Popular Post Vinnie Posted September 24, 2019 Popular Post Share Posted September 24, 2019 Someone asked for it, so I've gathered up all of these(some of these weren't even posted on the forums to my knowledge). I'm going to try to order this neatly by story progress. Let me know if there are any additions you'd like to make to this, or if there are any corrections that are needed. Department Store Stock by Floor(Aside from the Penthouse) Reveal hidden contents Swirlix Puzzle Solution(Sweet Kiss Candy Shop) Reveal hidden contents http://i.imgur.com/wTe46PC.png Onyx Ward Trainer's School Quiz Answers(Florinia's Gym) Reveal hidden contents A1: 001 A2: 367 A3: True A4: 410 A5: True A6: 037 A7: 015 A8: True Mystery Egg Identifier(Obsidia Slums Egg, Onyx/Day Care Couple Reward, Abandoned Forest Egg, Jasper Police Station Egg) Reveal hidden contents Obsidia Slums Egg Onyx Ward Egg(Rewarded by a girl in the Onyx Apartments after the missing Day Care Couple is found) Abandoned Malchous Forest Egg(Found by jumping one ledge after defeating the PULSE Tangrowth & Taka) Jasper Police Station Egg(Rewarded by finding all 5 missing Police Officers, and breeding Growlithe and giving a Growlithe Egg to one of the Officers) Spritzee Puzzle Solution(Sweet Scent Flower Shop) Reveal hidden contents Shelly's Gym Puzzle Reveal hidden contents There are three kinds of panels to activate. To reach Shelly, all of them must be activated. 1) Those that are immediately accessible from the Gym entrance (ie near the device where you speak with Ame). I'll call them the front panels. There are two of them: the left front panel and the right front panel. 2) Those that are in the Gym, behind the three rows of bookshelves (red, blue, yellow from left to right). There are four of them, each one accessible only when the (moving) bookshelf is in a special state. I'll refer to them as the first back panel, the second back panel, etc, from left to right. 3) The lone panel accessible only through the eastern exit of Shelly's room. Once all the panels are activated, the red, blue and yellow bookshelves are high enough to make a path from the lone panel to Shelly. Of course, at the beginning, all the panels are turned off. Now, here's how to activate them all. 1) Activate the right front panel. 2) Cross the blue bookshelf (the blue one is the right size) and activate the second back panel. 3) Backtrack, cross the yellow bookshelf, and activate the left front panel. 4) Cross the yellow bookshelf again and activate the first back panel. 5) Backtrack, cross the red bookshelf, and deactivte the two front panels. 6) Cross the red bookshelf and activate the third back panel. 7) Activate the fourth back panel. 8) Backtrack, cross the blue bookshelf, activate the two front panels. 9) Activate the lone panel and cross the newformed path to Shelly. 10) Prepare because she's tougher than she looks. Blackstream Factory Puzzle Reveal hidden contents Use Loudred to wake up Abra. Use Abra to teleport Cyndaquil into the cage in front of the jail bars. Use Loudred to make your character lose their hearing. Use Jigglypuff to lure the Meteor Guard to sleep. Have Cyndaquil attack the bars. Use Loudred to wake up Abra. Use Abra to teleport Vanillite into the cage in front of the jail bars. Use Loudred to make your character lose their hearing. Use Jigglypuff to lure the Meteor Guard to sleep. Have Vanillite attack the bars. Use Loudred to wake up Abra. Use Abra to teleport Roggenrola into the cage in front of the jail bars. Use Loudred to make your character lose their hearing. Use Jigglypuff to lure the Meteor Guard to sleep. Have Roggenrola break through the bars. Bonus Use Abra to teleport Lickitung into the cage above Ditto in order to receive a rare candy. Use Abra to teleport Makuhita into the cage above Ditto in order to receive Ditto. Wasteland Colored Tube Locations(Squirtle Event, among other things down there) Reveal hidden contents Spinel Town's Missing Items Reveal hidden contents Tanzan Mountain Meteor Base Colored Tile Puzzle Solution Reveal hidden contents North and South Aventurine Woods & Route 1 Maps Reveal hidden contents North Aventurine Woods South Aventurine Woods Route 1 (Left Side) Route 1 (Right Side) Citae Arc-d'Astrae Aerie Logic Puzzle Answers Reveal hidden contents First Logic Puzzle Solution(Chimchar Line): Chimchar - Dark