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Six In The Chamber - A Reborn Challenge Run [Cancelled]

Seel The Deal

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Welcome, one and all, to the dumbest thing I've ever attempted and ever will attempt.


Let's get straight to the point: what the hell even is this? "Six In The Chamber?" What's that supposed to mean? Well, to quote the legendary Ceave, it's actually surprisingly simple: I'm going to attempt to beat every single required battle in all of Reborn in a maximum of 6 turns. and whatever optional ones I don't forget about


...Simple concept, at least. Actually doing it is going to be nothing less than a planning nightmare (I still only have up to Yureyu actually planned out at the time of writing this... 😅 ). But damn it all, it sounded like a cool idea in my head and I'm sticking with it!


In addition to this, I'm going to be laying down five extra rulings to make it just a bit more interesting: I cannot be overleveled going into battle, I cannot rely on random critical hits, I cannot use any event 'mons that I cannot guarantee encountering (e.g. Mystery Egg), I cannot evolve a Pokemon early by overleveling (but CAN learn moves early), and I must win major battles with the fewest Pokemon possible, within reason.


Fair warning: I will be using Sandbox Mode to significantly speed up progress, by modifying IVs of Pokemon that are difficult or tedious to soft-reset for and by getting access to EV Trainers and early Power Bracer/Lens/Anklet. I will NOT be obtaining any items, TMs or Pokemon early that would have any use in battle. For similar reasons, I also have mods for relearning Egg Moves, using TMXs without learning them, and changing weather for event 'mons. I'm just going to be transparent about this now so anyone who frowns upon this knows in advance, before getting 3 or 4 parts in.


I'll be recording difficult major battles (every leader past Florinia, most Meteor higher-ups past a certain point, particular rival battles, etc), posting screenshots of every major fight with 6 Pokemon and of any other fight that happens to be difficult, and I'll briefly mention any others. Parts will be kept fairly short, probably no more than 1 or 2 leaders each and with much of the filler cut out. The lengthiest ones will be those where I obtain lots of team members and go through lots of dumb plot stuff.


Last but not least: I want to see what sorts of solutions YOU, the reader, can come up with! Can you find a more efficient strategy? One that didn't require overleveling for an early move, or required 1 less 'mon? Hell, maybe it's just a cooler or more unique strategy. Post it, and I'll shout you out for the next part.


And without further ado: part 1, introducing equal parts the greatest and most useless Torchic alive, stomping on early rivals, and feasting on the flesh of Julia's entire team. (do Electrode have flesh...? Probably not.)





Meet boop, our MC for the run and the most stylish of our 6 edgy protagonists. (Except Decibel, but let's not tell boop he's second. He doesn't like that.)


As with all great Pokemon games, boop has to suffer through the thankfully very short intro before he can get his starter. What a shame to have to wait to consume the souls of all who dare oppose him. Would be nice to just have a Tor- er, mystery starter, instead of having to walk allllll the way to the Grand Hall. Who needs a Pokedex, anyway?


Staring at the tables lined with starters from all 7 generations, boop has to make a very difficult decision. The starter he picks will affect his journey in ways he can't possibly begin to fath-




...Yeah, alright, let's be real here. Who chooses anything else? Like, come on. Torchic is like, the best. And what matters besides having the best Pokemon? Friendship? Bah!


(Torchic was chosen as the clear pick for the strongest starter in a run like this. 120 base attack, outspeeds pretty much everything after turn 1, and gets incredibly powerful STABs at the cost of reliability, which would normally be a case for choosing another starter but in a run like this, power is everything. Despite this, Torchic isn't going to shine for quite a long while. It can't just Bulk Up sweep every second leader like in normal Reborn, since spending one turn setting up is an automatic loss. Also, yes, this was actually soft-reset for. Female, max attack Adamant, and already has Speed Boost? Hot damn!)


Heading back downstairs, boop meets his first victim, Cain. A battle with such a weak, untrained Pokemon would normally be fruitless, but in standard Pokemon fashion, Cain's Nidoran is just as weak and useless as Torchic, and four quick Embers seal the battle.


Then Victoria shows up with her brand-new Litten, just in time for Cain to reveal that he's not actually a human, he's just a walking innuendo machine in disguise. Guess boop can't take his soul, then. What a shame. Victoria challenges boop to a duel, but little does she know, KFC has already won a battle, and thus is far superior to her weakling cat. In just four swift slashes, Litten is gone, reduced to atoms, and boop claims his first genuine human soul.


