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Jasper Ward Prophecy


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The fortune teller in Jasper said this, Anyone know what it means? My theory is that the

"Boy with a beaded tooth necklace" Is Fern

"Another Azure hair" Is Cal

"A girl blessed with a sleeping star" Is Anna

Does anyone have an idea who thoes others might be? I'd love to know


-The Prophecy 

"What I see in your future is hard for me to understand. It is a future where you do not exist. It is a future where there were never any traces of you existing. This is strange because you are the only one I will ever see such a thing for. But let me tell you about the world you're not in. During a time that this ward is still garnished with a deadly flora, A boy with a beaded tooth necklace steps forward to destroy the chaos. He earns friends to fight alongside him. A man with spiked bracelets... Another azure hair... A girl blessed with a sleeping star... And a taciturn woman in a black and red suit. Together, they cut the tainted roots away from this city, Purge poison from the lake, And chase fire from the mountain peaks. And then... The city streets crack, Spiked bracelets splinter in the fissure below. Shining armor strikes, Azure hair is re-dyed red. An enemy of his own blood stands before him, And beaded hope breaks apart upon the tattered stones of a city forced to live up to its name once again. The sleeping star invokes a wish. From there, the suited girl disappears. And that future follows shortly after....

From looking through your time, that is all I see. I hope that you come to understand it better than I will."

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1 hour ago, Sjoerd787 said:

The fortune teller in Jasper said this, Anyone know what it means? My theory is that the

"Boy with a beaded tooth necklace" Is Fern

"Another Azure hair" Is Cal

"A girl blessed with a sleeping star" Is Anna

Does anyone have an idea who thoes others might be? I'd love to know


-The Prophecy 

"What I see in your future is hard for me to understand. It is a future where you do not exist. It is a future where there were never any traces of you existing. This is strange because you are the only one I will ever see such a thing for. But let me tell you about the world you're not in. During a time that this ward is still garnished with a deadly flora, A boy with a beaded tooth necklace steps forward to destroy the chaos. He earns friends to fight alongside him. A man with spiked bracelets... Another azure hair... A girl blessed with a sleeping star... And a taciturn woman in a black and red suit. Together, they cut the tainted roots away from this city, Purge poison from the lake, And chase fire from the mountain peaks. And then... The city streets crack, Spiked bracelets splinter in the fissure below. Shining armor strikes, Azure hair is re-dyed red. An enemy of his own blood stands before him, And beaded hope breaks apart upon the tattered stones of a city forced to live up to its name once again. The sleeping star invokes a wish. From there, the suited girl disappears. And that future follows shortly after....

From looking through your time, that is all I see. I hope that you come to understand it better than I will."


A man with spiked bracelets is DJ Arclight

Another azure hair could be either Cal or Amaria since she said "another azure hair" which implies that there might be more with that hair color involved

The Taciturn woman in a black and red suit is someone we haven't met, who fits that description, yet



So to decipher it:


"What I see in your future is hard for me to understand. It is a future where you do not exist. It is a future where there were never any traces of you existing. This is strange because you are the only one I will ever see such a thing for. But let me tell you about the world you're not in. During a time that this ward is still garnished with a deadly flora, Fern steps forward to destroy the chaos. He earns friends to fight alongside him. DJ Arclight... Cal/Amaria.. Anna... And someone we haven't met yet. Together, they stop the Tangrowth Project, Deactivate the PULSE Muk and Swalot project, And extinguish PULSE Camerupt. And then... The city streets crack, Arc probably breaks something in the fissure below. Titania strikes, Cal redyes his hair red. Florinia apparently joins team Meteor, And beaded hope breaks apart upon the tattered stones of a city forced to live up to its name once again. Anna asks Nostra to  invoke a wish. From there, the suited girl disappears. And that future follows shortly after....

From looking through your time, that is all I see. I hope that you come to understand it better than I will."




I hope I could help at least a bit




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"What I see in your future is hard for me to understand. It is a future where you do not exist. It is a future where there were never any traces of you existing. This is strange because you are the only one I will ever see such a thing for."


This seems to refer to our character's having survived that train bombing in the opening of the game which should not have been possible. Somehow Ame had teleported us out or something. 

"An enemy of his own blood stands before him"

could refer to a number of siblings in the game who are rivals in their own right:
- Fern and Florinia
- Cain and Aya
- Cal and Blake

Fern and Florinia are most supported. "During a time that this ward is still garnished with a deadly flora" particularly the use of the word 'deadly flora' whereas during that arc of the game I'm quite positive the infestation was referred to as 'plants' could imply that Florinia was involved with PULSE Tangrowth. She is a plant Pokemon user with a high technological IQ and a brain that functions a lot like a computer. 
She was also the one to send our character to the Jasper ward to look into the PULSE Tanagrowth project (starting with identifying it as such) and although our character doesn't exist in this prophecy world it stands to reason that she would still be the one to send the alternates and could have been doing so believing she was sending them to their demise. 


Look at me making leaps, I didn't even know about this prophecy until I opened this thread. XD 


This one is probably way off base but when I read this line: "And beaded hope breaks apart upon the tattered stones of a city forced to live up to its name once again." I instantly thought of Corey's suicide, how it traumatized Shelly who was working to match up to/surpass her brother as a gym leader.

