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I want to feel young again.


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Doesn't anybody of you guys thought of how foolish you wer, thinking of a dream to become old or a grown up and regret it when you reach that age and want to be a kid again? Well I do!!

So I was wondering, what are your opinions?

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I'm barely 23, so I can hardly claim to be old, but I empathize anyway =/ Every decision has so much more weight behind it now. Best of luck sorting it all out, though!

Edited by Corvus
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Age ain't nothin' but a number.

If I want to fucking act like I'm 10, then I'mma do it. I've never understood the whole "I feel old" thing. To me, it always comes from taking themselves and life too seriously. I play around like and have the sense of humor of a 12 year old, yet I have 2 jobs, paid off my car, going to college fulltime, and I'm poised to move out. (All at the age of 17, mind you)

It's all about how you carry the extra years you get tacked on.

The best advice I can give you is: Lighten up. Go buy some feetie pajamas, Order a Happy Meal, Stay up 'til god knows when, Play video games and talk shit like a kid, do whatever the fuck makes you feel young. My favorite thing is to do driveby cat noises.

tl;dr Lighten up, yo. You're not old until you say you are.

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Basically what Erick (Neo) said- I'll be 21 in November and while normal people go out to clubs and drink and whatnot *coughPhoenixcough* you know what I'll be doing?

Nothing any differently than I do now. In fact I will adamantly refuse offers to go clubbing and drinking because that's just not me. You do your thing and don't worry about how "old" you are, especially because you only very recently turned 18 and I'm curious what you define as "young" in that case. Nothing is stopping you from doing whatever it is that you may have done before (at least in my case I sure can) and you know what I'm going to stop here before I ramble even more and don't help at all.

If all else fails, I hear anti-aging cream works great!

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If you feel old, it's only because you're overwhelmed by experience and responsibility. I can feel that---I can handle responsibility about as well as I did at age 10. But hearing how age is just a number lifted my spirits. Not because I feel old, but because I don't feel responsible for my age.

(I'll probably age poorly. :/)

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Or you might feel old because you begin to feel the wear and tear of physical activities on your body. Pretty damn sure running 5 fucking miles or more this often in every week isn't good for you and my legs are really starting to complain to me about it

I was old when I was young. I was always very serious and took school very seriously and worked hard. And it was just taken for granted that I could keep up all that effort. Kinda burned out after a while and (resented how kids taking regular classes could get C's and still go out and do stupid shit with their friends and their parents didn't care, but I get a B in something and it's like the end of the world and my future as my parents knew it- god help me if I did something stupid like break into school or steal street signs like some of the other kids). But now I've been learning a lot of things I should have slowed down and learned when I was younger, especially when it comes to social things. I feel a lot better when I'm not striving for perfection in every little thing anymore. Gotta pick your fights, and learn to delegate if you have a group to lead.

I don't feel like giving any numbers out but I know I'm the oldest one around here. And I'm currently responsible for millions of dollars worth of weapons and equipment. I will feel so young and so free when I finally get out from under Uncle Sam's thumb.

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But hearing how age is just a number lifted my spirits. Not because I feel old, but because I don't feel responsible for my age.

Neither do I, not in the least, but that's the thing: we're all saying "feel" (partly because you can't be) and putting it like that makes it so easy to just get over it. Obviously we can't actually BE young again, but feeling like it?


Just do stuff like you used to whenever possible and when you feel like it. A friend and I, me being 20 and him being 21, sat in my room at midnight playing each other (and two easy CPUs l0l) in Pokemon Stadium 2 mini-games since he was leaving to a different country for a month the next day. That game is literally 70%+ of my childhood (and in fact it's the same cartridge I played back then) and it was still so much fun~ Recently, too, Inuki and I netplayed it with an emulator and it was probably the most fun we had in any reasonable time frame around then. Point is, have fun! Worrying about what could have been or what you could have done/would do different is no way to do that, and that may be the one thing I have the most experience with so trust me on it.