Monferno - Dark Infernape - Light Second Logic Puzzle Solution(Tyrogue Line): Tyrogue - Light Hitmonchan - Dark Hitmonlee - Light Hitmontop - Dark Radomus's Gym Puzzle Solutions Reveal hidden contents It's out of order, I wasn't thinking clearly when I made it. 7th Street Map Reveal hidden contents InnerSanctum Map Reveal hidden contents Stopping points aren't shown, it's just the correct path through the inner sanctum. Arceus Statue Codes(SubSeven Sanctum) Reveal hidden contents Northeast (Red): 2303 Northwest (Blue): 1605 Southeast (Purple): 0204 Southwest (Green): 3827 Circus Puzzles(Round 1) Reveal hidden contents Plume Fossil Puzzle Cover Fossil Puzzle Timber Puzzle Also, here's a strategy guide for the Conkeldurr Puzzle: Dive Puzzle Route 2 Map(With Crustle Puzzle Directions) Reveal hidden contents Northern Route 2 Southern Route 2 Calcenon Gym Puzzles(Charlotte's Gym) Reveal hidden contents Circus Puzzle(Round 2, Turtwig) Reveal hidden contents Water Treatment Center Map Reveal hidden contents Spyce Side Quest Ingredients(Leftovers Side Quest) Reveal hidden contents Not mentioned in the image but the Balm Mushroom is a hidden item found in the Malchous Forest. I'll try to upload a pic of it's location later. Azurine Lake Underwater Puzzle Maps Reveal hidden contents The houses with the "X" over them cannot be entered or unlocked at hte moment. The red text is the label for the house(which key is required to open it), while the orange text is the key that's found inside. Kingsbury Houses Fairview Houses Sunrise Houses "Devon Corporation" Meteor Base Floor Puzzles Reveal hidden contents The first three tile swapping puzzles Floor 1(After Victoria) Floor 2(After Dj Arclight) Floor 3 All 15 Locations of Adrienn's Volunteers Reveal hidden contents Coral and Obsidia Ward Gate - Outside of the (Former) Obisidia Slums - South Obsidia Alley - Obsidia Garden - Onyx Ward Game Corner - Next to the Grand Stairway - Lapis Ward(look carefully, sometimes the trees can hide this one) - South Peridot Ward, Between the Train Station and the Grand Hall - The Alley in the South Peridot Ward, West of the Underground Railnet - Apartment Building in the Southern Peridot Ward between the Alleyway(the one mentioned above) and the Underground Railnet - The Former Blackstream Factory that's been converted into a shelter, first floor all the way towards the left - Building in the Jasper Ward between the Police Station and the Malchous Forest - Beryl Bridge, the first person you encounter when heading east from the Beryl Gate - Beryl Library - West of the Beryl Gym, at the start of the tall grass Tourmaline Desert Map Reveal hidden contents Mirage Tower Solution for each of the Mirage Tower's Puzzles Reveal hidden contents Floor 2: Up X2 Left X2 Down X4 Right X2 Floor 3: Right X5 Down X2 Left X2 Down X2 Right X2 Down Left X5 Down Floor 4: Down X3 Right Up Right X2 Up Right X2 Down X2 Left Down X2 Right Floor 5: Right X5 Down X3 Right X2 Down X3 Right X2 Left X2 Up Left X3 Down Right X3 Left Floor 6: Left X4 Down X3 Up Right X4 Down X4 Left X3 Up X4 Left Up X4 Down X2 Once Upon a Somewhere Shortcut Reveal hidden contents Credit- Arkadius Amaria's Gym Map(Fiore Gym) Reveal hidden contents Above Water Below Water The location of every starter Pokemon in the wild(for the starter egg quest found in the basement of the Grand Hall) Reveal hidden contents Bulbasaur - Azurine Island(Restored) Grass/Wild Encounter [14 Badges] Chamander - Pyrous Mountain (Post Reborn City Restoration) Fishing at the top of the Volcano with a Super Rod [13 Badges] Squirtle - Event in Byxbysion Wasteland [5 Badges] Chikorita - Azurine Island Event [4 Badges] Cyndaquil - Buy in 7th Street for 9 Red Shards [8 Badges] Totodile - Celstinine Cascade Event [11 Badges] Treecko - Rhodochrine Jungle (Restored) Event [14 Badges] Torchic - Calceleon City/Route 3 Event(Requires having the path between Calceleon & Route 3 restored) [16 Badges] Mudkip - Azurine Lake Dive Spots Puzzle [13 Badges] Turtwig - Agate Circus Puzzle Reward [11 Badges] Chimchar - Azurine Island (Restored) Trade [13 Badges] Piplup - 7th Street "Rare Candy" Event [8 Badges] Snivy - Upper Route 4, Requires Hiker from Agate Quest [16 Badges] Tepig - Pyrous Mountain (Post Reborn City Restoration), Follow Event [13 Badges] Oshawott - Magma Gang Applications Reward or Trade for Ledian