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Probabilities for shiny Pokemons from Daycare


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Hello everyone, my question is simple : If I put 2 compatible, shiny Pokemons at the Daycare, what are the odds of getting a shiny Pokemon from an egg ? Does this game use the old system of increasing the odds depending on the parents, or does it uses the recent system where the odds are equal in the wild and at the Daycare ?

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I'm pretty sure if one of the parents is shiny, then the chances are higher, like way higher.


I can't confirm if that's the case, but whenever I bred in Reborn (And I bred a lot for IVs), I always got more shinies whenever one of the parents were shiny.

I don't know if having 2 shiny parents ups the odds even further; I don't think it does, but /shrug.

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11 minutes ago, Scyl said:

I'm pretty sure if one of the parents is shiny, then the chances are higher, like way higher.


I can't confirm if that's the case, but whenever I bred in Reborn (And I bred a lot for IVs), I always got more shinies whenever one of the parents were shiny.

I don't know if having 2 shiny parents ups the odds even further; I don't think it does, but /shrug.


Just now, LilyX said:

shiny status of the parents does not change shiny odds. shiny charm, however, does.

I was about to answer to Scyl, but now I don't which one I should trust. I possess the shiny charm though, so that's already a plus for me.

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1) I bred boxes of shinies, so I have empirical "evidence" for this. 2) Reborn follows gen7 mechanics at the moment. Shiny status of the parents only mattered in gen2 because it was tied to IVs there. Being shiny is no longer related to IVs gen3 or later.

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Just now, LilyX said:

1) I bred boxes of shinies, so I have empirical "evidence" for this. 2) Reborn follows gen7 mechanics at the moment. Shiny status of the parents only mattered in gen2 because it was tied to IVs there. Being shiny is no longer related to IVs gen3 or later.

Okay, thanks for the info, you've spared me hours of running around in circles just to get a shiny pokemon from an egg.

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On 10/24/2019 at 8:11 PM, LilyX said:

I don't know how you feel about mods, but there's one that produces and hatches eggs immediately - without hours of running. For some - me included - that kinda feels like cheating though. I'd rather "earn" my shinies.

Me neither, and I don't really feel like installing mods atm. Thanks for the info though.

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On 10/24/2019 at 11:11 AM, LilyX said:

I don't know how you feel about mods, but there's one that produces and hatches eggs immediately - without hours of running. For some - me included - that kinda feels like cheating though. I'd rather "earn" my shinies.

I've not attempted to breed in Reborn yet but I am among those that consider this cheating. Even if I had any idea how to use mods for this game I wouldn't. 
Now, I'm not gonna lie (I never do), I am NOT above using cheat devices but after my first experience with Gamesharking 1st and 2nd gen, I've adopted a policy of never doing it on the first playthrough. 

Running doesn't take hours, it's pretty fast actually. I hatched my Swanna in 1 or 2 minutes just running. 
Once you get to the Lapis Ward though you can get a bike from the old woman gang sidequest. 

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