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Pickup not working?


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I carried around a Meowth for the first two badges worth of the plot and around level 26-27 her pickup reduced in function heavily. 

I've recently been made fully aware that it's a 10% chance and it's after battles that it applies but up until that point, she'd found me 10 Great Balls, about 6 Choco Candies, about 5 Dusk Balls a few ultra potions and a few blast powders. 
I found it a bit strange that her pickup functionality went from that nothing but an occasional super repel (though I appreciated those as well as money fodder since most trainer payouts are very low due to the region's extreme state of poverty).  

It was difficult, I even prevented her from evolving for a couple of levels but it got to the extent that I had to replace her on my team because she's ass in battle so as much as I love her she's a waste of a slot, at least as a Meowth. I hate that Persian can't maintain Pickup like Linoon and Linoon isn't all that useful in battle either.  

Edited by Verge Of Chaos
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