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So I just tried the Gungtlet and I need to adjust my team...


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So, apparently my level 88 base 110 Raichu got outsped by a level 84  base 105 Mismasgius (know I spelled that wrong) and it killed my entire team so I guess its time to sit down actually look at my options now that I got them. So first here are two mons I am keeping no matter what.


Inferno.png.d7a27d11b863880fc6ff12a59eb1f08f.png                1900710249_Infernomoves.png.98b83d4438bba672e1bcdca36d380923.png


Scythe.png.9ab2ce33acc8d37406814cd3d9d4304a.png                 1328528889_Scythemoves.png.b3719d0f46ae6c383c11bd0468ce0ca2.png


I'm thinking of putting the Zap Plate on Inferno to boost Thunder Punch a bit but IDK. Also, Fire Punch cause I don't wanna deal with recoil.


Night Slash over Sucker Punch cause it only has 5 PP and I don't wanna play mind games with the AI.



Here are the others in current team:




Been with me since the Railnet but I am open to using a better dragon.




Honestly here for coverage and when I needed dive and waterfall.




Fairy killer and he can become any type I don't have in party. Plus I love his shinies and he does tank very well.



Great typing and I have his z crystal.


Currently going to get an eevee not that its windy but feel free to leave suggestions which mons to use. Also, thinking of picking up Metagross cause I have the master ball of the game and can shiny hunt beldum to have a great Iv link all I want.





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there is no need for the windy weather, just go to the cave and get yourself one, also you need a good ground type flygon, garchomp or diggersby are some nice options and since you will get a eevee eventualy i may sugest you evolve it to vaporeon.
   My sugestion for this fight is a diggersby huge power + ground and normal STAB should do wonders and access to sword dance as a heart scale move now we talking about some DAMAGE, and the vaporeon just for plain and simple BULK, put some leftovers toxic, scald and wish ( breeding ).


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I assume your mon has been ev trained right? and man priority moves is the best in this gauntlet  you should've kept that sucker punch it will help you clinch the fight also one strategy that i always use in this gauntlet is to have a mon that can learn reflect and light screen so thats a suggestion 

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6 hours ago, !!yxnT said:

Why don't you mega evolve absol? You can get absolite by then, and you aren't sacrificing anything by mega evolving it. The extra speed could probably take out mismagius, provided that you ev train absol. 

I can't fund the final project yet for some reason. Also all my pokemon are EV trained.

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K, just grinded up these guys before so here they are. Oh and they all have 15 and up iv stats on them.


My starter (He came with a Naive nature and busted stats):


Inferno.png.3f77f8659d7fca1176e0902c7a707da2.png    1485227457_InfernoMoves.png.7836dc55b02724f733f13129bcbd4800.png


This was the first shiny I hunted and let me tell you he had 4 attack ivs and 30 ivs in his special. Also no tailwind cause I switch Flamethrower out for Fly when I need it.


Deceibelle.png.abce989aa601cbc0f6a6895626f58390.png  978344847_Deceibellemoves.png.f58f221d93cd8e042d7f5c93a1498a6e.png


The first shiny I hatched out that took hours but got almost perfect Ivs in her attack. I did decide to put Sucker Punch on her and used  2 PP ups on it. And for some reason I can't get the mega stone for her cause I can't fund the last project (And I have more then enough).


Scythe.png.92a61716a6d1a58cfb9f435aca2b894f.png  2001669483_Scythemoves.png.133fdbc57db2e781ddb5f7e424198c16.png


So I got the Reborn Ball and who else shiny hunt then Mr. 3% catch rate Beldum and I must say it matches its pokeball well.


IronHide.png.3c2541abaab7c01ffd41e3562a17c2d8.png  252647786_IronHidemoves.png.80a2cbb985eb1768807d65b442859783.png


I hatched this guy out cause the normal one I got had 30 in its attack with around 20 in everything else and he got those stats too thanks to Destiny Knot.


Tempest.png.d92db383f3c809d087ca139ae0501392.png  1563810356_Tempestmoves.png.349ec59acf684996230938efa00e6ea6.png


And fianlly I shiny hunted this guy 7th street and he has won me many gym matches. He can also be any other type I don't have.


RKS.png.c280fbc82cd5015e694664741dca8efc.png  518386473_RKSmoves.png.52e51f0b8d898c1c7f669aac71f49485.png










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So, just did the Gungtlet and here's a pic of my post battles team:




Agility Meteor Mash IronHide and Tempest almost singlehandly carried the team through the last battle. At one point Scythe ran out of PP on Sucker Punch as Alakazam came in and got dazzled. RKS withstood a critical in order to revive her and restore pp. Inferno one-shot Ninetales before being Dazzled. I seriously thought I lost at one point when Celfable pulled Fire Blast out of no where and IronHide fainted but I was able to max revive him back then start Meteor Mashing things. Tempest withstood a lot more attacks that I thought he would. I also pulled this off without using z moves or X stuff. I was just using Hyper Potions on IronHide and Cotton Candy on the other guys.




I checked the Grand Hall after beating Hardy and was FINALLY able to get Absol's Mega Stone.



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