Omniscient as he is, boop knows exactly where he must go next. Making his way just outside the railnet entrance, he finds a building with a girl and her Kricketot sitting together. Before he can even think of a plan to make off with the critter, Reborn's very own Bug leader, Shelly, steps in and just hands it to him. How thoughtful. Maybe boop will spare her.




(Kricketot is, as far as I can tell, absolutely mandatory for the run. Even it isn't enough for [REDACTED] normally, but with a bit of overlevelling, Fell Stinger can be obtained in time for the battle to be made fairly easy. That won't be its only appearance, though - there's at least one other major battle it will be a great help in.)


Kricketot in hand, boop sets off on a tour of the city for a bit of light training. He slaughters everyone who dares get in his way with the power of his musical bug and fried chicken bird - not a single one of them stood a chance at stopping boop's iron-fisted reign of terror. Not even Fern, the edgy green counterpart to the legendary Gary Oak, can last so much as four turns in battle. He evolves his primary instrument of death, and even picks up a new beast along the way:




(Poochyena doesn't have too much longevity, but it's by far the best 'mon for the battles I'll be using it in. This was the first 'mon I manipulated, in order to save massive amounts of time and money catching dozens of dogs for a near-perfect Attack IV and a +Attack nature. Moxie is the best ability anything could have in this run (for general use, at least), and this most certainly will not be the last time it's seen in this run.)


With his loyal doggo close behind, boop sets off to find Julia, the first major hurdle in his journey. But as it turns out, he has more work to do before he can challenge her. A group calling themselves Team Meteor has taken over one of the factories in the Peridot Ward, and since other characters just can't get anything done on their own in these games, boop has no choice but to follow along and beat up all the weak grunts himself. Timeskip, anyone? Like, does anyone think there's anything troublesome or interesting to talk about here? There isn't a single battle in there that won't end within 4 turns. Nothing stands up to the might of DELELEWOOOOOOOOOOOOO- and KFC. (Neither of which saw any use in the factory, except for Aster+Eclipse who are particularly allergic to Double Kick. Even unevolved and going in underleveled, Poochyena had no trouble sweeping every single grunt there. Honestly, if it weren't for Julia, I'd probably have restricted EV training for a bit longer. Makes these early battles way too easy.)


(Well, actually, we DID get to meet one of the big barriers to the success of this run. But he won't be relevant for a few chapters, sooooooo BOOM BOOM TIME!)










(Not for long, though. Julia is by far the easiest leader in this run - Nothing on her team lives +1 Bite, and her lead is extremely frail and underleveled, making a crit from Electrode the only way to lose the battle. Actually, that makes it less consistent than [REDACTED], but it's still only about a 6% chance of failure. Nothing on her team has Static to cause paralysis, and Geodude prefers Galvanize over Sturdy so it still goes down in one hit. As is to be expected, Mightyena is fully EV'd in Attack, with an Adamant nature and a perfect IV. Speed was chosen as the second EV'd stat out of necessity for the other major battles he's needed in.)


And so ends boop's first chapter, with the first of the 20 Grand Souls consumed and a competent team of 3 assembled. Next time, boop will explore the Obsidia Ward, and take on the first Pulse of the game, and the second Gym Leader. Until then, goodbye!


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>Six in the chamber.

I was expecting the challenge to be you going through the game with 6 Remoraid, big disappoint.


Anyway, good luck with your masochistic and surely infuriating run. May the opposition not spam Protect 3 times in a row successfully.

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14 hours ago, Scyl said:

>Six in the chamber.

I was expecting the challenge to be you going through the game with 6 Remoraid, big disappoint.


Anyway, good luck with your masochistic and surely infuriating run. May the opposition not spam Protect 3 times in a row successfully.


I can use Phantom Force + Power Herb to get around Protect in some cases, but for the most part I just have to pray it doesn't get used. Hopefully, if all else fails, I can use something slow + frail to bait the AI into attacking instead. Thankfully, it's mostly non-present in major battles afaik, just a few annoying exceptions (e.g. Shelly's Anorith, Titania's Aegislash). 


And thanks, I'm sure I'll need the luck at least at some point haha

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Time for part 2, featuring Jessie & James, the most deliberate youngster in the world, Cain already becoming difficult, and an unnecessarily elaborate setup for what could've been the most brainless sweep of a Gym Leader in the world.



Welcome back to boop.


Last time, boop got his starter, slaughtered an entire factory full of innocent Meteor grunts, and obtained his first badge. This time, he plans to get one more.


He makes his way over to the Obsidia Ward entrance, where Florinia is waiting to let him in. Not that boop would've had any trouble with that. What were the guards gonna do? Throw a bunch of Growlithe and Herdier at him?


