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Of Zigzagoon and an Ability Capsule

Lucifer Morningstar

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I know I've been creating a lot of question threads rather frequently, I hope this isn't annoying anyone. 

Remember that Zigzagoon that you rescue from those punks on the Opal Bridge?
Well now that I've evolved Pichu, I'm hoping to finally train that Zigzagoon up as my pickup Pokemon in place of my Meowth since Linoone hangs on to it so I don't have to worry about frequently having to stop it from evolving. 

However, right now the Zigzagoon has Gluttony. 
I've made a save and used my only ability capsule on it (the one from the mother who lost her son in the Obsitia Ward, unfortunately, I ignorantly missed the one in front of the factory) but it shuffles the ability to Quick Feet. 
I reset the game 3 times and tried it again but each time it shuffled to Quick Feet. 


To be honest, I've never used an ability capsule before, hell, I've never owned one before, not even in the canon games. I actually didn't know of their existence until I watched Ttar's Alpha Sapphire Randomizer. XD
Is this happening because the shuffle order is always the same, meaning I'd have to use two ability capsules to get pickup? Or can I continue to reset and eventually it'll shuffle to pickup?

Edited by Verge Of Chaos
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22 minutes ago, Verge Of Chaos said:

I know I've been creating a lot of question threads rather frequently, I hope this isn't annoying anyone. 

Remember that Zigzagoon that you rescue from those punks on the Opal Bridge?
Well now that I've evolved Pichu, I'm hoping to finally train that Zigzagoon up as my pickup Pokemon in place of my Meowth since Linoone hangs on to it so I don't have to worry about frequently having to stop it from evolving. 

However, right now the Zigzagoon has Gluttony. 
I've made a save and used my only ability capsule on it (the one from the mother who lost her son in the Obsitia Ward, unfortunately, I ignorantly missed the one in front of the factory) but it shuffles the ability to Quick Feet. 
I reset the game 3 times and tried it again but each time it shuffled to Quick Feet. 


To be honest, I've never used an ability capsule before, hell, I've never owned one before, not even in the canon games. I actually didn't know of their existence until I watched Ttar's Alpha Sapphire Randomizer. XD
Is this happening because the shuffle order is always the same, meaning I'd have to use two ability capsules to get pickup? Or can I continue to reset and eventually it'll shuffle to pickup?

Ability capsule shifts from one ability to another, as you have noticed when changing from gluttony to quick feet. Using another ability capsule would change quick feet to pickup. The ability shuffling order is always the same. 

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1 hour ago, Thebossgummy221 games said:

Ability capsule shifts from one ability to another, as you have noticed when changing from gluttony to quick feet. Using another ability capsule would change quick feet to pickup. The ability shuffling order is always the same. 

Yeah I figured, just wanted to be sure. 
Well guess I'm outta luck. No biggie, it was hard choosing between Zigzagoon and Stuffle and now this makes it easy. 

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