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Hey guys! I wanted to ask help from this forum on a certain thing: I want to create a team based on what kind of Pokémon would i find in my country: Argentina. Some of the most iconic animals from this place are pumas, toucan, tatú, tapir, Jaguar, penguin, whale, sea wolf, llama, etc. Geography and biomes you got everything, you name it. The people's attitude is kind of arrogant,  prideful with alot of love for the family. I don't know what else can i offer you, if you have any questions ask! And thank you!!

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6 hours ago, Dohr said:

Hey guys! I wanted to ask help from this forum on a certain thing: I want to create a team based on what kind of Pokémon would i find in my country: Argentina. Some of the most iconic animals from this place are pumas, toucan, tatú, tapir, Jaguar, penguin, whale, sea wolf, llama, etc. Geography and biomes you got everything, you name it. The people's attitude is kind of arrogant,  prideful with alot of love for the family. I don't know what else can i offer you, if you have any questions ask! And thank you!!

If I were to list one mon that matches each animal you listed:

Puma - Persian

Toucan - Toucannon (who could've seen that coming)

Tatú (which I found out is an armadillo) - Sandslash (either form works)

Tapir - Musharna (more based on a youkai but it works)

Jaguar - Liepard is the closest thing I can think of and that's not ideal. Absol could work and would be much better.

Penguin - Empoleon

Whale - Wailord

Sea Wolf - Primarina

Llama - Nothing I can think of that's actually a llama, but if you're okay woth stretching the definition there you could sub in a Camerupt.

Read up on a bit of wildlife so here are some other suggestions: Lycanroc, Dodrio, Heatmor, Talonflame, Swellow, Sawsbuck, Ninetales, Manectric, Cinccino, Krookodile, Oricorio. Hopefully that gives you some good options!

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7 hours ago, Alazir said:

If I were to list one mon that matches each animal you listed:

Puma - Persian

Toucan - Toucannon (who could've seen that coming)

Tatú (which I found out is an armadillo) - Sandslash (either form works)

Tapir - Musharna (more based on a youkai but it works)

Jaguar - Liepard is the closest thing I can think of and that's not ideal. Absol could work and would be much better.

Penguin - Empoleon

Whale - Wailord

Sea Wolf - Primarina

Llama - Nothing I can think of that's actually a llama, but if you're okay woth stretching the definition there you could sub in a Camerupt.

Read up on a bit of wildlife so here are some other suggestions: Lycanroc, Dodrio, Heatmor, Talonflame, Swellow, Sawsbuck, Ninetales, Manectric, Cinccino, Krookodile, Oricorio. Hopefully that gives you some good options!

For Llama you could go with Ampharos, it's similar enough I'd say even though its prior evolutions are sheep . Also look into:


Draglalge or Kingdra (relates to the Patagonian Seahorse)

Whiscash- Banjo Catfish

Poliwrath/Politoed/Greninja-Large Four-Eyed Frog

Comfey-reminiscent of the many colorful flowers of Argentina

In regards to the Arrogant yet Prideful, what about something like Hawlucha or Arcanine? They have always seemed like arrogant and proud mons to me.

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8 hours ago, Alazir said:

If I were to list one mon that matches each animal you listed:

Puma - Persian

Toucan - Toucannon (who could've seen that coming)

Tatú (which I found out is an armadillo) - Sandslash (either form works)

Tapir - Musharna (more based on a youkai but it works)

Jaguar - Liepard is the closest thing I can think of and that's not ideal. Absol could work and would be much better.

Penguin - Empoleon

Whale - Wailord

Sea Wolf - Primarina

Llama - Nothing I can think of that's actually a llama, but if you're okay woth stretching the definition there you could sub in a Camerupt.

Read up on a bit of wildlife so here are some other suggestions: Lycanroc, Dodrio, Heatmor, Talonflame, Swellow, Sawsbuck, Ninetales, Manectric, Cinccino, Krookodile, Oricorio. Hopefully that gives you some good options!

Dang, you are great! Not only gave me a full team, you gave me a pretty big pool of options! Thank you! It's fantastic!

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24 minutes ago, jbastian1 said:

For Llama you could go with Ampharos, it's similar enough I'd say even though its prior evolutions are sheep . Also look into:


Draglalge or Kingdra (relates to the Patagonian Seahorse)

Whiscash- Banjo Catfish

Poliwrath/Politoed/Greninja-Large Four-Eyed Frog

Comfey-reminiscent of the many colorful flowers of Argentina

In regards to the Arrogant yet Prideful, what about something like Hawlucha or Arcanine? They have always seemed like arrogant and proud mons to me.

This is awesome, with all the ideas i think i will have a pretty decent team! This is great!

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