Immediately upon entering, boop rushes to the railnet to pick up another teammate:




(Klink has early access to an incredibly strong multi-hit move, allowing it to break past Focus Sash, Sturdy and similar one-shot protections quite well. It's also one of the best abusers of the Factory Field, with high Attack, a 200BP Steel move, and Discharge to swap to a Short Circuit field for the sake of teammates' Ghost moves. It'll only be necessary for one major battle, but will likely make many smaller appearances throughout the run for these traits.)


(And on a related note, we'll be wanting this too:)




Before moving on, boop decided to take a quick look at the Day-Care Center, only to find a very suspicious couple running the place. It was almost like they weren't the real Day-Care Couple, and were trying to make off with other trainers' Pokemon in the name of evil.




So he beat the hell out of them.


On his way to the slums, boop encountered Victoria again. She didn't seem to think he was strong enough for the slums, so he decided to beat the hell out of her too.




(Just pretend that said "Hit 2 times!" I'm bad at taking screenshots, okay?)


The slums were full of easy prey, so boop took the opportunity to level up a bit for the challenges to come. KFC finally learned its first useful Fire move, and Kricketune learned Sing to help with difficult catches (Wild Pokemon aren't exempt from the challenge! Low catchrate 'mons will be difficult, so instant catch rate multipliers will help a ton).


At the end of the slums, boop was ambushed by a gang of Scraggy. But he had naught to fear; they're deathly allergic to bugs and birds, and were dispatched swiftly by Double Kick and Fury Cutter, even through Intimidate. Four of each, and the way was open to the Coral Ward. There, he encountered Amaria, one of the strongest Leaders in Reborn, and the chad Cain, who made the grave mistake of challenging boop to a battle.










(Cain would've been much less trouble with just 1 more level on Combusken and Mightyena, or even with just better rolls. This was the first battle not featuring 6 Pokemon that took 6 turns, and if Nidorino had come out earlier I might've not won at all. It actually took 2 attempts; I tried leading with Mightyena the first time but Grimer was far too bulky and Disable pretty much sealed my fate.)


Cain defeated, boop made his way up to the Obsidia Park to get Cut. But before taking on the PULSE, he took a slight detour to the Obsidia alleyway, to allow easy access to the Litleo and Electrike events later, as both would be used in some way. But one man, brave, determined, and incredibly deliberate, stood in his way:




The legendary Youngster Kai.


With his team of super-turtles, Kai was practically invincible. It would be an uphill battle, one that shook the universe for eons to come...









Alright, nevermind then...?


(Real talk, if the AI was any smarter, this would've actually been kind of tough. Protect and Sturdy keep Tirtouga alive for a minimum of 4 turns if it plays its cards right, and Torkoal can't be OHKO'd without boosts, so I would've had to beat Tirtouga with Combusken's Double Kick to bypass sturdy, and just hope it didn't double protect. Thankfully though, in this case Tirtouga just didn't Protect a second time, allowing me to finish it off with a second Bite.)


That situation handled, it was time to take on the big boss, the one and only-








Thank God.


(Even with EV training, it still took 5 whole turns to kill this thing, 3 Fury Cutters and 2 Flame Charges. Hell, if Swarm hadn't activated I would've actually lost to the turn limit! Thankfully this is the only problematic PULSE Tangrowth, since I have a 35 level cap for the other 2 and should have no trouble taking them down in one hit.)

After the battle, boop took one final detour for yet another party member, a springy young lassie with a thirst for blood:




(Spoink isn't going to last long, but will be useful for at least 2 major battles with its surprisingly solid Speed and strong special attacks. I have a soft spot for Grumpig and would love to use her longer, but (spoiler alert) no Psychic types are needed for Kiki or Aya and by Samson I'll have access to Alakazam, who is strictly better.)


And now, onto the Trainer's School!






Fight me.








Much better.




(Yet another battle where Kricketune did all the work and Combusken got all the credit. That's going to become a trend, isn't it?)




(Not the intention of this screenshot, but hey, it's fitting. F in the chat, boys.)


With Fern out of the way, it was finally time for [REDACTED]. Yes, folks - Florinia was [REDACTED] all along! But first, some preparations had to be made:







(...And then I got cucked by the upload limit. Turns out, if you reach it and then remove some attachments, it still thinks you're at the limit?????? Why though? ...Guess I'll just have to comment out the Florinia battle, then.)


Turn 1: Kricketune (33%) vs. Maractus

Kricketune used Fell Stinger! It's super effective! The opposing Maractus fainted! Kricketune's attack rose drastically!


