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Reborn Visual Novel!


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So, I thought it would be a nice idea to make a little visual novel for our graciously polluted region, using nearly all the gym leaders and staff. And members too! Because we're awesome.

And since I have Ame's explicit permission:


I am now asking you, the community for help.


  • Artists - Because if a game is based solely of my drawings, it will fail. So far: SapphireSkyWillow/Sapphire Rose, ehholes.
  • Sound Engineers - Same thing as the artists, but with sound. Trippy.
  • Writers - To help develop the plot and create a solid outline, which is something extremely important. So far: Wish, Shanco, Cowtao, Anthesia, MoneyMan, YagamiNoir.
  • Coders - Need to be familiar with Python, since that's the language we'll be using. So far: Linux(Rover), Neo.

There's a free Visual Novel Maker program called Ren'Py, which is what I plan to use for this project. If you're interested in helping, or just wanna be part of the game, please leave comments below for me to read! Thanks!

Edited by Jacze
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Interesting. I wonder how this is going to turn out? I would help if I could, but I'm going to be really busy for the next good while, and I lack any talent what-so-ever.

best of luck ^_^

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Muhahaha! This is an awesome idea.

I can possibly help with the writing/outline. I'm not up to date on the game but I'd be willing to speed play or watch Let's Plays to catch up. Not sure how turn you want to be to the plot. Writing is my strong point and I love organizing Stupid OCD. But I would want to talk it through more before starting if I'm picked. So I know what you are looking for and what I'm getting myself into. Classes are about to start. I'm not sure how busy I will be with school yet.

Also I have SOME knowledge on Ren'Py coding. Not much at all though... meh... But I have played a TON of VN so I know how they work. Were you thinking about it being a kinetic VN or interactive (choose your own adventure)?

Hopefully you get all spots filled here on Reborn! If you can't, I may know a way to get some artists (maybe coders). I'm guessing you want this to be 100% free but I know if you wanted to spend money you can hire people super cheap. Some may do it for do it for free especially if they like Pokemon or have no life. They may not be as skilled as the people who want like $10 but I'm not sure. I just know there are forums for it. I never sat there and researched it.

Good luck!

Edited by Wish
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If you're planning to do this on a serious basis I can't help you, I'm busy.

But if you plan this to be fun for just a short period of time, I can assist you on the writing part. I can write up to like a short story for ya.

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I got the Python end covered, all depending on what sort of application it will be...

Like I said, the program is Ren'Py, available here. But thanks! You'll be added to the list.

Huh ._.

Like the koreans making webcomics and them appearing on manga site such as mangahere?

Nope! That's just a webcomic. For details on visual novels, go here, my friend.

Muhahaha! This is an awesome idea.

I can possibly help with the writing/outline. I'm not up to date on the game but I'd be willing to speed play or watch Let's Plays to catch up. Not sure how turn you want to be to the plot. Writing is my strong point and I love organizing Stupid OCD. But I would want to talk it through more before starting if I'm picked. So I know what you are looking for and what I'm getting myself into. Classes are about to start. I'm not sure how busy I will be with school yet.

Also I have SOME knowledge on Ren'Py coding. Not much at all though... meh... But I have played a TON of VN so I know how they work. Were you thinking about it being a kinetic VN or interactive (choose your own adventure)?

Hopefully you get all spots filled here on Reborn! If you can't, I may know a way to get some artists (maybe coders). I'm guessing you want this to be 100% free but I know if you wanted to spend money you can hire people super cheap. Some may do it for do it for free especially if they like Pokemon or have no life. They may not be as skilled as the people who want like $10 but I'm not sure. I just know there are forums for it. I never sat there and researched it.

Good luck!

Woo! I will add you to the list of writers. Unfortuneately, unless the gods grow a money tree outside my house, I have no way of paying for this, so yeah, free people only.

If you're planning to do this on a serious basis I can't help you, I'm busy.

But if you plan this to be fun for just a short period of time, I can assist you on the writing part. I can write up to like a short story for ya.

I want this to be released on an episodic basis, because that's the easiest method. So it will be serious. But you could still write up a humorous side story, much like...

pls make sure to have a big long chapter about mine and dana's forbidden love story

...This one here. But short.

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If I am to be in this I do ask for two things, both are reasonable.

Because I have never used Ren'py, I will have to be given a bit of time to work with it and how it works, including editors as such.

The other is, it will be open source. So others can contribute to it (code and probably story wise). GNU ^-^

As I use Linux, it will probably be fully Linux compatible, which is good. I do also have a Winblows machine also. So hopefully we'll be able to get it optimized for Debian Linux and Winblows XP (so hopefully onwards). We'll be needing Macintosh testers also, later on.

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I'd love to be a writer for this novel. I feel as though I know enough about the community to provide better insight (for lack of a better word) about Reborn.

Also, my gf and I are avid writers so yeah.

Your knowledge is welcomed! I'll add you to the list.

If I am to be in this I do ask for two things, both are reasonable.

Because I have never used Ren'py, I will have to be given a bit of time to work with it and how it works, including editors as such.

