doombotmecha Posted September 30, 2019 Share Posted September 30, 2019 If there's a better place for this then PLEASE tell me. My team: Marshtomp 25 -Rock Smash -Water Gun -Mud Bomb -Mud Slap Dusk-Lycanroc 25 -Thrash -Howl -Rock Throw -Rock Tomb (note: this is the rockruff from the trade, so it's moves are kinda bad) Vivillion 25@TwistedSpoon -Psybeam -Gust -Stun Spore -Light Screen Charjabug 25 -Acrobatics -Crunch -Spark -Bug Bite Meditite 24 -Force Palm -Detect -Poison Sweep -Hidden Power Ghost I have NOTHING to tank with. I feel like I need full atk/spatk EV training for the secon---no, wait, not even the second gym!!! I'm just past Samson in reborn, but here I am wondering if I'm just not cut out for rejuv. The fake out from mienfoo on match start+pignite's terrifying offensive presence are the first big hurdle, but I've been starting Shuppet/Meditite and using Detect turn one to eat the fake out without taking damage, while using Knock off to soften up pignite for Vivillion later. I can get Keta down to just Lucario, but I have nothing left to handle it. Maybe I need a fire-type....but I have no idea what kind of fire could survive more than one hit from that monster. I think maybe if I try paralyzing Scraggy+ignoring it that I can make things easier for a while, but it's not like it isn't a threat, and that still leaves me 2v2 for the first few turns. I just don't know what to do. Florina was easier. This is a nightmare. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scyl Posted September 30, 2019 Share Posted September 30, 2019 Looking like you could use our based lord and savior, Xatu, the Keta slayer. You also could grind up that Eevee into either Espeon/Sylveon with Pixelate and Swift for strong SE damage. 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Autumn Zephyr Posted September 30, 2019 Share Posted September 30, 2019 Okay, so I'm probably not the most qualified to help here (this a single battle back in V9, and I mostly cheesed it with Minimize grimer at the time), but I did a little research to try anyway. It's recommended to keep the scraggy alive for a bit since it's largely non-threatening (Paralysis makes it even less so, of course), and chimecho messes up a large chunk of his team despite its coverage against Psychic Types. Chingling can be found in the villages grass at night, and evolves through Happiness (also at night), so it'll take some effort to actually get. I've also heard a lot of how natu breaks so many of the early Gyms, though I remain unconvinced. If you want to give it a try anyway, they can be found in the Amethyst Cave. Edit: Well, guess I got a bit accelgor'd on that last one 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scyl Posted September 30, 2019 Share Posted September 30, 2019 Quote I've also heard a lot of how natu breaks so many of the early Gyms, though I remain unconvinced. If you want to give it a try anyway, they can be found in the Amethyst Cave. Expand Xatu the clutch god saved me from losing vs Narcissa, :ded: Thank you field effects for doubling Ominous Wind's chance to boost all stats. No, but seriously, 1 boost with Stored Power just puts everything down. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gentleman Jaggi Posted September 30, 2019 Share Posted September 30, 2019 With how much trouble you seem to be having are you sure you're not playing in Intense? If you're lacking in offensive power Fearow could be a good option; its learns Aerial Ace and evolves very early giving it some decent power in the early game. For Lucario a Sturdy Geodude with Bulldoze might be helpful so you have to tank less of its attacks. I don't know how good Xatu is but I know it can make use of quite a bunch if Fields used in the early gyms. 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fellowry Posted September 30, 2019 Share Posted September 30, 2019 Get a grip man his team is not even his intense team (Breelon, Hariyama, Troh, Lucario, Pignite, and hitmontop) but if you want to cheese this fight go Get yourself a xatu or go to route 2 and get a fairy type: swirlix, igglypuff(can trade to get cleffa), Dendenne or eevee and evolve it to vaporeon for tank, espeon or slyveon, the other option is to ev train your mon to outspeed and hit them like a truck, in rejuv ev training your mon is very easy now 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fellowry Posted September 30, 2019 Share Posted September 30, 2019 On 9/30/2019 at 4:14 AM, Autumn Zephyr said: Okay, so I'm probably not the most qualified to help here (this a single battle back in V9, and I mostly cheesed it with Minimize grimer at the time), but I did a little research to try anyway. It's recommended to keep the scraggy alive for a bit since it's largely non-threatening (Paralysis makes it even less so, of course), and chimecho messes up a large chunk of his team despite its coverage against Psychic Types. Chingling can be found in the villages grass at night, and evolves through Happiness (also at night), so it'll take some effort to actually get. I've also heard a lot of how natu breaks so many of the early Gyms, though I remain unconvinced. If you want to give it a try anyway, they can be found in the Amethyst Cave. Edit: Well, guess I got a bit accelgor'd on that last one Expand Xatu actually destroy the gym up to Narcissa the sheer OP combo of Ominous wind+Stored Power wreck the early game, not to mention you can ev train very easily now so its even more deadly 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