Every other turn:

Kricketune used X-Scissor! The opposing Pokemon fainted!


(Yup, that's how easy this was. It would've been even easier had I just used an Ability Capsule to swap to Technician, or obtained a HA Kricketune in the first place, but with Swarm a bit more power was needed to confirm 2 kills. Breloom got a Mach Punch off and Cottonee managed a Sand Tomb, but both did negligible damage and I was able to just barely hang on. Had I not used Protective Pads, though, I would've certainly died. Another thing that's unnecessary with Technician. (Technician is better because it allows me to use Fell Stinger a second time; iirc it wouldn't kill Breloom or Ferroseed at +3, but with Technician or a Swarm boost it does. But if I have a Swarm boost, a second Fell Stinger is unnecessary in the first place, since +3 Swarm X-Scissor OHKOs her entire team.) This battle is 100% consistent with Technician, but the way I did it, a crit from Breloom would be dangerous.)


(Unfortunately, I was unable to find another 1 'mon strategy that wins this battle. Even 2 would be difficult with the ban on Linoone and its powerful Pin Missile. I imagine a combination of Mankey and Fearow would have worked, but it's hard to be sure without actually calculating the damage Fearow deals (Mankey is a clean OHKO on both of its targets, though - Cross Chop is obscenely strong for this point in the game.))


(As is to be expected, Kricketune is running max Attack and Speed. That's going to be the spread for pretty much anything I pick (obviously swapping Attack with Special Attack where applicable), with a few exceptions later on that I'll reveal when I get to them.)


With Florinia defeated, boop's second chapter comes to a close. After listening to some crap about how luck is fake and getting this cool app that shows data on PULSEs which is now mostly irrelevant, boop signs off to prepare for the gauntlet leading up to Corey. See you next time!




Screenshot (444).png

Screenshot (452).png


EDIT: I can't get rid of these screenshots and I don't know why they're here; they weren't when I was posting this part - they only showed up after I saved. If anyone knows a way, feel free to let me know.

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On 10/18/2019 at 12:42 AM, Scyl said:

>Six in the chamber.

I was expecting the challenge to be you going through the game with 6 Remoraid, big disappoint.


Anyway, good luck with your masochistic and surely infuriating run. May the opposition not spam Protect 3 times in a row successfully.

I was thinking it'd be a run where you choose 6 Pokemon and use only them in the entire game, which sounds like it could be interesting.  In the early-mid game you'd be using fewer Pokemon than usual, and in the mid-late game you'd be using "oudated" Pokemon.  Plus if you wanted to get the "secret" ending you'd have to spend a whole team slot on someone who can cheese Solaris and Ditto.  Maybe I'll try that sometime.


This actual challenge sounds harder though.  I'm interested to see where it goes.

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very well written!


but hotdamn, taking out Terras ???-Type Mons with only 0HKOs will be a neckbreaker.


Are there any "tricks" for the lategame you're having in the back off your head... like x5 Destiny bond users + x1 'Giga Impact' Slaking? ^^

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Well this certainly is an interesting idea for a run, some of the later mass battles are gonna need some powerful AoE won't they (Both Gauntlets, Aster&Eclipse3 + 4 for example) to get through 10-12 mons in 6 turns (or possibly 15-18 mons, just for the Teamkill bonus 😁) If PULSE Swalot and PULSE Avalug weren't both alone they might be problematic as well. considering just how tanky they are, but with 6 turns only for them they should be fine. 

7 hours ago, Eagleby18 said:

I was thinking it'd be a run where you choose 6 Pokemon and use only them in the entire game, which sounds like it could be interesting.  In the early-mid game you'd be using fewer Pokemon than usual, and in the mid-late game you'd be using "oudated" Pokemon.  Plus if you wanted to get the "secret" ending you'd have to spend a whole team slot on someone who can cheese Solaris and Ditto.  Maybe I'll try that sometime.


This actual challenge sounds harder though.  I'm interested to see where it goes.

There actually is a run that only uses 3 mons for the entire game, it's completed too.

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6 hours ago, Conkeldurp said:

very well written!


but hotdamn, taking out Terras ???-Type Mons with only 0HKOs will be a neckbreaker.


Are there any "tricks" for the lategame you're having in the back off your head... like x5 Destiny bond users + x1 'Giga Impact' Slaking? ^^

Well, the thing about 5x Destiny Bond/Explosion/whatever strats is that they take 6 team members to pull off, and with my restriction to use the fewest possible in a given battle, that means I can only resort to that if there's literally no other option. I could use just one or two Pokemon dedicated to suicide kills to remove problematic threats, though - and there's at one strategy I've got so far that does so, possibly more depending on how tough Solaris' Garchomp, Farceus etc. are.


