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Gym leader list and Mono run



4 answers to this question

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So, it goes like this:

  1. Elektrik
  2. Grass
  3. Poison
  4. Bug
  5. Ghost
  6. Fighting
  7. Ice
  8. Normal
  9. Psychic
  10. Dark
  11. Fire
  12. Ground
  13. Flying
  14. Fairy
  15. Steel
  16. Water
  17. Rock
  18. Dragon


There are impossible legal monotype runs such as Rock, Ice and Dragon for example because there are few mons available before mid-game. Feel free to check this thread, aka the bible when it comes to monotype runs. But don't if you'd rather play blind.


I would say that Grass is a hard type at the beginning due to the amount of Poison foes. I've tried Fairy a long time ago but it gets easier after the third gym but I won't recommend it because you need to know the game in details.


Other option: choose your type randomly. Then, improvise, adapt, overcome. From what I've seen, every run is fun because you have to work with pokemons you would never have used in other circumstances.

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That may have something to do with the fact that Grass kinda sucks as a Type, mechanically speaking. 5 Weaknesses is an awful lot (made worse by the fact that one of them is to the power offensive Typing that is Ice), and of the three thing it can fit for Super Effective damage, two of them are shared with the bulkier Water Type and split between the awesome offensive Types of Ice and Fighting. Poison, Bug, and Flying are all extra common in the early game, too, which hinders their ability to thrive even more. Seriously, the plants just can't catch a break..


Though Ice is also a pretty bad one for Reborn, partially due to the fact that you're stuck dealing with how terrible a Type it is defensively (4 Weaknesses to a Resistance to your self does not a good wall make), and partially because you don't even get the first team member until after the first Gym. The endgame should be pretty solid, admittedly, seeing as there are a good fre decent Ice Types, but you aren't gonna seeing them for a good long while if you take this route.

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