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Understanding Pokemon Online


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Okay so I might come off as a total dummy but I do NOT understand this Pokemon Online and $R stuff and I would like to. Is there a good guide for dummies floating around? I downloaded it and was a bit overwhelmed. I don't understand how/if your trainer cards connect.... or you use the Pokemon on your actual Reborn team... if so I will be too weak. Do you spend $R there? I don't have any options but the default in the sprite shop. I am such a noob and it makes me sad. D; Btw I did look at the FAQ and rules... still doesn't make it very clear. Also I don't understand what a OHKO Clause is so I can avoid it. Bleh... lots of questions and confusion. Help!

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Oh, I hadn't seen this, okay- for starters, nothing on the site directly connects to the PO server (with a few technical exceptions) so, in order:

Okay so I might come off as a total dummy but I do NOT understand this Pokemon Online and $R stuff and I would like to. Is there a good guide for dummies floating around?

If you feel like reading, there's this: http://wiki.pokemon-online.eu/view/Beginner's_guide

I downloaded it and was a bit overwhelmed. I don't understand how/if your trainer cards connect.... or you use the Pokemon on your actual Reborn team... if so I will be too weak.

Not at all! We manually check trainer cards before League battles as it is, so you can put whatever you want on it if you don't intend to challenge the League on the server.

As you can see, my trainer card and my ingame Reborn team are quite different:



Do you spend $R there? I don't have any options but the default in the sprite shop. I am such a noob and it makes me sad. D;

I'm not sure what you mean about "any options but the default", but as I said above, nothing on the site directly connects with the server as it is. $R as a whole is strictly for site purposes.

Btw I did look at the FAQ and rules... still doesn't make it very clear. Also I don't understand what a OHKO Clause is so I can avoid it. Bleh... lots of questions and confusion. Help!

If you can point out anything else that's specifically confusing you I'm sure someone will be able to clear it up; the OHKO (or, One-Hit Knockout) clause in particular prevents the use of OHKO moves such as Sheer Cold or Fissure. Clauses as a whole are self-imposed rulesets to generally make the game a little more fair- there's a Sleep Clause, a Freeze clause and a Species Clause on top of a couple others.

WOW i really broke this post hold on.

Okay, that's fixed, but it's also 2:20am so I really should go to sleep. Maybe someone else can be useful.

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Thanks for the detailed help. I meant this and every time I try to save it doesn't work. Just thought of something... I probably have to organize my trainer card eh?


Okay so lets say i make out my trainer card with the Pokemon and moves I want. How to I then program them on to Pokemon Online? (I probably should read that guide you posted.) Meh I wish this was a bit easier.

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Wow look I'm not asleep when I said I was going to do so what a shock

Um, yeah, I believe you need a trainer card for the sprite shop to work properly, but that would be Amethyst or Nyu's domain.

Making a team is pretty simple actually, but you can't use your trainer card for it (in fact, it would have to be the other way around). Here's an example of a Pokemon that's completely filled out on a finished team:


A lot of it is technical, so if you don't understand it, don't worry about it for now. Main concerns are the four moves on the bottom, and the species/item next to the picture. When making a new team they'll all be blank, but just click on the ? icon and pick the Pokemon you want, then hit the Change Species button. You just have to open the team builder on PO (ctrl+O by default I believe?) and repeat the process shown above for each Pokemon you're putting on the team.

I also could have just given you this: http://wiki.pokemon-online.eu/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_Online/Teambuilder

That's no fun.

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Thanks very much! I am going to mess around with it some and see if I run into any other issues/questions. I'll be sure to return to this thread if they pop up. Sleep well when you finally go to sleep! hehe.

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