doombotmecha Posted September 30, 2019 Author Share Posted September 30, 2019 Thank you all for your time. I hear y'all on Xatu and Chimecho, and I'm definitely going to train up a Xatu. My last attempt before using that ICTM (inter-continental totembird missile) is going to be using a Hariyama in place of marshtomp. I got lucky on Duskanroc's Thrash targeting and got down to just lucario, so I think with extra priority and fighting STAB I could do it. The most heartbreaking part of this fight, when I was just starting my attempts, was Marshtomp getting outsped and OHKO'd. While Marshtomp is normally pretty tanky for level 25, it's clear that it's totally irrelevant for this fight. I think that if I can get down to Lucario with Charjabug/Hariyama, force palm should do the trick while Lucario targets down Charjabug with Rock Tomb. If I can't make that work consistently, I'll just sub in more evolved mons like Xatu and Fearow. I may also pick up Geodude, maybe now but maybe in my next run. If the story in this game were any worse, I'd put it down and never pick it up again. But, as it happens, the story is to die for, so I'll keep trying for as long as it takes. Thanks again to all of you. P.S. This is a very minor nitpick but the guide has incorrect leads for Keta. It lists Combusken and Mienfoo as his first two, when it's actually Mienfoo and Pignite. P.P.S. @fellowry THROH?!?! jesus christ. At least I'd know what to do about Breloom after florina, but god that throh must be a TANK. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Seel The Deal Posted September 30, 2019 Share Posted September 30, 2019 I remember doing this on intense fairly recently, and my Lunatone's Moonblast carrying super hard (you can get one heart scale by this point). His signature move is pretty scary but it seems like he preferred targeting my other 'mons or using different coverage moves that DIDN'T one-shot Lunatone, so I had plenty of time to do massive damage in return. My full team was something like Voltorb/Shuppet/Lunatone/Braixen/Lycanroc-Dusk and one other 'mon I forget (Fletchinder, maybe?). Don't undervalue Shuppet's Will-o-Wisp, it's a free cripple on one of his 'mons, possibly more if it lives. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
doombotmecha Posted October 1, 2019 Author Share Posted October 1, 2019 On 9/30/2019 at 10:15 PM, Seel The Deal said: I remember doing this on intense fairly recently, and my Lunatone's Moonblast carrying super hard (you can get one heart scale by this point). His signature move is pretty scary but it seems like he preferred targeting my other 'mons or using different coverage moves that DIDN'T one-shot Lunatone, so I had plenty of time to do massive damage in return. My full team was something like Voltorb/Shuppet/Lunatone/Braixen/Lycanroc-Dusk and one other 'mon I forget (Fletchinder, maybe?). Don't undervalue Shuppet's Will-o-Wisp, it's a free cripple on one of his 'mons, possibly more if it lives. Expand Oh, thanks! I managed to beat the fight by subbing Marshtomp and Charjabug for Xatu and Hariyama. Hari's bulkier than anything else, so Lucario targets it's partner and then dies to Vital Throw. At the end it was just Hariyama vs. Machoke, who whiffed a Gale Strike, allowing me to take the fight. Shuppet was invaluable, though, just for Knock Off support that couldn't get hit with fake out. I did pick up Lunatone, though, and I'm definitely gonna try and use it in the upcoming normal gym. For now, it's almost time to face off against Madelis! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samurai Posted October 1, 2019 Share Posted October 1, 2019 Hariyama is worth it's weight in gold (all 500 pounds of it) for this fight, especially if you have one with Sheer Force... Just spam Force Palm, even better if you can EV train in HP and Attack 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
doombotmecha Posted October 1, 2019 Author Share Posted October 1, 2019 On 10/1/2019 at 7:12 AM, Samurai said: Hariyama is worth it's weight in gold (all 500 pounds of it) for this fight, especially if you have one with Sheer Force... Just spam Force Palm, even better if you can EV train in HP and Attack Expand I'm currently using one with Thick Fat for the extra resists and utility, but I think I'll at least EV train a Sheer Force one in case I need it. Plus, I've got a whole bunch of Pokemon that need HP EVs rn, and with the exp all I can train them all at once! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J-Dawg Posted October 3, 2019 Share Posted October 3, 2019 On 9/30/2019 at 4:12 PM, doombotmecha said: If the story in this game were any worse, I'd put it down and never pick it up again. But, as it happens, the story is to die for... Expand I agree with this statement on many levels. @doombotmecha That's an Ephiram profile picture, right? Good job beating Keta. I remember my first time playing Rejuvenation and raging at both Ketas, but especially at the 2nd fight because (let me know if I miss anything worth mentioning) I had beaten him the first time and I made the mistake of thinking I'd get my badge from him either right then and there or shortly after (like go to his dojo to talk with him and get it). But nooooo, I had to go through the volcano, beat SEC multiple times, make it to Team Xen's base, do a key hunt, get wiped by Shadow Mewtwo, deal with Rift Volcanion, and then his spirit is telling me that I have to take on his pain-in-the-ass team just so I can finally get my 2nd badge and allow my pokemon to level up again when through all the battles I've been through (post first Keta fight) my pokemon could've easily been Lv. 30 or higher by now. TLDR: Keta's spirit can potentially drive you to be happy that Keta is dead now. According to your account, you're a "Veteran" of this community with almost 500 posts. I haven't played any unofficial Pokemon games besides Rejuvenation, not even Reborn. (I know *gasp* don't worry I plan to play it.) So is Rejuvenation really that much harder than Reborn (or whatever your most challenging Pokemon game/experience has been)? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