5 hours ago, Falirion said:

Well this certainly is an interesting idea for a run, some of the later mass battles are gonna need some powerful AoE won't they (Both Gauntlets, Aster&Eclipse3 + 4 for example) to get through 10-12 mons in 6 turns (or possibly 15-18 mons, just for the Teamkill bonus 😁) If PULSE Swalot and PULSE Avalug weren't both alone they might be problematic as well. considering just how tanky they are, but with 6 turns only for them they should be fine. 


There actually is a run that only uses 3 mons for the entire game, it's completed too.

Any 6v12, or 12v12 Multi Battle, is going to be extremely rough, with me needing to KO two Pokemon every turn. The Multi Battles are even worse, and I fully expect a fail on LCCC Aster+Eclipse thanks in no small part to Aya. I haven't got that far in planning strats yet though, so we'll see.


And yeah, there is a 3-mon Reborn run, and it's sick as hell. Huge props to the madman who did it. I have to wonder: would 2 be possible if you a) allowed healing and b) got Mystery Egg A-Ninetales? Probably not, but it's interesting to think about.

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7 minutes ago, Seel The Deal said:

Any 6v12, or 12v12 Multi Battle, is going to be extremely rough, with me needing to KO two Pokemon every turn. The Multi Battles are even worse, and I fully expect a fail on LCCC Aster+Eclipse thanks in no small part to Aya. I haven't got that far in planning strats yet though, so we'll see.


And yeah, there is a 3-mon Reborn run, and it's sick as hell. Huge props to the madman who did it. I have to wonder: would 2 be possible if you a) allowed healing and b) got Mystery Egg A-Ninetales? Probably not, but it's interesting to think about. 

Yeah the AI partners for these Multi-Battles are  NOT going to carry their own weight at all will they... (Loking at you, Flobot & Aya, to a lesser extent Miss Boomtime aswell).

2 mon run... maybe, but A-Ninetales from the Mystery Egg, i don't think that works, I am not sure but it's possible that you have to have at least 2 mons by your first mandatory doubles battle, (I know main-series games can get wonky if you try to start a doubles fight with only one mon. never tried how reborn reacts) which is... well the scraggy gang no? (I was thinking ZEL/Taka at first but then i remebered)

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I'm not sure if 2-mon is possible while still getting max Shade points, but just completing the game probably? Alolan Ninetales+Blaziken would probably be my choice for that run, although Blaziken+Honchkrow might be able to do it and beat Pyrous Mountain Solaris


Also good luck with Fiore Mansion and LCCC. Glass Gauntlet has some setups that can eat through it which should be doable in 6 turns per battle, so if you get past Fiore I think you're golden.


Edit: also 6 mon is pretty easy, Budew is basically a second starter and you can pick any starter if you think they're better for early game because increased team size lets you hold out for flygon

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1 hour ago, Paperblade said:

I'm not sure if 2-mon is possible while still getting max Shade points, but just completing the game probably? Alolan Ninetales+Blaziken would probably be my choice for that run, although Blaziken+Honchkrow might be able to do it and beat Pyrous Mountain Solaris


Also good luck with Fiore Mansion and LCCC. Glass Gauntlet has some setups that can eat through it which should be doable in 6 turns per battle, so if you get past Fiore I think you're golden.


Edit: also 6 mon is pretty easy, Budew is basically a second starter and you can pick any starter if you think they're better for early game because increased team size lets you hold out for flygon


It's hard to say whether LCCC or Fiore will be harder; probably the latter, because you don't get to switch your lead between battles and you can't Shift Mode switch between kills in Doubles, meaning either I need to plan to sac something AFTER it gets its kills or incorporate Volt-Turn into a strat unless I can do it with just 1 mon (and I probably can't).


I think I've found a 3-mon strat that works for the Glass Gauntlet (the only post-Noel battle I have planned atm) - it's actually VERY close to being 2 mon, but gets stopped by a lack of raw single-target killing power. Items are already optimized for maximum damage, an offense-boosting nature isn't enough to make the difference and there's no room for a stronger move unless I can find a way to drop the anti-Disguise move. Oh, and the problem 'mon in question has Protect, which is just lovely.

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45 minutes ago, Seel The Deal said:


It's hard to say whether LCCC or Fiore will be harder; probably the latter, because you don't get to switch your lead between battles and you can't Shift Mode switch between kills in Doubles, meaning either I need to plan to sac something AFTER it gets its kills or incorporate Volt-Turn into a strat unless I can do it with just 1 mon (and I probably can't).


