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Spinel Town Sticker Quest

Lucifer Morningstar

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As the title suggests I've made it to Spinel Town, the first visit when you're supposed to be getting medicine for Annie but the PokeMart teleported to the roof of the gym. 

I read about another medicine quest in the Wiki that awards a Department Store Sticker. 
A woman is supposed to appear on a bench outside the Pokemon center, according to an old thread I found, specifically in clear weather, whom when interacted with is teleported away to the Chrysonia Forest where she breaks her leg and requests the player to bring her medicine. 


It's currently clear weather in my game, I even confirmed this with the television forecast but she isn't there. I've gone in and out of the Pokemon Center several times but she's not appearing. 

I really need that Sticker, it will be my fourth one, the one that gets me access to the TM floor!


Do I need to wait until later in the game, like after I beat the gym or something?
Did I perhaps screw something up when I changed the weather to catch the static Pichu in the Onix ward garden?

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Think it might be after you beat the gym, I don't recall too well though. 


All that I really recall is that after you talk to her, you have to walk directly south or follow a certain path away from her, otherwise


she isn't teleported away. 


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Thanx for the 411 and the extra tips @Vinnieand @Starry Knight
I already blew one friendship point when I left the orphanage after the Shelly partner event begun because I'd lost three Pokemon to the Orderly before and hadn't known about the friendship point system until I read a comment on Ttar's corresponding episode. I want to avoid losing any more points for sure.  

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Just now, Verge Of Chaos said:

Thanx for the 411 and the extra tips @Vinnieand @Starry Knight
I already blew one friendship point when I left the orphanage after the Shelly partner event begun because I'd lost three Pokemon to the Orderly before and hadn't known about the friendship point system until I read a comment on Ttar's corresponding episode. I want to avoid losing any more points for sure.  

Some are inevitable, sometime you have split desicions that effect diffetent people in positive or negitive ways, it doesn't matter too much just have fun

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  • 2 weeks later...

I apologize if I shouldn't be bumping this thread but this issue is persisting.

I'm now in between the Radculous gym battle and the Luna rescue event. I'm supposed to be heading to 7th Street but I'm chilling with some side stuff (I completed the Houndour gang quest and the glasses sticker quest). 
This is at least the third time I've tried since beating Serra and I installed the weather control mod to obtain the Eevee from which I evolved my Slyveon for Radculous (my game was naturally obsessed with rain, it almost never stopped raining) but this teleporting woman in Spinel Town still won't show. 

Could this be because the quest was only available before defeating PULSE Abra? 
Is it possible I confused the game because I pre-purchased the medicine (I highly doubt this, just the sound of it is ridiculous but one never knows)?
Or is this quest just glitched?

Side note: I made an error in judgement. With the glasses quest complete this will now be my 6th sticker and I still don't have the TM floor. 

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I don't know whether you tried this by now or not, but is it possible that you somehow already triggered the first part of that event and the woman you're looking for got teleported away already? If so, you will find der in the north west corner of the Chrysolia Forest, which is located just north of the entrance where you enter that forest for the first time after you brought the kids to Charlottes house in Tanzan Cove....


If she's not there either you may have an issue with a bug that made the woman disappear after you talked to her. If that is the case you may want some help from one of the forum's staff members...

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No, this can't be the case. I've never talked to a disappearing woman. 

According to what I've read, she is supposed to first appear, exclusively in clear weather on one of the benches outside the Pokemon center and those benches have always been empty in my game even when I've modded the weather.
I've tried entering and leaving the Pokemon center a handful of times but that doesn't have any effect.  


Could purchasing the medicine before triggering the event have caused the event to jump ahead?
After delivering Annie's medicine, while grinding for Noel, I went back to the PokeMart in search of Revives (which it doesn't have unfortunately) and noticed the medicine was available again so fully intent on circling back to this quest, I grabbed it.

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16 minutes ago, Verge Of Chaos said:

No, this can't be the case. I've never talked to a disappearing woman. 

According to what I've read, she is supposed to first appear, exclusively in clear weather on one of the benches outside the Pokemon center and those benches have always been empty in my game even when I've modded the weather.
I've tried entering and leaving the Pokemon center a handful of times but that doesn't have any effect.  


Could purchasing the medicine before triggering the event have caused the event to jump ahead?
After delivering Annie's medicine, while grinding for Noel, I went back to the PokeMart in search of Revives (which it doesn't have unfortunately) and noticed the medicine was available again so fully intent on circling back to this quest, I grabbed it.

Can you send me your save file and I will take a look. Through private message works as well or discord

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