in Agate City [14 Badges or 16 Badges] Chespin - 7th Street, Give a lady in front of one of the stalls Oddiwseed found in the South Adventurine Woods [8 Badges] Fennekin - Water Treatment Center in the Electrode Storage room [11 Badges] Froakie - Agate City, have 300 Dex entries and talk to Bee [16 Badges] Rowlet - Teknite Ridge Puzzle, Requires Earthquake, Power Gem, Tailwind, Rock Smash, Strength [14 Badges] Litten - Aqua Gang Applications Reward or Trade for a Stantler in Agate City [14 Badges or 16 Badges] Popplio - Coral Ward (Restored), Event in a hidden dive spot [13 Badges] Magic Square Solutions Reveal hidden contents There are two solutions depending on your starting numbers. To get to your starting numbers, leave the room with the puzzle and re-enter it. If Saphira is abducted, it should start as: 629 475 134 829 578 316 Reveal hidden contents You will see 4 letter/numbers for each step X: XXX 1st X number refers to the 3 monitors: · C : center monitor (only moves the rows left or right) · L: left Monitor (only moves the columns of the left monitor up or down) · R: Right Monitor (only moves the columns of the right monitor up or down) 2nd X number refers to either C or R · C : for Column (only applies to left (L) or (R) monitors) · R: for Row (only applies to center (C) monitor) 3rd X number refers to either row/column: · 1: for first row/column · 2: for second row/column · 3: for third row/column 4th X number refers the movement of the row/column · L: for moving the row to the left · R: for moving the row to the right · U: for moving the column up · D : for moving the row down EXAMPLE: C : R2R means Center Monitor, Row #2, Right. BEGIN: C : R2R L: C2U L: C3D C : R2L C : R2L R: C2U C : R2R C : R2R R: C3U 1st break: After these 9 movements it should look like this: C : R3R C : R2L L: C2U C : R2L L: C2D C : R2R C : R2R R: C1U C : R2L R: C1D 2nd break: After these 19 movements it should look like this: R: C1D C : R3L C : R3L C : R3L C : R3L R: C1U C : R3L C : R3L C : R3L R: C1D C : R3L R: C3U R: C3D R: C1U C : R3R R: C2U C : R2L R: C2D C : R2R R: C3U C : R2L R: C3D 3rd break: After these 41 movements it should look like this: R: C3D C : R3L R: C3U R: C3U C : R2R R: C1U C : R2L R: C1D R: C1U R: C3D R: C1D R: C1U C : R2L C : R2L R: C1D C : R2R C : R2R 4th break: After these 58 movements it should look like this: C : R2R C : R2R C : R2R R: C3U R: C3U R: C3D R: C3D C : R2R C : R2R R: C3U C : R2L R: C3D C : R2L R: C3U 5th and final break: After these 72 movements it should look like this: C : R3R R: C3U C : R3L R: C3D AFTER 76 MOVEMENTS WE ARE DONE!!!! Credit- Kingjrcasanova for recording the movements and Andracass for coming up with the solution. Shorter, Simplified Version Reveal hidden contents First we start with the first square which is 629 134 578 Column 3 Down #make the W-E and NW-SE sums correct Line 3 Right Column 2 Up Line 3 Left #we permute the 2,3,5 so that we get a magic square Now the left square is good: 638 159 274 Now onto the right square, which is originally 475 829 316 First step is doing: Column 5 Up Line 1 Left Column 5 Down Line 1 Right and the right square is 427 859 316 We're nearly done, all we have to do is switch 2 and 9. Except that for mathematical reasons it's impossible to do without messing up the left square. There's probably a more elegant way to complete the puzzle, but actually we switch two pairs: 2 and 9 as well as 3 and 7, which then becomes possible. Line 3 Right Line 3 Right Column 6 Down Line 3 Left Line 3 Left #permute "downwards" 7,9,3 Line 2 Left Line 3 Right Column 5 Down Line 3 Left Line 2 Right #permute "downwards" the displaced 2,7,9 We finally get And that's it. As promised, the 18-move solution: 638 493 159 857 274 916 Credit- Mindlack — If Saphira is not abducted, it will start as: 496 125 583 779 241 638 Reveal hidden contents Right Column 1 Down Row 2 right Row 2 right Row 1 Right Row 1 Right Left Column 3 Up Row 1 Right Row 1 Right Right Column 2 Down Row 1 Left Right Column 1 Down Right Column 1 Down Row 1 Left Right Column 1 Up Row 1 Right Right Column 1 Up Left Column 3 Up Row 3 Left Left Column 3 Down Row 3 Right Left Column 2 Down Row 1 Left Row 1 Left Left Column 2 Up Row 1 Right Row 1 Right At this point, your squares should look like: 648 276 791 951 235 438 Row 3 Left Row 3 Left Left Column 1 Up Row 3 Right Row 3 Right Row 