I think I've found a 3-mon strat that works for the Glass Gauntlet (the only post-Noel battle I have planned atm) - it's actually VERY close to being 2 mon, but gets stopped by a lack of raw single-target killing power. Items are already optimized for maximum damage, an offense-boosting nature isn't enough to make the difference and there's no room for a stronger move unless I can find a way to drop the anti-Disguise move. Oh, and the problem 'mon in question has Protect, which is just lovely.

Fiore definitely has the big issue where almost every trainer has no real type theme and them not doing real EV training means they have some extra bulk, unlike Glass where everything just dies to fire. Like, Fern and Blake lead with Haxorus + Walrein, and in my experience Flobot's Torterra is 90% just gonna Yawn. I'm not sure if anything can grab 2 KOs there. Also if it goes over 75 it stops obeying vs. Solaris


LCCC only have 5 each iirc so that gives you a turn of breathing room. John in Fiore also only has 5 but idk how much that helps.

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On 10/22/2019 at 4:35 PM, Paperblade said:

Fiore definitely has the big issue where almost every trainer has no real type theme and them not doing real EV training means they have some extra bulk, unlike Glass where everything just dies to fire. Like, Fern and Blake lead with Haxorus + Walrein, and in my experience Flobot's Torterra is 90% just gonna Yawn. I'm not sure if anything can grab 2 KOs there. Also if it goes over 75 it stops obeying vs. Solaris


LCCC only have 5 each iirc so that gives you a turn of breathing room. John in Fiore also only has 5 but idk how much that helps.

LCCC wouldn't be so bad if water spam worked, but Surf gains an electric typing making many of their 'mons immune. Blizzard is probably my next best bet, and I can get Snow Warning Vanilluxe with a pair of Indra's patented Early Specstm, so that might work - Milotic's still a problem, but Aya's Dragalge has Thunderbolt so hopefully 2x Blizzard + Thunderbolt kills it before it can recover. Vanilluxe is also very nearly the strongest Blizzard user at this point, with Jynx's SpA being only 5 points higher and Glaceon being locked behind Dive.


Looking into Fiore further: Haxorus + Walrein's bulk and lack of shared weaknesses aren't even the biggest problem. Walrein has Protect, and every reliable way of getting around that ONLY WORKS IN SINGLES. Even if I find a working strategy, Blake can just say "no" and that's that. Roserade also has high speed + Sleep Powder, and Gyarados has Intimidate. Solaris' Gyarados also has Intimidate, and Solaris' team is exceptionally bulky and quite well rounded. In fact, Solaris+John alone is probably going to be impossible with Julia as a partner, and likewise with Fern+Blake and Florinia. If the two were swapped, things would likely get a decent bit simpler, buuuuuut they're not. The only saving grace here is that Fern and Solaris are both quite weak to Ice, and Scizor, their only resist, has very poor SpD. So if Florinia can pull her weight against Blake, there might just be a chance.

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3 minutes ago, Seel The Deal said:

LCCC wouldn't be so bad if water spam worked, but Surf gains an electric typing making many of their 'mons immune. Blizzard is probably my next best bet, and I can get Snow Warning Vanilluxe with a pair of Indra's patented Early Specstm, so that might work - Milotic's still a problem, but Aya's Dragalge has Thunderbolt so hopefully 2x Blizzard + Thunderbolt kills it before it can recover. Vanilluxe is also very nearly the strongest Blizzard user at this point, with Jynx's SpA being only 5 points higher and Glaceon being locked behind Dive.


Looking into Fiore further: Haxorus + Walrein's bulk and lack of shared weaknesses aren't even the biggest problem. Walrein has Protect, and every reliable way of getting around that ONLY WORKS IN SINGLES. Even if I find a working strategy, Blake can just say "no" and that's that. Roserade also has high speed + Sleep Powder, and Gyarados has Intimidate. Solaris' Gyarados also has Intimidate, and Solaris' team is exceptionally bulky and quite well rounded. In fact, Solaris+John alone is probably going to be impossible with Julia as a partner, and likewise with Fern+Blake and Florinia. If the two were swapped, things would likely get a decent bit simpler, buuuuuut they're not. The only saving grace here is that Fern and Solaris are both quite weak to Ice, and Scizor, their only resist, has very poor SpD. So if Florinia can pull her weight against Blake, there might just be a chance.