Edited by Verge Of Chaos
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On 11/19/2019 at 12:54 PM, Sjoerd787 said:

-The Prophecy 

"What I see in your future is hard for me to understand. It is a future where you do not exist. It is a future where there were never any traces of you existing. This is strange because you are the only one I will ever see such a thing for. But let me tell you about the world you're not in. During a time that this ward is still garnished with a deadly flora, A boy with a beaded tooth necklace steps forward to destroy the chaos. He earns friends to fight alongside him. A man with spiked bracelets... Another azure hair... A girl blessed with a sleeping star... And a taciturn woman in a black and red suit. Together, they cut the tainted roots away from this city, Purge poison from the lake, And chase fire from the mountain peaks. And then... The city streets crack, Spiked bracelets splinter in the fissure below. Shining armor strikes, Azure hair is re-dyed red. An enemy of his own blood stands before him, And beaded hope breaks apart upon the tattered stones of a city forced to live up to its name once again. The sleeping star invokes a wish. From there, the suited girl disappears. And that future follows shortly after....

From looking through your time, that is all I see. I hope that you come to understand it better than I will."

A time the world is still garnished by deadly flora = Pulse Tangrowth

Beaded Tooth Necklace = Fern

Spiked Bracelets = Arclight

Azure Hair = Blake, Cal, or Amaria.

Sleeping Star = Ana 

Tactiturn woman = Either a new character or Shade. I lean towards shade (possibly the same character in the E18 Dream Sequence?)


Together they defeat Pulse Tangrowth, Muk, Swallot, and Camerupt, then the city streets crack, and Arclight 'splinters' below.


Shining armor strikes, Azure hair is re-dyed red.

Shining armor is odd, I dunno what to think of it. Titania comes to mind. The player character is the only character who is really referenced to as "shining", whereas Lin and Taka are the only characters shown to wear armor. 

If Azure hair = Amaria, "shining armor" referencing titania is a stronger idea.

If Azure hair = Cal, then the phrase "re-dyed" makes the most sense. I don't think other candidates for azure hair could "re-dye" their hair red if it was never red to begin with. 

If Azure hair = Blake, idk

Its an ominous vibe, things that get dyed red are usually done so with blood in fiction, so this implies a death.


An enemy of his own blood stands before him, and beaded hope breaks apart upon the tattered stones of a city forced to live up to its name once again.

"Enemy of his own blood" could reference Cal/Blake or Fern/Florinia. Other notable pairs including one male involving bloodlines are Cain/Aya, Radomus/Ana, Noel/Ana, Corey/Heather, Bennett/Serra, Taka/Solaris, El/Luna, and Hardy/Titania. I doubt any of those are it, but I figured I would list them anyways (although I probably forgot some). 'Beaded', probably being fern, is the subject of the sentence following the comma so I think Florinia/Fern are the likely combo. After that, I guess something happens to Fern and the city is Reborn? I assume this isn't a good rebirth, considering-


The sleeping star invokes a wish. From there, the suited girl disappears.

If things were good, why make a wish?


And that future follows shortly after...


The fortune teller says "that" instead of elaborating. What is "that" future? You could argue multiple "thats"


General foreshadowing in the game points towards universe resets, time loops, arceus egg shenanigans, etc.

This prophecy could be interpreted in a lot of ways until E19 comes out to give the definitive answer.

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And that future follows shortly after... 


''That future'' is our ''now'' - Anna sees that they cannot prevail the enemy, so she wishes for us to save the world again, so our story follows the events described in the prohpecy. From the prophecy perspective, its future is our now.


Shining armor strikes, Azure hair is re-dyed red. An enemy of his own blood stands before him, And beaded hope breaks apart upon the tattered stones of a city forced to live up to its name once again.


If we break this down a little bit, we have few options:


1) Shining armor strikes, Azure hair is re-dyed red. - Titania strikes something, maybe dies during the process - saving Amaria? Titania's blood makes Amaria's azure hair red? - this one seems farfetched. Also, it may mean Cal goes back to Meteor, what would fit this weakling.


2) Azure hair is re-dyed red. An enemy of his own blood stands before him - if we assume these two sentences are describing the same event, this may imply it is Cal vs. Blake.


3) An enemy of his own blood stands before him - this sentence solo may mean Taka standing against Solaris's will, Cal vs. Blake, Florinia confronting Fern (no way Florinia is a Meteor)...


4) An enemy of his own blood stands before him, And beaded hope breaks apart upon the tattered stones  - ...or Corey (beaded hope?) compromised in front of Heather, killing himself as a consequence. Or Fern losing to Florinia, breaking apart on the streets before her, as he is ''beaded'' in the same prophecy. Or all of the above. Imo, this ''prophecy'' has nothing to do with our future events, it reaveals that Shade is actually a taciturn woman, that Reborn go in cycles, etc.


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On 11/22/2019 at 8:42 PM, kithas said:

Wait, iirc the azure hair being re-dyed red already happened, didn't it? Cal went back to his red color because he didn't want to be related or following Blake's steps anymore. 

I believe he redyed his hair Red in Episode 18, Since this prophecy has been put in the game in Episode 17 meaning that anything from then is considered 'Future'



Also I came to find a Theory somewhere on youtube by the member 'The_BIGFriv'.

His theory states that:

"The game you (as in the player character)  are playing is a second timeline.
In the original timeline Fern was the Hero and you didn't excist. But Team Meteor ended up winning and Anna wished to start the timeline over
Shade was created in this timeline with the sole purpose of keeping you alive"


Honestly I'm not entirely sure about this theory since a whole bunch of other characters, Such as Anna, Lumi, Eve and Luna know him pretty well. As well as him being a Gym Leader doesn't seem like a Guardian Angels task, Yet it still is pretty interesting.

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