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Help beating Terra


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Hi, so Terra is kicking my arse so I thought I'd ask for ideas. 


My team is:

Krookodile 72 - crunch, earthquake, outrage, brickbreak


Gothitelle 70 - psychic, Flatter, magic room, embargo 


Mienshao 72 - u-turn, fake out, bounce, high jump kick 


Arcanine 75 - flare blitz, outrage, crunch, extreme speed (synthetic seed) 


Shiinotic 66 - spore, moonblast, giga drain, strength sap


Noivern 70 - dragon pluse, hurricane, super fang, tailwind 


I also have high levelled meowstic F, vikavolt, ampharos, blaziken, medicham, drapion, donphan, wishiwashi, golem and cryogonal


I'm open to catching more pokemon or changing my team up. Any thoughts? 


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What made Terra challenging for me is the Glitch Field and her putting Synthetic seeds on Quagsire and Palossand, which removed their typing and boosted their defenses, making them a bitch to deal with.

Since Glitch Field can't be changed with other standard elemental moves, throw in someone with Terrain moves (Grassy, Electric, Psychic, Misty). I recommend getting a Roserade with Grassy Terrain (Move Relearner)

Then you'd be able to abuse 4x weaknesses for Quagsire in addition to Garchomp (get mons with grass and ice attacks)


Naturally, getting an Electric terrain user would make things harder on you since she's a Ground user.

You can still get by with Misty and Psychic terrain, but Palossand, Nidoking, and Excadrill will give Psychic and Fairy users a hard time too.

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