doombotmecha Posted October 3, 2019 Author Share Posted October 3, 2019 @J-Dawg The thing is, I actually had a relatively easy time going through reborn chapter 2 the first time. Let's go boss by boss: I forget the rest of my team, but I know I had Quilladin, Pansear, and Trubbish. --Pulse Tangrowth is intimidating, but it's 1v6 and Acid Spray really cute Tangrowth down to size. -Fern's old team was all grass types, and with Servine instead of Dartrix only his Roselia was really tough. --Florina is fairly simple with this team, since Toxic Spikes really hurts Cradily, and Quilladin's Pin Missile is boosted by the field. Only her Toxic Heal Breloom was really a problem, but I solved that eventually. Finally, note that these are all single battles, with less of a potential for ohkos, and therefore more usefulness for healing items. Now, let's look at Rejuvenation chapter 2, which I'm counting as from the one title card to the next, aka Jenkel's pulse musharna to true Keta. --PULSE Musharna: Pulse, double battle, and Pulse Musharna isn't weak to dark moves. In addition, psychics on psychic terrain is rough, ngl. --Nim: No warning double battle on a field you've never seen before, oh and also Rockslide hax. Reborn doesn't have Sol/Lun with Rockslide until chapter 4, after Corey, and even then you get to see the field in action first. Also Espurr is incredibly painful at this point in the game (for comparison, Espurr practically by itself is a midboss in the slums that can really hammer teams lacking a dark type), and I have persistent awful luck surrounding Hypnosis, making Inkay much harder than it had to be. In addition, the field negates psy's most common weakness, and further boosts Espurr's incredibly strong psybeam. --Zetta II: this fight was why I made my first help post. Venam's A-Grimer was so bulky that Zetta seemed to consistently focus down my Pokemon, his gloom ate toxic spikes, his (field-boosted) ancient Power minior was threatening to ascend to godhood each turn it was out..... it's one hell of a fight. Also, my Marshtomp (the only Mon tanky enough to not get otk'd by anything other than gloom) hit the cap this fight, so I was reluctant to use it afterwards. -DR Galvantula: this fight was like Shelly on drugs. Constant debuffs, constant spread moves, and the Dr galv has a different typing and one of the strongest offensive abilities in the game. Venam had to finish that for me. -Keta I: the cause of this thread. I honestly believe that the first team I took into that fight could have aced Florina, and that's even with two Pokemon weak to grass. I was expecting a difficult single battle, not a double battle where I lost a Pokemon every turn! Once again, having my bulkiest Mon outsped and OHKO'd on its first turn by an original move I wasn't warned about Did Not Help. However, with y'all's help, I was able to beat the fight. Madelis: I had a good time. Sure S.Mewtwo exclusively targeted my team each turn, and Keta had to finish the fight, but at least Hyper Mode put M2 on a clock. There's nothing that compares to it in Reborn c2, but hey, it's not so bad. -DR Volcanion: this thing is kind of a joke. Dusk Lycanroc 2kos it with Rock Tomb, and it's not even a close 2ko either. Thank God. Sidenote that even now, Meteor has yet to bring out legendary Pokemon against us. --True Keta: i actually found this kind of easy. It was a straightforward single battle, and I had coverage for all his types. Having two flyers in Vivillion and Xatu really helped. Gallade just gets 2ko'd by Air slash. That's 8 boss fights to 3, not counting help requests (many of which are just as tough, if not more so). Needless to say, I ground my team to 28-30 before even leaving Sheridan. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J-Dawg Posted October 3, 2019 Share Posted October 3, 2019 Boy, if you thought Inkay was annoying do you have it in for you later in the game. A note for you going forward about double battles, when I came into Rejuvenation I was hoping to have some cool dynamic double battles with neat setup and strategies and all that...but from what I've experienced, they all end up being a "who can kill the other faster" fest. Expect a lot of enemy pokemon to seem OP in double battles. A lot of them get items that boost their damage like Life Orb and shit too. So Knock Off will always be useful. A good example is Keta where I wanted to try to have my Swoobat set up with Simple Calm Mind, but nope like all his pokemon have Rock Tomb or some coverage move that made short work of my Swoobat. Maybe someone else has had better luck getting more neat strategies than simply trying to out OHKO them, but that's mainly how I've had to deal with all the double battles in this game. Good thinking with grinding your team. It's simply the safest way to go, especially with the Exp. All. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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