If Persona 3 taught me anything, despite, you know, being a game, it's that

you should live as much as you can while you can, because everyone dies eventually.

... I'll work on it eventually.

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Meh you are only 18 but yeah of course. Never feeling so sleepy all the time, not sore as much, don't care about your health (unless you got a boo-boo), school was fun and full of arts and crafts, not knowing how evil the world and people actually are, being able to sit their and play hard video games without rage quitting, no broken hearts, not needing to worry about money, and just no worries about the future in general. You just want to age up so you can be a cool adult or something. Well it sucks.

It is stupid but one driving force for me wishing I was older when I was probably like 8. My mom told me to go to bed and I got up for some reason and she was eating ice cream. I was sooooooo jelly and asked if I could have some too. My mom said, "Not before bed. When you are older you can eat ice cream whenever you want and do whatever you want."


Well let me tell you this, I got my damn ice cream but I have to worry about everything else now. I rather give up ice cream (plus it isn't good for you anyways) and go back. Maybe not that young but I would love to go back to certain stages of my life and shake myself and say, "WTH ARE YOU DOING?!?!?! DON'T DO THAT!" I would love to go back and change things, somethings I really F'ed up on.

Now that I'm 22 (almost 23) I want to stop aging now! I am legally an adult and I can drink so I'm good (just can't rent a car). I spend a lot of my time worrying about life and I miss just worrying about when the next Pokemon game was coming out y'know? It was awesome thinking that your parents (or any adult you looked up to) were like gods. If the house burnt down or something they would take care of it.... magically.... They would find a way to pay the bills, you always had food, and they buy you things. Well now if my apartment burnt down I wouldn't know what to do! Maybe run around like a chicken with its head chopped off. But yeah I am doing everything solo in my life now, paying for school, struggling to pay rent, buying my own food, trying to scrape up money to buy video games, and my parents are pretty much out of the picture. Unlike some college students who parents pay for everything and they end up treating college as a party resort. But it is also strange when you go beyond your parents and realize they aren't perfect or always right. You finally see that they are imperfect humans too! But when you are a kid you do look up to them as superheros.

Bleh... there is my rant.

EDIT: Sorry I ranted without advice. Be happy for the things you can do as an adult. You and the government are in control of your life. You don't have to clean the house for a month for a video game, stay out as late as you want, you can make your own money and do whatever you want with it If you can find a job unlike me and be done with stupid drama filled high school. You will have more fun when you are 21+ (If that is your thing). Good news is you can eat ice cream whenever you want!!!!!

That...was beautifull ^_^

You gave me more hope :lol:

And thank you guys! I apreciated it! :wub:

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when I was turning 18, I was doing nothing but dreading the loss of my jailbait status and letting the harsh reality of my new responsibilities and harsher legal life sink in.

I've never wanted to be older

I'm just gonna get less attractive, thin, and overall worthwhile as time goes on

30 is where shit gets gross.

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Coming from an in coming High School Student, I must say I really miss being five. It was so much more peaceful and less stressful. I didn't have to worry about anything. Sure I mainly kept to myself and not very forward back then, but that didn't mean I didn't make good friends. Now I'm here, having to worry about my future and having to plan out my day. But damn if I haven't gotten use to it yet. There's nothing wrong about the feeling of being younger. However, I feel we should cherish the past, but we don't need to cling onto them.

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Just because you are a certain age doesn't mean you particularly need to act as such. I'm 22, going on 23 in come Jan. and I don't act a thing like it unless I need to. That's the fun thing about being an 'adult' I think. You don't always have to act as such.

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Just because you are a certain age doesn't mean you particularly need to act as such. I'm 22, going on 23 in come Jan. and I don't act a thing like it unless I need to. That's the fun thing about being an 'adult' I think. You don't always have to act as such.

Said it better than I did in my 38648293 lines of text man i talk too much

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