Breaking News! Resident Lurker Finally Decides to Come Out of Their Cave and Introduce Themselves!


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Hello hello, I am the lurker who has come out of his hole. Figured it was about time for me to introduce myself considering how much I have been loving this game for some time now.
So how long is some time? Well, I'm not entirely sure, but I think my first run-in with this game was around the release of Episode 16. I don't even remember what my team was or where I got to, I just remember Julia's team being different than when I next found time for the game, which was in Episode 17. That run was what actually kept me coming back to the game, despite my getting walled at Shade (look I had a bad team for him and didn't have enough patience at the time to grind new mons). My next run was a few months later with a Typhlosion as my starter, and I made it pretty far in compared to my previous runs, all the way past Samson, before my life got busy again. Recently, I decided that enough was enough and that I was completing this game if it's the last thing I do. I booted up Episode 18, chose Cyndaquil, and got on my way. I had many struggles, but many more triumphs along the way. Take my Rattata and Onix, Garchomp! Take that Glass Gauntlet, you only took 3 attempts! AND TAKE THAT "IMPOSSIBLE PUZZLE", I SOLVED YOU ON MY OWN.
Needless to say, I love this game to death. It has been a seemingly endless pool of adventure and intrigue for my free time, and has a good case to be my favorite game. I have sunk so much time into this experience and gotten so much gratification out of it, that I have begun to spread word about it to whoever I find that is interested. It really has been like a dream, like discovering Pokemon for the first time all over again.

Now, my Reborn experience isn't all there is to know about me of course. SO. Once again, hi there. I'm Alazir, college freshman just trying to figure out what I want to do in life, narrowing it down to my skill sets and passions as I go. I love all kinds of nerd stuff if you couldn't tell. I love to talk about raising animals and all kinds of food, so don't get me started cause I'll go on for days about it. I'm a bit of an introvert, and can take a while to actually join in the discussion of a community (and BOY is that true here). Yada yada yada... there's really not all that much to me, but regardless I hope to at least become a somewhat active member here. Hope you guys will have me!

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*In grouchy old fart voice* "Breaking news? That's the fifth one this month!"


Judging from the comment on garchomp's, I take it that you tried to use FEAR on Solaris atop Pyrous Mountain, and found out the hard way that Endeavor is a Direct-Contact move? Who would've thought that Rough Skin, of all things, would prove to be an efficient counter to one of the more insidious strategies conceived in the game to date, huh?


Anyway! Welcome back to the Reborn Evolved Forums! Be sure to read back up on the rules, feel free to check out all that we have to offer, and above all else, enjoy your stay~!

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1 hour ago, Alazir said:

Thanks! And wouldn't it be a Piloswine? Being that the move tutor isn't available till after Aya

Piloswine technically gets Ancient Power at Lv. -, so the Move Relearner in the Onyx Ward will get the job done in this case. You'd be amazed by how much weird stuff is hidden away at that unattainable level... 🤔 😆

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47 minutes ago, Autumn Zephyr said:

Piloswine technically gets Ancient Power at Lv. -, so the Move Relearner in the Onyx Ward will get the job done in this case. You'd be amazed by how much weird stuff is hidden away at that unattainable level... 🤔 😆

Whoops that's who I meant when I said move tutor.

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2 minutes ago, Majin J-Awesome_One said:

Or you can catch a male Dunsparce, level it up to when it learns Ancient Power and then breed that with a female Swinub and boom! Ancient Power on your newly born Swinub! Also, welcome to the forums and remember... Make sure you have an AWESOME time here! 😄

For sure!

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17 hours ago, Majin J-Awesome_One said:

Or you can catch a male Dunsparce, level it up to when it learns Ancient Power and then breed that with a female Swinub and boom! Ancient Power on your newly born Swinub! Also, welcome to the forums and remember... Make sure you have an AWESOME time here! 😄

ding ding ding

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