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Ezlo Farcarver

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So I have been stuck on Titania for about THREE MONTHS, JUST because her Aegislash keeps landing nonstop critical Sacred Swords and one-shotting my team.

I got past her ONCE, two months ago, after debugging in a Zapdos and praying. Then, of course, my saves and a portion of my backups corrupt, resetting me to Tourmaline, and we're right back here.


Is there a way to lower the game's crit rate, or flat out remove it? I'm sick of this, and I'm wasting precious hours of my life on this RNG bullshit. Aside from Shell Armor, what can i do to stop the crits, file-wise, at least for this fight? I do NOT want to rely on debugging my way past this shit.

Edited by Ezlo Farcarver
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  • Global Mods

I can't see anything that would boost critrate in that fight, so it *should* be normal. 


Here's a mod I just made quickly, give it a try. should make crits not exist.




If you don't already have any mods installed, create a folder called 'Mods' inside the Data folder, and put this inside.

I tested it with Frost Breath so I know it works


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  • Veterans

Okay really not trying to be insulting or anything, but are you sure it's criting? Titania's Aegislash doesn't really need to crit to oneshot stuff, seeing as it can go to +6 attack in no time flat (+1 seed, +4 sword dance (field doubles the effect) with a free turn to do so from seed, +1 stance change). If it really is critting all the time, then yeah something is off, as nothing from the field or item should boost it's critrate.

Edit: Incase you are saying it crits because it goes through any defence buffs you have, sacred sword ignores those (and evasion), sooo it's effectivly like a crit without the damage boost

Edited by Falirion
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