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What Legendary Pokemon do you think fits each of the Reborn Gym Leaders/Elite 4?


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I apologize in advance if this kind of topic had been discussed in the past, Since there will be a boss rush in Episode 19 , I have been wondering what legendary will be suited for each Gym Leaders and the Elite 4, One for each person. I’ll also add Ultra Beasts to the list because if not, Poison won’t have a representative. I’ve actually had this in my mind for quite a while and i did this mainly for fun and because i was hyped for Episode 19. Without further ado, i made a list of Gym Leaders/E4 with the Legendary/Mythical/UBs that seemed to fit well with them (Not counting Arceus and Silvally). Keep in mind that these are my opinions and thought process.

My Opinions:


Gym Leaders (Assuming we will Rematch them in the field we face them in the main storyline)

·         Julia: Zeraora , Because Plasma Fists’ Power is Doubled on Electric Terrain.

·         Florinia: This is a hard one to decide, Because the desert field doesn’t benefit the Grass Legendaries much, Judging By Aesthetics, I’d say Virizion suits Florinia, Tapu Bulu maybe as well, because Bulu was founded in a desert? But it doesn’t suit her ‘Desert Rose’ Playstyle as Bulu summons the Grassy Terrain, Maybe for some passive recovery for stalling? Other than that, Kartana could also be used since it’s immune to Sandstorm.

·         Shelly:  We don’t have much choice, so Pheromosa it is then.

·         Shade: I’d say Marshadow, Judging by Aesthetics. Also the way Marshadow lurks in the shadows just reminds me of Shade.

·         Aya: Nihilego, Probably the better option besides Naganadel, also because Nihilego is part Rock Type.

·         Serra: Another Hard one to Pick, but Probably Regice, Although Regice gains nothing in the Mirror Arena, it looks like it can blend with the Mirror Arena. Articuno is also an okay choice, because it can use Mirror Coat.

·         Noel: The only Choice there is Meloetta, Poor Noel. If only Regigigas doesn’t suck. Unless Anna made a wish to get another Arceus from another Dimension/Reality so Noel can use Arceus.

·         Radomus: A very hard one to decide, mainly because of the Abundance of Legendary/Mythical Psychic types. Because Radomus’ Playstyle revolves around Trick Room and Bulk, i guess between Cresselia,Lugia,or Necrozma (Dusk Mane/Dawn Wings), They aren’t that slow, but Cress/Lugia is better with Supporting/Setting Trick Room(Lugia can’t use Trick Room tho) and mainly invest in bulk , while Necrozma loses speed when fused with Solgaleo/Lunala, making it possible to abuse the Trick Room. Then again, he doesn’t have to stick to the same strategy in the post-game, he might not use Trick Room in the boss rush.

·         Luna: Easy. Darkrai, the Dark Crystal Cavern Buffs Dark Void to increase its base accuracy to 100, Making it more OP than the original Dark Void’s 80 accuracy before being nerfed to 50 accuracy. It is also the Counterpart to Cresselia. If they are Allowed to have Legendaries that doesn’t have to be their corresponding typing, i’d say Lunala fits her well too (Get it? Luna-la), because Shadow Shield gets buffed in the Dark Crystal Cavern.

·         Samson: Probably Buzzwole, because Samson is a big, strongman, these two seem to fit each other in my opinion, and the other fighting Types doesn’t suit him well in my opinion (Marshadow & Swords of Justice), but if i had to pick another, i’d pick Terrakion.

·         Charlotte: Kinda hard to decide, but i’m leaning towards Reshiram. Mainly , because the burning field affects grounded pokemon only which doesn’t affect pokemon like Moltres and Ho-Oh, and as a tribute to Saphira, since Reshiram is part dragon type.

·         Terra: I like to imagine her with Landorus-Therian just for the memes.

·         Ciel: This is also Very hard to decide, Maybe Tornadus? Either form is fine, but leaning towards therian forme, because of Regenerator, and i remembered that from the Gym Leader machine that Ame installs that gives you advices, Ame said that Ciel likes to play with Bulk and defensively, it also knows Acrobatics, The only Legendary/Mythical/UBs that learn Acrobatics are only Tornadus and Celesteela, steela could also be an option, because it’s also bulky.

