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What do you wana see in v10?


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a building that catches pokemon for you, you pay a lot of money for a level one unevolved pokemon that you already caught (maybe seen for a outrageous price, minus legendaries)

a sewer that you must travel through which will have the event pokemon totodile. you can have ratata, sandile grimer koffing, trubbish and there evolutions.... when I was a child I heard rumors of people throwing aligators down the sewer....

a double battle with eevee and it forms person a has eevee, flareon espeon and leafeon, while trainer b has jolteon, vaporeon, umbreon, and glaceon, if we introduce sylveon (the fairyone) add it to person a, and add a eevee towards trainer b.

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  On 8/26/2013 at 1:47 PM, derekwst3 said:

a building that catches pokemon for you, you pay a lot of money for a level one unevolved pokemon that you already caught (maybe seen for a outrageous price, minus legendaries)

Well alright than. You pay 50.000 and I just breed mine

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  On 8/26/2013 at 4:20 PM, Yami said:

Well alright than. You pay 50.000 and I just breed mine

On the breeding part.....How 'bout a "black market" where we can sell the unwanted offspring? I mean, how much time do we spend hatching eggs? Just to release them? No no no no...I say, someone might want it..Why not sell it? Ame could set prices, like 100$ for a lvl 1 pokemon, and then depending on level, nature, etc the value would drop/increase accordingly!

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  On 8/26/2013 at 6:18 PM, GenshiD said:

On the breeding part.....How 'bout a "black market" where we can sell the unwanted offspring? I mean, how much time do we spend hatching eggs? Just to release them? No no no no...I say, someone might want it.. why not sell it? Ame could set prices, like 100$ for a lvl 1 pokemon, and then depending on level, nature, etc the value would drop/increase accordingly!

That would be too much work and easy to get money. The game is supposed to be hard so you're stuck using the pick up method.... :(

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  On 8/26/2013 at 6:16 PM, BlueMan said:

Catchable Gible. :D

I know I said I was done crushing dreams but seriously if I had a cookie for every time someone said they want this I'd be playing that dumb browser game that's been going around; Gible (and all the other pseudo-legends) aren't going to be available for quite some time, and even then once they ARE available, I can 95% guarantee you they will not be catchable, and instead, one-time events.

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  On 8/26/2013 at 6:35 PM, Yami said:

That would be too much work and easy to get money. The game is supposed to be hard so you're stuck using the pick up method.... :(

Easy? I spend the last 2 hours trying to get a female Bulbasaur....Hatched 10 eggs, making a wooping total of 1000$ if the blackmarket was a thing...Not the easiest way to get money now is it? XD

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  On 8/26/2013 at 6:55 PM, GenshiD said:

Easy? I spend the last 2 hours trying to get a female Bulbasaur....Hatched 10 eggs, making a wooping total of 1000$ if the blackmarket was a thing...Not the easiest way to get money now is it? XD

Yami has a point though. If you use Pickup you can easily get $999999 in a day or two on speedhack.

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  • 2 weeks later...

More fixes for lag and mechanic bugs. I love the progression of the story, but these issues tend to get in the way sometimes. Ame is doing a great job with getting things sorted though. Hmm, story wise? Well, I would love to find a way to rescue those caged pokemon in that factory. I can't stand the thought of them rotting away in there and I really want that Cyndaquil.

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I would really appreciate a couple of things.

· If possible, way to check current EV spread would be very handy so you wouldn't be under educated guess on pokémons that you either lost calculation or just didn't care at some point.

· As I wrote on other topic, god damn it boost a bit (nothing OP, 60 BP or 70 to avoid Technician abuse if you wish) some HM moves (mainly Flash, Rock Smash and Cut), nothing is more infuriating than having to carry either HM slave or waste valuable move spot on some of the main dudes due to something like random encounter: Tree.

· On pokémon side... well would love Larvesta event but not sure if Quiver Dance Volcarona would be too OP at this point of the game. Oh and I need Ponyta for my breeding experiments (fml I am Team Magma) so wish there were way to catch Ponyta and Chinchou on EP10.

· Items? EV training bracelets or w/e those are would be appreciated. Also Scald and WoW TM maybe (So I can breed my Wild Charge Arcanine and have Will-o on it too)

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  On 9/9/2013 at 4:24 AM, Chrattac said:

I would really appreciate a couple of things.

· If possible, way to check current EV spread would be very handy so you wouldn't be under educated guess on pokémons that you either lost calculation or just didn't care at some point.

I do believe this is under development for Ep 10.

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Gonna rant a fair bit here haha.
Four pokemon i'm dying for most are easily Larvesta, Horsea, Beldum and Larvitar. The P-legendaries & Horsea might come through (not that OP without TM's) but Quiver dance is just too powerful in my eyes!
I honestly think this game has been great without HM's. These puzzles take mental effort rather then taking moveslots from your Poke's. Not that fussed about any of the HMs excpet maybe Fly. More puzzles is a must though!
Hoping for another sticker and more sidequests! Honestly the depth Ame has put into this game is just amazing.

From what i've read from the scripting team i'm pretty sure an IV, EV and Hidden Power judge are in the process (not sure if being released for EP10 though). Alot of key moves and abilities have been fixed too so i can't wait for my Moxie team to demolish the world!
SubRoostMoxieKrow & MoxieDos are so awsome + cursePert & my team ain't looking bad.

Edit: More of the old characters coming back too, maybe even for rebattles? I love the personalities she's given to characters like Julia & Florina!

Edited by Bear
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  On 8/26/2013 at 6:46 PM, Ikaru said:

I know I said I was done crushing dreams but seriously if I had a cookie for every time someone said they want this I'd be playing that dumb browser game that's been going around; Gible (and all the other pseudo-legends) aren't going to be available for quite some time, and even then once they ARE available, I can 95% guarantee you they will not be catchable, and instead, one-time events.

I can never validate using Pseudo Legendaries in regular pokemon games. Competetive yeah sure, but in playthroughs, it's just not really fair.

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  On 9/9/2013 at 3:29 AM, Dezae077 said:

More fixes for lag and mechanic bugs. I love the progression of the story, but these issues tend to get in the way sometimes. Ame is doing a great job with getting things sorted though. Hmm, story wise? Well, I would love to find a way to rescue those caged pokemon in that factory. I can't stand the thought of them rotting away in there and I really want that Cyndaquil.

Any particular mechanics that you'd like to see fixed? I can try to look into them.

  On 9/9/2013 at 6:38 AM, Khayoz said:

I do believe this is under development for Ep 10.

This is indeed true, I should be finished with it shortly if it can hold my attention for long enough.

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  On 8/26/2013 at 6:46 PM, Ikaru said:

I know I said I was done crushing dreams but seriously if I had a cookie for every time someone said they want this I'd be playing that dumb browser game that's been going around; Gible (and all the other pseudo-legends) aren't going to be available for quite some time, and even then once they ARE available, I can 95% guarantee you they will not be catchable, and instead, one-time events.

I'm afraid you're wrong. Ame promised Dratini would be obtainable in the next update... Perhaps she was just trolling, but I have screen shots as proof, so feel free to bombard her with complaints until she does it. <;3



Sooooo... Yeah, that's a thing. I want my Dratini...

Edited by Ackalacka
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