Walrein tends to not use Protect turn 1, at least from my memory of trying that fight like 30 times for my 3-mon run. It probably depends on what you lead with, but from my memory it likes Surf




My first thought was something like Choice Band Moxie Krookodile Earthquake to try to push through, but the Ground immunities make that infeasible. So the alternative is maybe something using Banded Rock Slide, but Rock resists like what Solaris has make that rough. Blizzard might be the best out if you reset til Florinia Wood Hammers Walrein on turn 1, but I don't think that even OHKOs.

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A quick calc tells me that Glaceon's Blizzard is only enough if Julia:

a) T-Bolts Scizor turn 1 and gets bopped to trigger Aftermath (not happening - Scizor will just Superpower me, and/or Wishcash will EQ Julia)

b) brings out A-Golem in time for Tyranitar and immediately booms (I haven't seen Julia go boom since one of her Voltorbs in E16 sooooo)


...or if I purposefully fail Pyrous Solaris and get Florinia as a partner instead, for Torterra's much better suited STABs. So it's looking like, one way or the other, there will be at least 1 fail. I'll keep looking; maybe there's a voltturn or explosion based strategy that can do this, but certainly there isn't any "standard" strategy that's going to work.

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At long last, part 3 is here!



Wait, you're saying there are MORE poisonous spaghetti monsters?


...well, I guess that's nothing boop can't handle. This time, boop makes their way through the overgrown Jasper and Beryl wards and confronts Corey, a secret agent of Team Meteor and the 3rd Gym Leader on this adventure.


Figuring it's about time to get some real firepower, boop makes their way to the Obsidia end of the Underground Railnet, having already chased Litleo out of the alleyway. But before he can grab the bugger, a Klingklang drops from the ceiling, forcing him into battle! 




Two Double Kicks nearly take it down...




And a Bite finishes it off. Because yes, Mightyena is just so badass that he can bite through solid steel. Take that, Sharpedo.


Boop then returns to the alleyway at night to find an Electrike being attacked by some wild Mightyena. But they were no match for the classic violin fried chicken combo, and went down easily to Double Kick and X-Scissor. Boop captures and trains the injured Electrike, adding the finishing touches to his impressive roster of killing machines:




With all preparations completed, boop finally makes his way over to the Jasper Ward, which has become severely overgrown, making navigation of the area mildly inconvenient and extremely laggy to the point where fast forwarding is barely even worth it. Thank you, Essentials, very cool. Regardless, boop moves forward, making his way to the heart of th- 










Regardless, boop moves forward, making his way to the heart of the Malchous Forest, where he finds a rather curious individual called Taka.




Pretty chill dude, honestly. But boop cares not for his carefree demeanor, and makes haste to beat the hell out of him and his oversized green pasta dish.




Who needed this forest, anyway? The bugs?


Two PULSEs down, one to go. The Beryl Ward was thankfully much less infuriating to navigate than Jasper, but the jungle was a much different story.




A much, much different story.


As if the lag and labyrinthine structure weren't enough, a band of Nuzleaf had set up shop in the area, trapping anyone who dared venture inside. And so, boop found himself in a wooden cage - one which seemed to be equal parts fireproof and Mightyena-proof, for whatever bizarre reason. Damn Nuzleaf get craftier every day, I swear...


Oh, and Fern was there too, but boop told him to piss off as always. Like come on, what made Fern think that a God would beg and grovel at his mere mortal feet? Foolish. Boop had other ways of escaping. He could uh, just um, like, do-




Yeah, that works.


Upon leaving the woods, boop met himself yet another shiny friend...




(And this one's actually useful, too! The elemental monkeys are part of a group of 'mons that can learn all 3 of Fling, Recycle and Thief, allowing them to steal items from trainer battles. The most practical example of this is Clown Indra, who gives access to all 3 Choice items, Life Orb, Leftovers, and infinite Focus Sashes immediately upon entering Agate City! Though the Thief TM comes up much later, after Charlotte, it's still an excellent source of rare and incredibly powerful items that will play a major role in this run.)


...and found the third and final PULSE Tangrowth being guarded by not one, not two, but THREE Meteor higher-ups.




Thankfully, because Triple Battles are a gigantic meme and also not supported in this game, the plot demanded that a wildcard step in to assist:




A little girl with a Salamence? What is this, Unova's postgame?


While Heather dealt with the oh-so-mysterious-and-totally-unknown guy, boop took the fight to Taka and ZEL, two opponents who were proven pathetic before and would be proven pathetic again by boop's unchallenged might.













After the battle, Cor- er, mysterious Meteor agent guy runs away, right into the loving arms of the policemen boop saved not out of any sympathy for authority, but because the strats demanded it. They unmasked him as Corey, the leader of the Beryl Gym, Heather peaced out which surely won't cause problems later, and Corey used the typical evil team maneuver of saying "Grr, you'll get yours," darkening the screen briefly, and teleporting away to escape. But none can escape the eyes of boop, and so he cornered Corey in his gym, and demanded a battle. Corey accepted confidently, knowing not that boop had a secret weapon up his sleeve...





