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So, I begun my adventure in Reborn a couple of days ago, and this game is epic. The gyms and rival battles are challenging and the game is flattering from a design standpoint. But, I can't really get past DrConnal at the old Yureyu building. My team consists of, Larvesta lv45, Roserade lv46, Clawitzer lv46, Ampharos lv47, Claydol lv 46, and gengar lv 45. My larvesta is kind of dead weight, but I really want to keep it on my team, considering its almost a volcarona (and volcarona is my favorite mon). If anyone has any advice please let me know


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I don't really remember this fight, but since it's on the short-circuit field, your Gengar, Ampharos, and Claydol should be really helpful here. Ideally you want Gengar to come in last since Connal's best pokemon are in the front. If I remember correctly, there's a fairly tanky Drampa. Might be worth getting a fighting or fairy user (not necessarily type) to help out with that.

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1 hour ago, Dragon116 said:

I don't really remember this fight, but since it's on the short-circuit field, your Gengar, Ampharos, and Claydol should be really helpful here. Ideally you want Gengar to come in last since Connal's best pokemon are in the front. If I remember correctly, there's a fairly tanky Drampa. Might be worth getting a fighting or fairy user (not necessarily type) to help out with that.


13 minutes ago, Starry Knight said:

Toxic spikes I don't remember is rose learns them or not though
maybe consider a couple pokemon for a rotational team most players have a rotational team as it helps

Alright, I trained up a venomoth, and I wiped the floor with him. Who knew that venomoth quiver dance was that good 🤔

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