2 Left Row 2 Left Left Column 1 Down Row 2 Right Row 2 Right Left Column 1 Down Row 1 Left Row 1 Left Left Column 1 Up Row 1 Right Row 1 Right Left Column 2 Up Left Column 1 Up Row 2 Left Left Column 1 Down Row 2 Right Row 3 Left Left Column 1 Up Row 3 Right Left Column 1 Up Done Shoter, Simplified Version Reveal hidden contents The starting position is 496 125 583 779 241 638 Line 1 Right Line 1 Right Column 2 Down Line 1 Left Line 1 Left We get: 496 124 553 779 281 638 Column 3 Up Column 1 Up Line 2 Right Column 2 Down Line 2 Left We get: 583 124 951 779 426 638 Line 2 Right Line 2 Right Column 1 Down Line 2 Left Line 2 Left We get: 483 124 951 759 726 638 Again, the left square is done and to complete the right one, all we need is permute 2,1,7. Line 1 Left Column 4 Up Line 1 Right # permute "upwards" 2,7,6 Column 4 Down #permute "downwards" 1,6,2 and we are done in 19 moves. Credit- Mindlack 13 11 8 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShogokiX Posted September 24, 2019 Share Posted September 24, 2019 I have 2 things to note for you: First thing would be you missed the egg from the obsidia slums in your list of eggs. It's the one that contains Drowzee, Bronzor, Ducklett or Cacnea. Second thing would be that you can't get Vullaby from the mystery egg that you get from the police station. Since i have been taking notes for myself for some time now i looked up the official EP18 Location Spreadsheet and it says Vullaby is not in that egg. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vinnie Posted September 24, 2019 Author Share Posted September 24, 2019 On 9/24/2019 at 8:29 AM, ShogokiX said: I have 2 things to note for you: First thing would be you missed the egg from the obsidia slums in your list of eggs. It's the one that contains Drowzee, Bronzor, Ducklett or Cacnea. Second thing would be that you can't get Vullaby from the mystery egg that you get from the police station. Since i have been taking notes for myself for some time now i looked up the official EP18 Location Spreadsheet and it says Vullaby is not in that egg. Expand I'll jump on that in a bit then. And yeah, I completely forgot the egg in the slums it was one of the easier lists to remember, but I'll fix something up for that too. Edit: The corrections are done! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zaqrwe Posted September 24, 2019 Share Posted September 24, 2019 Wow, this is wonderful work, and the things I appreciate the most are Circus puzzle screenshots, I remember strugglig with it so much without having full image of what it supposed to look like 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vinnie Posted September 26, 2019 Author Share Posted September 26, 2019 On 9/24/2019 at 9:29 PM, zaqrwe said: Wow, this is wonderful work, and the things I appreciate the most are Circus puzzle screenshots, I remember strugglig with it so much without having full image of what it supposed to look like Expand Yeah, it can be annoying trying to solve those without having the full picture. I also added a link to a strategy guide for the Conkeldurr puzzle, since that ones a tiny bit different. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShogokiX Posted September 26, 2019 Share Posted September 26, 2019 Since you added the tile puzzles for the different puzzles on Agathe Circus, would you also consider adding the puzzles from Obsidias Sweet Kiss Candy Shop (Swirlix) and Lapis Sweet Scent Flower Shop (Spritzee)? And for completions sake, since you have the devon corp in here, maybe even the magic square puzzle solution? 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vinnie Posted September 28, 2019 Author Share Posted September 28, 2019 On 9/26/2019 at 2:06 PM, ShogokiX said: Since you added the tile puzzles for the different puzzles on Agathe Circus, would you also consider adding the puzzles from Obsidias Sweet Kiss Candy Shop (Swirlix) and Lapis Sweet Scent Flower Shop (Spritzee)? And for completions sake, since you have the devon corp in here, maybe even the magic square puzzle solution? Expand Yeah, I'll dig those out. I'm pretty sure I have them somewhere, I just forgot. And I could. It just feels weird because I only have one set of directions. I think there's about 6 different sets of directions you could have from start to finish though? I'll link the different strategy guides I know of though. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paperblade Posted September 28, 2019 Share Posted September 28, 2019 On 9/28/2019 at 12:35 AM, Vinnie said: Yeah, I'll dig those out. I'm pretty sure I have them somewhere, I just forgot. And I could. It just feels weird because I only have one set of directions. I think there's about 6 different sets of directions you could have from start to finish though? I'll link the different strategy guides I know of though. Expand It's probably fine to just make instructions that will solve it for one solution. Other puzzles have multiple solutions (like the third Calcenon gym one) but i would imagine most people using this resource just want to get through them 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vinnie Posted September 28, 2019 Author Share Posted September 28, 2019 On 9/28/2019 at 3:53 PM, Paperblade said: It's probably fine to just make instructions that will solve it for one solution. Other puzzles have multiple solutions (like the third Calcenon gym one) but i would imagine most people using this resource just want to get through them Expand It's different for the Magic Square. You have the same solution every time, but different starting points. Lots of people would need different solutions that I kinda lack at the moment. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paperblade Posted September 28, 2019 Share Posted September 28, 2019 On 9/28/2019 at 10:53 PM, Vinnie said: It's different for the Magic Square. You have the same solution every time, but different starting points. Lots of people would need different solutions that I kinda lack at the moment. Expand I'm looking at the code, and apparently we are both right/wrong. The start is predetermined, but there are two unique ones, based on whether or not Saphira was abducted in Tanzan Cove. If Saphira is abducted, it should start as: 629 475 134 829 578 316 Otherwise you get: 496 125 583 779 241 638 Here is a solution for the second one: Reveal hidden contents Right Column 1 Down Row 2 right Row 2 right Row 1 Right Row 1 Right Left Column 3 Up Row 1 Right Row 1 Right Right Column 2 Down Row 1 Left Right Column 1 Down Right Column 1 Down Row 1 Left Right Column 1 Up Row 1 Right Right Column 1 Up Left Column 3 Up Row 3 Left Left Column 3 Down Row 3 Right Left Column 2 Down Row 1 Left Row 1 Left Left Column 2 Up Row 1 Right Row 1 Right At this point, your squares should look like: 648 276 791 951 235 438 Row 3 Left Row 3 Left Left Column 1 Up Row 3 Right Row 3 Right Row 2 Left Row 2 Left Left Column 1 Down Row 2 Right Row 2 Right Left Column 1 Down Row 1 Left Row 1 Left Left Column 1 Up Row 1 Right Row 1 Right Left Column 2 Up Left Column 1 Up Row 2 Left Left Column 1 Down Row 2 Right Row 3 Left Left Column 1 Up Row 3 Right Left Column 1 Up Done 1 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nhehvnukl Posted September 29, 2019 Share Posted September 29, 2019 On 9/28/2019 at 11:10 PM, Paperblade said: I'm looking at the code, and apparently we are both right/wrong. The start is predetermined, but there are two unique ones, based on whether or not Saphira was abducted in Tanzan Cove. If Saphira is abducted, it should start as: 629 475 134 829 578 316 Otherwise you get: 496 125 583 779 241 638 Here is a solution for the second one: Reveal hidden contents Right Column 1 Down Row 2 right Row 2 right Row 1 Right Row 1 Right Left Column 3 Up Row 1 Right Row 1 Right Right Column 2 Down Row 1 Left Right Column 1 Down Right Column 1 Down Row 1 Left Right Column 1 Up Row 1 Right Right Column 1 Up Left Column 3 Up Row 3 Left Left Column 3 Down Row 3 Right Left Column 2 Down Row 1 Left Row 1 Left Left Column 2 Up Row 1 Right Row 1 Right At this point, your squares should look like: 648 276 791 951 235 438 Row 3 Left Row 3 Left Left Column 1 Up Row 3 Right Row 3 Right Row 2 Left Row 2 Left Left Column 1 Down Row 2 Right Row 2 Right Left Column 1 Down Row 1 Left Row 1 Left Left Column 1 Up Row 1 Right Row 1 Right Left Column 2 Up Left Column 1 Up Row 2 Left Left Column 1 Down Row 2 Right Row 3 Left Left Column 1 Up Row 3 Right Left Column 1 Up Done Expand Uh, interesting reason for the change lol. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vinnie Posted September 29, 2019 Author Share Posted September 29, 2019 On 9/28/2019 at 11:10 PM, Paperblade said: I'm looking at the code, and apparently we are both right/wrong. The start is predetermined, but there are two unique ones, based on whether or not Saphira was abducted in Tanzan Cove. If Saphira is abducted, it should start as: 629 475 134 829 578 316 Otherwise you get: 496 125 583 779 241 638 Here is a solution for the second one: Reveal hidden contents Right Column 1 Down Row 2 right Row 2 right Row 1 Right Row 1 Right Left Column 3 Up Row 1 Right Row 1 Right Right Column 2 Down Row 1 Left Right Column 1 Down Right Column 1 Down Row 1 Left Right Column 1 Up Row 1 Right Right Column 1 Up Left Column 3 Up Row 3 Left Left Column 3 Down Row 3 Right Left Column 2 Down Row 1 Left Row 1 Left Left Column 2 Up Row 1 Right Row 1 Right At this point, your squares should look like: 648 276 791 951 235 438 Row 3 Left Row 3 Left Left Column 1 Up Row 3 Right Row 3 Right Row 2 Left Row 2 Left Left Column 1 Down Row 2 Right Row 2 Right Left Column 1 Down Row 1 Left Row 1 Left Left Column 1 Up Row 1 Right Row 1 Right Left Column 2 Up Left Column 1 Up Row 2 Left Left Column 1 Down Row 2 Right Row 3 Left Left Column 1 Up Row 3 Right Left Column 1 Up Done Expand Yeah I wasn't aware of that. I imagine it's because whenever people ask for help they tend to post the parts they get stuck at that I thought there was multiple combos. I have the same solution as you do, but I like the way you wrote it out, so I'll add that. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paperblade Posted September 30, 2019 Share Posted September 30, 2019 On 9/29/2019 at 11:42 PM, Vinnie said: Yeah I wasn't aware of that. I imagine it's because whenever people ask for help they tend to post the parts they get stuck at that I thought there was multiple combos. I have the same solution as you do, but I like the way you wrote it out, so I'll add that. Expand I wasn't aware either until I looked it up, I had assumed it was just one Unrelated, but I also have an imgur album with all of the Adrienn volunteer locations with short descriptions of where they are. The screenshots are taken with the person already recruited: https://imgur.com/a/UDjeB 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vinnie Posted September 30, 2019 Author Share Posted September 30, 2019 On 9/30/2019 at 12:02 AM, Paperblade said: I wasn't aware either until I looked it up, I had assumed it was just one Unrelated, but I also have an imgur album with all of the Adrienn volunteer locations with short descriptions of where they are. The screenshots are taken with the person already recruited: https://imgur.com/a/UDjeB Expand Ooh that's a nice one! Didn't think of that, but I'll slide those in. I most likely have an archived save file that's close to that point, so when I get time I'll even go back through it and screenshot the spots with the actual npcs too. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkadius Posted January 3, 2020 Share Posted January 3, 2020 @Vinnie Thanks for this post! I have a contribution for the list. I was working out the fastest way through the Once upon a Somewhere area for the Speedrun, so I first mapped out the area and analysed the mechanics. The basic idea is that you start somewhere (x) on location or map 1. You can move in any direction. At some point point you will cross over from map 1 to map 2. Map 1 and map 2 are actually identical to each other, except you will notice that when you go back from map 2 to map 1, the entrance point you arrived at has disappeared. From map 2 you can go in any direction again to get to map 3. Map 3 will have no entrance or exit point either. Go from map 3 to map 4 and you will find the exit point. If you are on your bike, you will know when you transfer from a map to another map when the bike music resets to the normal music played in the area. I tried to represent this graphically: Reveal hidden contents Edit: to add on this, I did not draw all possibilities, just enough to get the idea. There are more routes you can take, you can left too. You can advantage of this by simply crossing the nearest line 5 times: (not sure if intended but it works :3) Not sure why you have to cross 5 times here, I assume it's because otherwise the game doesn't have enough time to load the staircase (since you arrive at the location where the stairs should be) Reveal hidden contents E2: here's a video on it as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GagayCZM3Fg&feature=youtu.be 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vinnie Posted January 6, 2020 Author Share Posted January 6, 2020 On 1/3/2020 at 8:47 PM, Arkadius said: @Vinnie Thanks for this post! I have a contribution for the list. I was working out the fastest way through the Once upon a Somewhere area for the Speedrun, so I first mapped out the area and analysed the mechanics. The basic idea is that you start somewhere (x) on location or map 1. You can move in any direction. At some point point you will cross over from map 1 to map 2. Map 1 and map 2 are actually identical to each other, except you will notice that when you go back from map 2 to map 1, the entrance point you arrived at has disappeared. From map 2 you can go in any direction again to get to map 3. Map 3 will have no entrance or exit point either. Go from map 3 to map 4 and you will find the exit point. If you are on your bike, you will know when you transfer from a map to another map when the bike music resets to the normal music played in the area. I tried to represent this graphically: Reveal hidden contents Edit: to add on this, I did not draw all possibilities, just enough to get the idea. There are more routes you can take, you can left too. You can advantage of this by simply crossing the nearest line 5 times: (not sure if intended but it works :3) Not sure why you have to cross 5 times here, I assume it's because otherwise the game doesn't have enough time to load the staircase (since you arrive at the location where the stairs should be) Reveal hidden contents E2: here's a video on it as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GagayCZM3Fg&feature=youtu.be Expand I'll add the last screenshot, and list it as a Once Upon a Somewhere Shortcut perhaps? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkadius Posted January 7, 2020 Share Posted January 7, 2020 Sounds good to me! 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
enerotreintiuno Posted February 25, 2020 Share Posted February 25, 2020 (edited) @Vinnie I found a Youtube video made by @andracass about the solution of the Magic Square Puzzle if Saphira is abducted. Refer to the link below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lh4FWEET_4 I went step by step and wrote down the steps to get the solution. Please add it to the solutions tab at the beginning. Pokemon Reborn Hard Magic Square Puzzle Solution You will see 4 letter/numbers for each step X: XXX 1st X number refers to the 3 monitors: · C : center monitor (only moves the rows left or right) · L: left Monitor (only moves the columns of the left monitor up or down) · R: Right Monitor (only moves the columns of the right monitor up or down) 2nd X number refers to either C or R · C : for Column (only applies to left (L) or (R) monitors) · R: for Row (only applies to center (C) monitor) 3rd X number refers to either row/column: · 1: for first row/column · 2: for second row/column · 3: for third row/column 4th X number refers the movement of the row/column · L: for moving the row to the left · R: for moving the row to the right · U: for moving the column up · D : for moving the row down EXAMPLE: C : R2R means Center Monitor, Row #2, Right. BEGIN: C : R2R L: C2U L: C3D C : R2L C : R2L R: C2U C : R2R C : R2R R: C3U 1st break: After these 9 movements it should look like this: C : R3R C : R2L L: C2U C : R2L L: C2D C : R2R C : R2R R: C1U C : R2L R: C1D 2nd break: After these 19 movements it should look like this: R: C1D C : R3L C : R3L C : R3L C : R3L R: C1U C : R3L C : R3L C : R3L R: C1D C : R3L R: C3U R: C3D R: C1U C : R3R R: C2U C : R2L R: C2D C : R2R R: C3U C : R2L R: C3D 3rd break: After these 41 movements it should look like this: R: C3D C : R3L R: C3U R: C3U C : R2R R: C1U C : R2L R: C1D R: C1U R: C3D R: C1D R: C1U C : R2L C : R2L R: C1D C : R2R C : R2R 4th break: After these 58 movements it should look like this: C : R2R C : R2R C : R2R R: C3U R: C3U R: C3D R: C3D C : R2R C : R2R R: C3U C : R2L R: C3D C : R2L R: C3U 5th and final break: After these 72 movements it should look like this: C : R3R R: C3U C : R3L R: C3D AFTER 76 MOVEMENTS WE ARE DONE!!!! Password: I don't know if it changes per save file, but this was mine (Spoilers) Reveal hidden contents 139749 EDIT: IT CHANGED ALL