Oh, yeah. It's cheese time.


Six In The Chamber - VS Corey


(No, I won't be using Youtube for fight videos. It takes years to upload to, and unlisted or not, this isn't the content I want on my channel. Not to mention I skipped videos for Julia and Florinia anyways, so it wouldn't even be a complete series. Streamable is anonymous, very quick and easy to upload to, and works just as well for the purpose of this run.)


(The original fight actually had Grumpig doing most of the work, with Ambipom just there to deal with Skrelp's sash and Skuntank's Psybeam immunity. I had originally done it this way because I didn't think of using the extra power of Facade to take down Crobat, who was able to consistently live Technician Double Hit. When I first thought of this new Ambipom-only strat I had actually selected Last Resort as the move to kill Crobat with, but then I realized I could use the poison to my advantage with the equally powerful and much less restrictive Facade. I didn't know for certain if I'd need the Pecha Berry or not, but I'm glad I put it on just in case. An Oran Berry wouldn't have provided enough healing due to how high my HP IV was, and Sitrus Berries aren't available until far later, so this is the only way I would've had enough health to take the poison and Aftermath damage.)


(And I guess I should comment on the catch, too. I would've loved to have not caught Aipom, since a) I don't like it and b) it's literally only going to be used for Corey. Dodrio just didn't have the same power that lets Ambipom deal with Skuntank and Crobat, and not much else can deal with Skrelp's sash thanks to the Double Kick and Gear Grind resistances. If the level cap were 1 level higher, I could've probably muscled past it with Blaziken, and with the field boosts Blaze Kick + Facade would've had no trouble OHKOing everything else. This was a necessary evil unfortunately, and it sucks even more because I also needed to get a Headbutt user to grab Aipom, hence why I bothered getting the completely and utterly useless Litleo.)


Defeated, Corey agonizes over the life he's lost, and tells boop to come to the Beryl Bridge for a show. And who can resist a good show?


...Hopefully you guys, because that's for next part. Upload limit and all, y'know? Hopefully it won't take 2 weeks to take on Shelly and the Orphanage... Until next time!


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Hey! I've enjoyed reading this series so far and am excited for the next part of the run! Seeing as it seems like you keep getting fucked by the upload limit, I'll share a piece of information with you on how to get around it being annoying: Links.


When you upload a link to a server post that contains an image, it automatically embeds itself into the post. In saying such, if you upload all of your images to an external site like discord or imgur, you won't be constantly screwed over by the upload limit since you're not actually uploading a file to the forums.


I'm also not sure if you embedded the wrong link for the Corey fight because it just links to the top of the thread and not anywhere on streamable. This could also have been intended and I'm just an idiot as well, who knows?


Hope this helps!

Edited by Michael_
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18 hours ago, Michael_ said:

Hey! I've enjoyed reading this series so far and am excited for the next part of the run! Seeing as it seems like you keep getting fucked by the upload limit, I'll share a piece of information with you on how to get around it being annoying: Links.


When you upload a link to a server post that contains an image, it automatically embeds itself into the post. In saying such, if you upload all of your images to an external site like discord or imgur, you won't be constantly screwed over by the upload limit since you're not actually uploading a file to the forums.


I'm also not sure if you embedded the wrong link for the Corey fight because it just links to the top of the thread and not anywhere on streamable. This could also have been intended and I'm just an idiot as well, who knows?


Hope this helps!

Glad to hear you're enjoying!


The link's fixed now - I used the streamable embed link at first but seems that wasn't the right move. Oh well, standard link it is.


And thanks for the tip on the images - I'll make a private discord and try that out for the next part. My only worry is that it won't look very smooth with links between every image, especially for fights like Taka & ZEL where they're not worth a video or explanation but it's best to screenshot every turn. If it doesn't work out I'll try out some paint.net magic and see if I can't reduce the file size of each image a bit.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry folks, I think I'm going to have to cancel this run.


I just don't have the motivation or interest to play Pokemon right now, and if I forced myself to continue I wouldn't have fun and neither would any of you reading it. I might revisit this in the future, but certainly not anytime soon.


If anyone's interested in trying this for themselves, feel free to PM me and I'll send you my planning notes, which include the Glass Gauntlet and everything else up to and including Noel.


If a mod or whoever wants to lock the thread, feel free.


Seel, signing out.

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