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Newb Rising!

Lucifer Morningstar

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I'm a Pokemon vet you could say.


I started playing with Yellow in 2001 at the age of 13 when my best friend showed her hers and made me HAVE to have it.
While Hoenn turned me off the anime (though I've watched episodes here and there since then), nothing can turn me off the games.  

I'm stoked for Sword and Shield, my birthday is next month, about a week and a half or so following the release (November 30th) and my fingers are crossed that I will receive it then or at least for Christmas. 

If not, hell, I'll buy it myself but it would be nice to not have to spend $60+. That's like what I spend on groceries. 


A popular Youtuber called TyranitarTube turned me onto Reborn just a few nights ago. 
I've just finished the Poppilo event in the Coral Ward and I'm loving every moment--except that Poppilo event itself!
When I saw that little guy stuck on that island I got so excited. Not only did I need a good water type (not the ass Goldeen I briefly put up with) but I've never had a Poppilo before. I started with Rowlet in Moon which is the only Alolan game I've played so far. I was so pissed off that Cain ended up with it.

I felt gypped that the only thing I got out of that event was a battle that made me curse having swapped out my Cherubi for the slums egg (though I still managed to win the first time mostly due to my boss Charmeleon's Dragon Rage). 

I'll admit that the Ducklett that hatches from the slums egg is impressive to the extent that it might be stronger as a fighting adversary than my shiny Noctowl (about half my team and half my PC are shinies due to how much time I spend grinding) and for the moment will have to do as my water type but damn I wanted that Poppilo. 


Did I just intentionally use this intro to vent? Yes. Yes, I did. Deal with it. 😏 


Why didn't I choose Poppilo as my starter?

It wasn't my desire at the time. Charmander was and considering the 3-0 water vs. fire availability up to this point I DO NOT regret it. Lux (my Charmeleon's nickname, it's Latin for 'light') has been my rock. 


Aside from that, the region and plot are brilliant and the music is so badass that I actually want to have it turned on. You should note that the latter NEVER happens! EVER! 
I ALWAYS have the volume on my handhelds or emulators muted because I'm not interested in the game's music would rather focus on something else alongside playing the games such as my own music, the television or Youtube videos. 

Down to the basics, the most important thing to know about me is that I don't curb my enthusiasm. I might come off as rude as a result but trust me, that is NEVER the intention.
If you don't like the way I sound calmly point out the problem out to me and I'll fix it. 

Edited by Verge Of Chaos
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