THE C : (together) as an EMOJI - EDIT EDIT: corrected them! Edited February 25, 2020 by kingjrcasanova Corrected the emojis 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Veterans andracass Posted February 25, 2020 Veterans Share Posted February 25, 2020 gosh my solution was really inefficient tho 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aphelli Posted February 25, 2020 Share Posted February 25, 2020 (edited) Indeed, for that instance (that in the linked video of Andracass) of the Devon Square Puzzle, there is a shorter (18-move) solution: First we start with the first square which is 629 134 578 Column 3 Down #make the W-E and NW-SE sums correct Line 3 Right Column 2 Up Line 3 Left #we permute the 2,3,5 so that we get a magic square Now the left square is good: 638 159 274 Now onto the right square, which is originally 475 829 316 First step is doing: Column 5 Up Line 1 Left Column 5 Down Line 1 Right and the right square is 427 859 316 We're nearly done, all we have to do is switch 2 and 9. Except that for mathematical reasons it's impossible to do without messing up the left square. There's probably a more elegant way to complete the puzzle, but actually we switch two pairs: 2 and 9 as well as 3 and 7, which then becomes possible. Line 3 Right Line 3 Right Column 6 Down Line 3 Left Line 3 Left #permute "downwards" 7,9,3 We get: 423 857 916 Line 2 Left Line 3 Right Column 5 Down Line 3 Left Line 2 Right #permute "downwards" the displaced 2,7,9 And that's it. As promised, the 18-move solution: 638 493 159 852 274 716 ********************************************** And a shorter (19-move) solution to the other version of the puzzle as well. I haven't tested them in-game because I don't have a savefile that advanced, but they satisfy all the rules so they should be good. It's slightly trickier than the other one, because the squares aren't each stand-alone, so we have to make them so. The starting position is 496 125 583 779 241 638 Line 1 Right Line 1 Right Column 2 Down Line 1 Left Line 1 Left We get: 496 124 553 779 281 638 Column 3 Up Column 1 Up Line 2 Right Column 2 Down Line 2 Left We get: 583 124 951 779 426 638 Line 2 Right Line 2 Right Column 1 Down Line 2 Left Line 2 Left We get: 483 124 951 759 726 638 Again, the left square is done and to complete the right one, all we need is permute 2,1,7. Line 1 Left Column 4 Up Line 1 Right # permute "upwards" 2,7,6 Column 4 Down #permute "downwards" 1,6,2 and we are done in 19 moves. The things I'm willing to do to procrastinate... Edited September 12, 2020 by Mindlack 1 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vinnie Posted February 26, 2020 Author Share Posted February 26, 2020 Done and updated. Added each to their own spots, sort of as a fail safe and there's a line below each giving credit @kingjrcasanova @andracass @Mindlack 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evi Crystal Posted May 28, 2020 Share Posted May 28, 2020 Very help guides. Thank you so much 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AxelRod45 Posted June 14, 2020 Share Posted June 14, 2020 (edited) Could you include the solution for how to get out of the Pokemon prison in the Blacksteam Factory's basement? Edited June 14, 2020 by AxelRod45 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vinnie Posted June 16, 2020 Author Share Posted June 16, 2020 On 6/14/2020 at 5:19 PM, AxelRod45 said: Could you include the solution for how to get out of the Pokemon prison in the Blacksteam Factory's basement? Expand Yeah sure. It won't be anything flashy(for now) but I'll put that, the solution for grabbing the rare candy, and grabbing Ditto up there. Edit: It's done. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SHAGGYSmurf Posted October 21, 2020 Share Posted October 21, 2020 Hey man, I can't thank you enough for this. I was having trouble following my sketches for Azurine Lake Underwater Towns. But: Reveal hidden contents I see you don't mention the 4th town Faeward. Not much to do there now, but will definitely be important in the final episode, having a locked house itself. Maybe it's worth at least mentioning it. Either way, you are a life saver for people like me, who uses Itemfinder on every inch of every map. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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