·         Adrienn: Kinda hard to pick in my opinion, between Xerneas, and Magearna, Xerneas mainly because it is Xerneas, it’s just being a really good fairy type, although Misty Terrain and Fairy tale Field does nothing to its signature move, Geomancy. Magearna, although the Misty Terrain doesn’t do much to it (Doesn’t boost Fleur Cannon), Fairy tale field makes Magearna kinda busted, boosting both of its stab and boosting Fleur cannon. Tapu Fini is also an option if xe wants the Misty Terrain back after using Tailwind, assuming xe also uses Tailwind during the boss rush, and fini is send out late game.

·         Titania: Honestly, I’d like her to use Cobalion, it learns moves that is boosted by her field, and it would be fitting if the other gym leaders related to her used the other members of swords of justice too (Virizion for Florinia, Terrakion for Hardy, and Keldeo for Amaria). I could also see her use Dialga, as both its STABs are boosted in the Fairy Tale field, Steel deals super effective damage in her field, so its steel typing makes it neutral to the steel type attack it receives. Kartana’s moves are also boosted in her field.

·         Amaria: I’m leaning towards Kyogre or Manaphy. Kyogre’s Electric moves are boosted in both of her field, and provides rain for more extra power for her team. Manaphy is there because Hydration. She could also use the aforementioned Keldeo, or Palkia as a counterpart to Titania’s Dialga.

·         Hardy: Terrakion fits his hyper-offense strategy, Stakataka is also worth mentioning since it can use Trick room, some sort of semblance to Pokemon Online League’s Hardy strategy that uses Trick Room.

·         Saphira: Another hard one to decide. Honestly Reshiram seems to make good use of her field, but i don’t want duplicates. The Latis and Rayquaza, seems to be my choice, any of the two latis only gets their Dragon STAB boosted, while Rayquaza has its signature move, Dragon Ascend, double in power in this field.

Elite 4

·         Heather: Assuming we fight her in the Mountain Field, i’d say Zapdos/Thundurus to abuse Thunder’s Accuracy.

·         Laura: Shaymin or Celebi, i’m actually surprised Seed Flare isn’t affecting or being affected by the Flower Garden field in any stage, but Fleur Cannon is buffed (starting from stage 3)

·         Bennett: Well, the only bug left is Genesect.

Not gonna add Elias and Anna, because Anna’s Legendary is Obvious, and Elias did the Arceus with Ditto. And that’s it, i’d like to hear your opinions as well about what mon suit each leader/E4 member, or maybe about the others (Like Cal, Blake, Arclight, The rivals,etc). I’d also like to apologize if i made a Mistake or a comment that seemed disrespectful. Please correct me , if i’m wrong.

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22 minutes ago, SilverAngelus said:

Also, is Anna really an elite four member? I don't remember that being stated in game. 

Not directly no, but during her Introduction Charlotte wants to say something about Anna, after she lists the Gym Leader/ Elite 4 Status of the People Present and Laura down, which Anna interrupts. Also there is a Gossip Gardevoir interview, which strongly implies that she is something.
Also Meta reasoning, Anna was a Psychic Leader in the Online League (and will as such be battled in some form) and is pretty much the only Online League Leader left, whose position in Game isn't confirmed, she is basicaly the only one left that could possibly be the 4th original Elite 4 (saying original because of the Bennet & Laura stuff)

as for on topic post: Pretty sure their postgame rematches don't need to be on the same field that was used in their Gym battle (would almost hope so in Serra's case that field is a crime against fun, and no i am not saying that because it's difficult, it really isn't just annoying) so probably either thematic to the character and/or what makes a good battle in general should probably main considerations
that beeing said i don't really see anything out of place with your picks at all, i kinda feel Articuno could fit Ciel well, but I honestly couldn't tell you why XD

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5 hours ago, SilverAngelus said:

I think Magearna suits Adrienn best, imo. Fairy type + uhhhh....gear. Much like a gear was stuck by the Grand Gate due to Adrienn. hehe

I just realized that, maybe adrienn is best suited with magearna after all, haha


4 hours ago, Falirion said:

as for on topic post: Pretty sure their postgame rematches don't need to be on the same field that was used in their Gym battle (would almost hope so in Serra's case that field is a crime against fun, and no i am not saying that because it's difficult, it really isn't just annoying) so probably either thematic to the character and/or what makes a good battle in general should probably main considerations
that beeing said i don't really see anything out of place with your picks at all, i kinda feel Articuno could fit Ciel well, but I honestly couldn't tell you why XD

It is true that the rematches doesn't have to be using the field that we fight them in the storyline, especially considering Noel's battle since we fight because Anna said we need the badges quickly and outside of Noel's ideal arena, i'm also fixated on how these mons fit with their field instead of judging just by what seemed to look nice with the gym leaders, which is why i was picking mons that could learn acrobatics for ciel, that aside, i could really see ciel with Articuno too, i seemed to suit her.


2 hours ago, LeoYT said:

Ame had a Latias in her battle in the Redux mod and it seems fitting

i see, i never knew you could battle Ame in redux, maybe we'll get a battle in the postgame with the opponent using Ame's pokemon (whether some kind of battle simulator using past ame's battle records or a person impersonating as her, i dunno), and maybe they'd use latias too. Latias also fits you well.


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Since "best-suited legendaries" was brought up, here's my thoughts on the same.


Julia: Zeraora: Best said by Erucion.

Florinia: Tapu Bulu, Celebi, or if we want to go with the Musketeers idea? Virizion.

Corey: Nihilego, I would think? The Ground weakness might fit better on Aya's field, but "nihi" in the name could be a reference to "Nihilism" (Corey's definitely the "Straw Nihilist" of the Leaders).

Shelly: Pheromosa, I have to admit.

Shade: Hoopa, actually - the whole "teleportation" thing Shade does could actually be connected to Hoopa, do you think? Or possibly Blacephalon, given the "fake head"/Mind Blown thing it has.

Kiki: Marshadow - Fighting/Ghost. Fitting...

Aya: Naganadel, given it is the only Poison legendary left - and also appeared first in USUM, sort of like how she's the Reserve Leader?

Serra: Articuno - it has Snow Cloak, which is activated both on the Mirror Field and also the Frozen Field (where Rock attacks become Ice, to boot).

Noel: Meloetta or Regigigas... I'd have to go with Meloetta. Also, it makes for a nice contrast to his stoic personality (and a connection to his family).

Radomus: Deoxys - suggested elsewhere a while ago, can't remember where. The "form changes" fit with his hats.

Luna: Darkrai, for the reasons above.

Samson: Buzzwole, again for the reasons above.

Charlotte: Victini (given she's overall apparently the hardest leader).

Terra: Landorus or Groudon, Landorus for the Glitch Field and Groudon for the Desert or Big Top.

Ciel: Celesteela - the Heavy Slam it has triggers the Slammer, I believe. And Beast Boost with Attack would be insanely powerful here.

Adrienn: Magearna, for the reasons above.

Titania: I'd say Kartana, given her swords preference. Or Cobalion, since the "musketeers" theme she could have with Florinia, Hardy, and Amaria could be present there.

Amaria: Keldeo ("musketeers"), or Tapu Fini (given the Surf spam she often does in Doubles and Tapu Fini's Telepathy secondary ability).

Hardy: Kind of surprised no one thought of Diancie, specifically Mega Diancie - it is very fitting for his battle style.

Saphira: Reshiram, as said above - and here, it's no duplicate.


Heather: Zapdos, Thundurus, or Tornados would be best, I think.

Bennett: Genesect, as said above.

Laura: Shaymin - either form.

Elias: Arceus, or specifically Ditto-Arceus.

Anna: Jirachi.

Ame: Latias was apparently on her team, as said above? Well, it's certainly fitting.

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