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What do you wana see in v10?


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  On 8/17/2013 at 5:52 AM, Fiammazure said:

more pokemons in OU?

Gotta be in the know to find the ones that are already in, and as for the rest that aren't yet, don't hold your breath c:

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  On 8/16/2013 at 10:43 PM, RisingManes said:

I just want a source of cash. Hopefully early.


  On 8/17/2013 at 1:29 AM, Yami said:

Why have Fly in the game? Are you lazy? I'm already getting used to running around city to city. And a Daycare would be worthless if you had Fly.

Yes, i am lazy and miss fly. Too used to it in the main series i guess.

EV training items would be awesome too :D

Edited by Stiffins
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I'm not entirely sure that's possible since the earliest I recall that existing was in Platinum, so if it's not already in the code somewhere it falls under those "things ame wouldn't mind doing but can't because she can't script"

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  On 8/17/2013 at 6:35 AM, Fiammazure said:


OH OH. And Luvdics holding Heart Scales.

There were animated sprites for episode 8 but they crashed some peoples games on computers that couldnt handle them so Ame didn't continue them and they are mothballed for the moment.

There are already luvdisc with heart scales and other obtainable heart scales in copious amounts.

Edited by Delhezi
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  On 8/17/2013 at 7:56 AM, TeamAlfred said:


She doesn't know either >.> so please stop asking that.

Also I would like to see some more useful TMs, possibly some Water TMs like Water Pulse, since Pokemon like Feraligator won't get another water type move until a higher level, and since you didn't add surf in, because Surf plays a big role for Water Types ^.^

Edited by Shushup
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  On 8/17/2013 at 3:41 PM, Delhezi said:

There were animated sprites for episode 8 but they crashed some peoples games on computers that couldnt handle them so Ame didn't continue them and they are mothballed for the moment.

There are already luvdisc with heart scales and other obtainable heart scales in copious amounts.


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  On 8/17/2013 at 6:05 PM, Chrattac said:

Only thing I really wish is Thief's TM...

I suppose Ame wanted to make it more difficult to take enemy held items (especially Leftovers). If you want Thief specifically, you can either go with a high-leveled Mightyena, or you can use a Heart Scale for Kecleon. Covet, which does basically the same thing, is much more common, however.

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Actually, you can use 1 heartscale and go to the move tutor and trade it in and get thief as an still for kecleon. your welcome

  On 8/17/2013 at 6:25 PM, WhiteyMcFly said:

I suppose Ame wanted to make it more difficult to take enemy held items (especially Leftovers). If you want Thief specifically, you can either go with a high-leveled Mightyena, or you can use a Heart Scale for Kecleon. Covet, which does basically the same thing, is much more common, however.

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  On 8/17/2013 at 3:23 PM, Manveru said:

- Fly. Or some kind of teleport devices, I don't know. Anything :x

- Move Tutor

- Hyper Potion in Poke Marts

- Larvitar, please :P

Fly will be endgame if not postgame

Unsure about this one

At this point Hyper Potions would be 100% heals on most Pokemon that aren't HP EV'd or Chansey line, too easy


  On 8/17/2013 at 3:53 PM, Shushup said:

She doesn't know either >.> so please stop asking that.

Also I would like to see some more useful TMs, possibly some Water TMs like Water Pulse, since Pokemon like Feraligator won't get another water type move until a higher level, and since you didn't add surf in, because Surf plays a big role for Water Types ^.^


Ame has said she doesn't want to add TMs like that because she wants teams to be constantly developing and TM availability is the only thing she has complete control over in that sense, but Surf might be soon- maybe when the lake clears up at the latest (if that happens???)

  On 8/17/2013 at 6:05 PM, Chrattac said:

Only thing I really wish is Thief's TM...

See above and also the responses including ways to get it without the TM

  On 8/17/2013 at 7:52 PM, Joyrich said:

Hyper Potions are must like seriously. Quite annoying with the Gym Leaders being able to use it and it's not even available.

See above, but as a weaker, existing alternative, the ice cream machines sell pretty good things- if I recall correct strawberry ice cream is +90 HP and personally I made it through B/W with Lemonades from vending machines until the elite four, at which point I blew my stockpile of money on like 50 revives/hyper potions/full restores/full heals each

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