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What do you wana see in v10?


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  On 8/19/2013 at 8:13 PM, Luke said:

Got a message from maker saying all legendary will be post-e4


I didn't do it to the Groudon request because honestly that should be a given and it's been said many times that legendaries, without exception, will all be post game.


^ y'all three gots to remember the actual League's rules- no legends until X-League.

Sooooo, like I said? Twice, recently? In two different places? ._.

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A lapras...

The story of lapras is very beautiful and depressing, so it's perfectly adequate for pokemon reborn and for an event.. I can think of a lot of different ways of obtening it....

like the croagunk from Corey, what if Amalia die ? Imagine her lapras wandering in the see ( because yes I except the lake to be swimmable one day), crying and shouting his/her sadness and the only way to make the lapras join your team is to avenge Amalia/ doing side quest where you make him join a lapras gang ( yeah I know lapras gang are like totaly super rare but it's a fucked up era in Reborn, everything is possible).

Or it can be a wild lapras, and you could like hear(read) on the tv that some people have heard beautiful and melancholic noises from the sea and from then it's game on..

What do you think ?

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  On 8/19/2013 at 10:50 PM, Tetsuma said:

A lapras...

The story of lapras is very beautiful and depressing, so it's perfectly adequate for pokemon reborn and for an event.. I can think of a lot of different ways of obtening it....

like the croagunk from Corey, what if Amalia die ? Imagine her lapras wandering in the see ( because yes I except the lake to be swimmable one day), crying and shouting his/her sadness and the only way to make the lapras join your team is to avenge Amalia/ doing side quest where you make him join a lapras gang ( yeah I know lapras gang are like totaly super rare but it's a fucked up era in Reborn, everything is possible).

Or it can be a wild lapras, and you could like hear(read) on the tv that some people have heard beautiful and melancholic noises from the sea and from then it's game on..

What do you think ?

I just imagined an insanely evil thing Ame could do, she could kill off Amalia and her Lapras would be an optional event boss, when you encounter it, your familiar looks make Deliverance remember the event of her master's death and becomes enraged to fight you, the Lapras you fight would be level 100 with full defensive EVs and IVs and opens with Perish Song. If you defeat it in the 3 turns, it'll calm down and join you at a lower level (it was boosted to level 100 because of it being enraged). If you fail to beat it though, it'll just have an event where Lapras literally suffers from the Perish Song and you lose your chance at the only Lapras in the game.

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  On 8/16/2013 at 10:43 PM, RisingManes said:

I just want a source of cash. Hopefully early.

This I am always poor in this game. I also wish there was an easier way to get Ultra balls without the point system at the dept. store.

-an exp.share, lucky egg, or vs.seeker either one would be nice

-a Snivy event(2nd favorite starter)

-full screen mode

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  On 8/20/2013 at 5:21 AM, PsychicHero said:

This I am always poor in this game. I also wish there was an easier way to get Ultra balls without the point system at the dept. store.

-an exp.share, lucky egg, or vs.seeker either one would be nice

Pickup, Pickup, and Pickup. (If you Rare Candy a Pickupper to Lv 91 it picks up Ultra Balls at a 30% chance. Lucky Egg = Pickup at lv 41-60)

Exp. Share = Lottery (match last 3 digits).

The Pickup Army has kept me at a constant $999999 for a while now :).

Edited by Khayoz
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  On 8/18/2013 at 12:23 PM, Shushup said:

ONE Exp. Share, It's really hard to get the one in the game corner :\

THERE'S A EXP.SHARE IN THE GAME CORNER?!?! Aww man I wish I knew that earlier. Training a Magikarp and a Ralts through switch training is not fun! Of course I could never get though, my luck on the slots sucks and I've never legitimately got any of the prize pokemon in the main games. I usually just buy the dumb coins

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  On 8/20/2013 at 6:22 AM, Khayoz said:

Pickup, Pickup, and Pickup. (If you Rare Candy a Pickupper to Lv 91 it picks up Ultra Balls at a 30% chance. Lucky Egg = Pickup at lv 41-60)

Exp. Share = Lottery (match last 3 digits).

The Pickup Army has kept me at a constant $999999 for a while now :).

Pickup?! That's genius man! Makes me want to restart actually, knowing all of this now. Probably make a mono psychic team

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  On 8/20/2013 at 8:21 AM, RisingManes said:

Now that I think about it, there's something else I want to see in v10.

All sprites at 1x instead of 2x. Ame has made some objects in 2x, so what gives? :s

Wait, what?

Everything should be in 2x. It has to be otherwise it looks like poop when you play on the smaller resolution

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  On 8/20/2013 at 4:37 PM, ThBe said:

And you'll defeat Shade how?

The only threatening pokemon Shade really has is Rotom and Gengar because they're so speedy. I'm doing the run right now and I'm level grinding a bidoof for Abra. My strategy is going to be having my Swoobat use charge beam and getting lucky when for the sp.atk, then having Kadabra finish off whatever's left. Lol I completely forgot about Spiritomb....maybe I should do a dark team instead. Stunktank and Murkow can handle things right?

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Maybe in V10, Solaris is getting desperate to accelerate his plans and goes to extreme measures by attaching the PULSE to his own Tyranitar, causing Sand Stream to sweep over the region North of Chrysolia. Maybe after Tyranitar is defeated, it dies from a PULSE malfunction and Solaris snaps: pulling out a gun. And when he's about to kill the protagonist, the bullet is stopped by a Gardevoir and a mysterious person shows up (Could be Psychic Leader or Fairy Leader, it would be left ambiguous until Gen 6 Pokemon come out).

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