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Need some Tipps for my Team


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Hey Guys


I need some Help with my Team to beat Solaris in Agate City because with my present Team i can`t beat him.


My present Team


[Haxorus] | [83]
[Dragon Fang]
[Mold Braker]
- Dragon Claw
- Dragon Dance
- Night Slash
- Iron Tail


[Vileplume] | [87]
[Big Root]
[Effect Spore]
- Giga Drain
- Toxic
- Dazzling Gleam
- Moonlight


[Charizard] | [88]
[Solar Power]
- Fly
- Flare Blitz
- Inferno
- Heat Wave


[Pinsir] | [84]
[Silver Powder]
- Swordsdance
- X Scissor
- Superpower
- Trash


[Metacross] | [88]
[Metal Coat]
[Clear Body]
- Bulldoze
- Hyperbeam
- Meteor Mash
- Zen Headbutt


[Weavile] | [79]
- Snatsh
- Punishment
- Ice Shard
- Icicle Crash



Weavile is in Training and i have not the right TMs for replace for Snatch and Punishment.

I think that my Charizard is a complete Dumpster in this Game because every mon can use Rock Slide


My other mons on pc:


[Swampert] | [88]
[Wave Incense]
- Surf
- Earthquake
- Rockslide
- Waterfall


[Garchomp] | [88]
[Dragon Fang]
[Rough Skin]
- Dig
- Dragon Fang
- Rock Climb (Needed someone with this TM)
- Outrage

[Kangaskhan] | [88]
[Early Bird]
- Secret Power
- Outrage
- Flamethrower
- Sucker Punch

[Arcanine] | [91]
- Flamethrower
- Extreme Speed
- Crunch
- Close Combat

[Absol] | [91]
[Scope Lens]
[Super Luck]
- Perish Song
- Play Rough
- Megahorn
- Sucker Punch


[Electabuzz] | [88]
[Vital Spirit]
- Thunderwave
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Punch
- Cross Chomp


[Alola Ninetales] | [88]
[Never Melting Ice]
[Snow Cloak]
- Blizzard
- Aurora Veil
- Dazzling Gleam
- Dark Pulse


[Ludicolo] | [88]
[Meadow Plate]
[Swift Swim]
- Surf
- Hydro Pump
- Giga Drain
- Dive


[Sharpedo] | [88]
[Speed Boost]
- Surf
- Skull Bash
- Night Slash
-Ice Fang


[Muk] | [89]
[Black Sludge]
[Poison Touch]
- Toxic
- Minimize
- Gunk Shot
- Venoshock


[Alakazam] | [88]
[Magic Guard]
- Psychic
- Trick Room
- Telekinesis
- Recover

[Krookodile] | [88]
[Anger Point]
- Earthquake
- Sandstorm
- Foul Play
- Outrage

[Guardevoir | [87]
[Twisted Spoon]
- Psychic
- Magic Leaf
- Moon Blast
- Destiny Bond

[Noivern] | [88]
[Sky Plate]
- Air Slash
- Fly
- Dragon Pulse
- Boom Burst

[Magmar] | [88]
[Vital Spirit]
- Sunny Day
- Flamethrower
- Fire Punch
- Cross Chop


[Blastoise] | [88]
[Rain Dish]
- Hydropump
- Scald
- Rainy Day
- Dark Pulse

I Have the biggest Trouble with his Gyarados and Excadrill.

Except the Bird from the start of the Battle i dont know the rest of his mons.


I also have some mons taht i may use in my PC but they have to be Trained so i write only the Name and lvl


Mimikyu 75

Gothita 25

Archen 25

Excadrill 75

Toxicroak 75

Rapidash 81

Exploud 77

Fearow 60

Nidoqueen 74

Golem 76

Steelix 71

Scrafty 83


This is my First Post so i hope i did nothing wrong.

And Excuse pls my bad English xD.

Thx for the Help mates.

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Your team and box are looking great to me. For Solaris his team hit pretty hard and fast with mega Garchomp as his ace, your team is not gonna outspeed him even with noivern in your box(I've already try that since noivern is my ace too 😞 ) From your box you may try using trick room since his mon are pretty speedy or train up Exacadrill since it can set up sword dance and sweep.

From my playthrough I use this same strat but change Excadril Aegislash to set up sword dance while lower his team attack with king's shield then sweep them all with shadow sneak(240+ power with priority).

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9 hours ago, Fave said:

Thx for the tips. I try it with trick room and if this doesn`t work i try with Excadrill.

Where can i find Aegislash?

You can find honedge in the mirage tower in tourmaline dessert same place where you can find Mimikyu. Just solve the puzzle it will be on the top floor.

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No offense, but a lot of your Pokemon's movesets are really... not that good.


Charizard, for example, isn't going to be getting much done with 3 fire moves. Hyper Beam is a really bad move in general, especially on a physical attacker like Metagross. Snatch is a genuinely useless move and Punishment is inferior to other options Weavile has. Gardevoir has better options than Magical Leaf at this point. Alakazam has two basically useless moves in the form of Trick Room and Telekinesis. Sharpedo is a physical attacker so Waterfall is better on it rather than Surf, and Skull Bash is just a bad move. Kangaskhan has a much better ability available in the form of Scrappy.


The worst offender here though, is Muk. Muk is a physical attacker first and foremost, so Timid is a terrible nature for it. While Toxic and Minimize are great for a stally set, it's terrible on the offensive side. Gunk Shot is a good move for Muk, but when combined with Venoshock it's a terrible combination. Rather than a physical coverage move, it has another poison move that runs off of its weaker offensive stat. It's basically useless against anything that resists poison, and literally can't touch steel types.

While I'm unsure of whether it's Kantonian or Alolan, the above applies to both


Honestly, I kinda feel bad for you right now. I'm willing to help you work out some better movesets for your mons, so feel free to ask if you want help.

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