The other is, it will be open source. So others can contribute to it (code and probably story wise). GNU ^-^

As I use Linux, it will probably be fully Linux compatible, which is good. I do also have a Winblows machine also. So hopefully we'll be able to get it optimized for Debian Linux and Winblows XP (so hopefully onwards). We'll be needing Macintosh testers also, later on.

Both are completely fine. I have no problems with this, dude.

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I guess i'd like to apply myself as a writer as well. I'm more into detail and try to make something stand out to be amazing without it carrying on or being overly dramatic. I love writing and i'd be more than glad to reach a lending hand. I've been here a little bit and I've played the game to succession to know what Reborn is about. You could probably ask the admins for more of an insight or a more abroad term to what Reborn is but for the most part, I got a lot of it down. Sign me up.

Edited by Cowtao
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I guess i'd like to apply myself as a writer as well. I'm more into detail and try to make something stand out to be amazing without it carrying on or being overly dramatic. I love writing and i'd be more than glad to reach a lending hand. I've been here a little bit and I've played the game to succession to know what Reborn is about. You could probably ask the admins for more of an insight or a more abroad term to what Reborn is but for the most part, I got a lot of it down. Sign me up.

Alright, you're on the list!

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Hey. Like the idea, signing up as writer. Love writing as a whole, and I hope I can offer something to help~.

Okay but um I'm aspiring to be an author, I can add a bit of humor at times, and I love detail and plot. I also love just thinking of new ideas to tinker with.

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I would LOVE to join as a writer, but I'm afraid I won't meet the standards... I'm relatively new to the community and I haven't even finished the game up to now. So, I don't know... School is starting up again, so I might not even be able to write! So, I don't know... I may change my mind. There are many writers anyway... :S

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Hey. Like the idea, signing up as writer. Love writing as a whole, and I hope I can offer something to help~.

Okay but um I'm aspiring to be an author, I can add a bit of humor at times, and I love detail and plot. I also love just thinking of new ideas to tinker with.

Alright, another author! You're up.

So now, I'll use my 50th post to kinda reveal the ideas I had for the plot, and leave it up for discussion. First off, this will be a lot lighter than the actual game - I generally don't want anyone to die. That being said, it is set in a dirty, polluted area, so there will be some darkness. Secondly, I wanna set this before the events of the game, so I can use nearly everbody in the 'lore'. And also, I want to set this at the fighting type gym (the area escapes me now) where the protagonist is a trainee at Kiki's gym - because then she's nice - who trains to become a Pokemon Martial Artist, or something. From this, actual battles won't be in the novel; just something similar between fighting type pokemon, called Pokemon Duels. And so the protagonist trains across reborn while also meeting other gym leaders and such... How does that sound?

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Hm.. it sounds cool enough.

Also Appophyll Academy or something along those lines.

But um..

Well, thing is, too lighthearted can really be iffy for some people - I mean, the world isn't cherries and roses.

Kiki probably teaches them to battle properly.

From what I can see and gather, Kiki's been in bad condition for a while - set it too far back, everything's different. So Kiki will probably have to show some weakness.

How do Pokemon Duels work?


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Hmm... I don't know how much use I'd be, but I can probably help the writers get their stories together and make it at least somewhat cohesive as a whole, by providing tips and ideas here and there. I'm pretty good as a Beta reader, basically, and I can do SOME writing, though not a whole lot. Also, I once tried to help get a VN on another, rather obscure forum I used to frequent, involving a near-dead photography club, a photo contest, a hurricane, and a run-down building in the middle of nowhere by a major river. Can I perhaps help by recycling some of the very few ideas generated from that attempt that is still technically in limbo?

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Hm.. it sounds cool enough.

Also Appophyll Academy or something along those lines.

But um..

Well, thing is, too lighthearted can really be iffy for some people - I mean, the world isn't cherries and roses.

Kiki probably teaches them to battle properly.

From what I can see and gather, Kiki's been in bad condition for a while - set it too far back, everything's different. So Kiki will probably have to show some weakness.

How do Pokemon Duels work?


Like I said, not too light - Reborn isn't gonna be full of rainbows anytime soon. Kiki will have her weaknesses, as to leave them out would ruin the community. This will probably be a year before the game, so not much is different. As for Pokemon duels, they will probably be similar to a Fighting mini game because fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun~

Hmm... I don't know how much use I'd be, but I can probably help the writers get their stories together and make it at least somewhat cohesive as a whole, by providing tips and ideas here and there. I'm pretty good as a Beta reader, basically, and I can do SOME writing, though not a whole lot. Also, I once tried to help get a VN on another, rather obscure forum I used to frequent, involving a near-dead photography club, a photo contest, a hurricane, and a run-down building in the middle of nowhere by a major river. Can I perhaps help by recycling some of the very few ideas generated from that attempt that is still technically in limbo?

I'm not really comfortable taking ideas from someone else's project... And I don't see them as relevant. But thanks for the offer!

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Understandable. They were mostly my own ideas, but yeah, I understand. I can still help with the writing to a certain extent. I can also help by looking online for photos of buildings matching whatever criteria you need for references for the art teams.

EDIT:...I just realized the art team would be able to do that themselves, without any need for assistance. FML.

Edited by NeoDarklight
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