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Why does everyone like Absol?


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With the news about Mega Absol I notice that everyone is getting so hyped, putting pictures of Absol on their sigs and as their avatars. IMO Absol's not even that great, both stats-wise and design-wise. Of course that's my opinion and doesn't make me right or wrong, but why does everyone like Absol? Enlighten me.

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Because to me and many others, he looks like an utter badass.

Statswise, Sucker Punch with high attack is not something to be taken lightly (I've actually used Absols in OU with good success).

On a side note, many imagine an Absol pre-evo to be cute as hell.

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The only thing holding Absol back from being a massive threat is its speed.


This is why you don't see Ursaring, Granbull, and Zangoose in UU or more. But the thing about all of those is that they all look badass in their own regards that nobody cares. They just like favorites~

Personally, I just like Absol for his behavior in the anime, the description of him being the disaster pokemon, and the design. He's just so cool with that purple blade on his head and that sleak fur. GG Honchkrow.

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I REALLY loved Absol from the start anyways xD, it was my savior in Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald. When I first heard about Mega Evolution, I was so happy, then I saw Absol being one of them, and screamed like a little girl.....(yes I didn't hit puberty yet o.o) And I was SO pumped for the Mega Absol, I bred a ton of Absols, to get the perfect nature, and then try to get that Perfect nature to be a shiny Absol as well ^_^, I hope we can find the Absolnite(or I assume that is Mega Absol's Mega Stone....) in the game in X/Y :D

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I mainly liked Absol because of it's dark typing. Now that I'm older, I like it's concept as a pokemon that warns people of impending danger only to get blamed for it, it's excellent sucker punch, and overall design. My only problem with it is it's speed stat.

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"Cuz its misunderstood just like me"

"Its dark like my soul"

I've never had a taste for it, it has a mediocre design and a mediocre backstory, imo.

It's lame, but it's the kind of lame people like.

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it's so pretty i cant even comprehend how pretty it is

and then it has wings

i have a thing for wings i guess but i dont actually care much for birds. these wings are so pretty though. i could cuddle it to death and back

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Absol has been my favorite when G3 came out. sure stat wise it's not the greatest choice out there, but playing through Sapphire the first time when i was like 9 years old, I found her to be one of the greatest members on my team. I was also really happy to see it in the Jirachi movie as well. As for mega Absol well...

it's so pretty i cant even comprehend how pretty it is

and then it has wings

i have a thing for wings i guess but i dont actually care much for birds. these wings are so pretty though. i could cuddle it to death and back

...yeah. what Ame said.

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Absol was a main on my Gen 3 team, (even before the physical/special split) when I use to play as a child, but I always had trouble finding one, so I would get all exited whenever I found one(I was around 5 at the time), and now I'm older, I can get to understand its concept, how it's misunderstand, and how it only wants to warn those of incoming disasters, but is always blamed, + I always loved it's design, even though it's a bit simple.. and I also love the new design. Competitively, Absol had the potential to be an absolute monster, with a base attack stats of 130, sadly though, due to its lacking base speed (75 I think?) to back the attack up, it's not used often, but hopeful the new evolution will fix the speed.

Sorry I kinda went on and on... it happens sometimes :D

Edited by ClockworkTophat
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The only time I used Absol was in the first mystery dungeon game. Ehh, I just think it's nothing special. I feel like there are too many dark type dogs (poochyena, mightyena, houndour, Houndoom) so I suppose since Absol is the last of the bunch, it kinda got repetitive and bland for me.

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The only time I used Absol was in the first mystery dungeon game. Ehh, I just think it's nothing special. I feel like there are too many dark type dogs (poochyena, mightyena, houndour, Houndoom) so I suppose since Absol is the last of the bunch, it kinda got repetitive and bland for me.

The more the merrier! :D

*surrounds myself in doggies*

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The only thing holding Absol back from being a massive threat is its speed.

That and its terrible defense and shallow move pool...

Seriously, he's kind of a piece of trash to be completely and brutally honest... "OH BUT HE HAS A HIGH ATTACK HUR DUR DUR!!!" Well, there are Pokemon out there in OU with better attack and other stats, with good move pools to use, so no, that is not a valid reason to like him. He is 'absol'utely nothing special. ;D

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Thanks for making this topic. This has been on my mind for awhile. I don't hate Absol by any means but yeah I have to agree it is overrated. But I do like the wings it will be getting! At least Absol is cute. :D Still... the hyper has always be ridiculous over Absol. Maybe I would like it more if it evolved (not counting mega).

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That and its terrible defense and shallow move pool...

The movepool isn't so much of an issue.

Sucker Punch/Super Power/Psycho Cut hits every Pokemon currently in the game for at least neutral damage.

Fire Blast is also an option over Psycho Cut; same story.

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This is why you don't see Ursaring, Granbull, and Zangoose in UU or more. But the thing about all of those is that they all look badass in their own regards that nobody cares. They just like favorites~

Personally, I just like Absol for his behavior in the anime, the description of him being the disaster pokemon, and the design. He's just so cool with that purple blade on his head and that sleak fur. GG Honchkrow.

Zangoose is one of my favorites. Absol is ok and his attack is solid.

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Abosol is a boss if you know what to do. I tried to use him a baton pass ninjask and stalled with him to get enough speed boost and a swords dance and then go to Absol and sweep.

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That and its terrible defense and shallow move pool...

Seriously, he's kind of a piece of trash to be completely and brutally honest... "OH BUT HE HAS A HIGH ATTACK HUR DUR DUR!!!" Well, there are Pokemon out there in OU with better attack and other stats, with good move pools to use, so no, that is not a valid reason to like him. He is 'absol'utely nothing special. ;D

"a piece of trash" with Swords Dance, 130 base attack, the strongest priority in the game, Superpower, Psycho Cut, Megahorn, Stone Edge/Rock Slide, and Bounce? If its speed was higher the reliance on Sucker Punch would be reduced and this thing would be scary, not to mention the acquisition of Magic Bounce and even higher attack in the mega form. Moreover, I didn't know you were the authority on reasoning behind opinions?

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"Cuz its misunderstood just like me"

"Its dark like my soul"

I've never had a taste for it, it has a mediocre design and a mediocre backstory, imo.

It's lame, but it's the kind of lame people like.

Quoted for truth.

And I don't consider this chimera/mishmash to be even part wolf at all. That blade-looking thing on its head is all awkward and asymmetrical as hell and the random batwing shape tail? It is not visually appealing to me. Only Bisharp and Haxorus really pull off the blade-on-my-face look.

SD + Sucker Punch Absol is fond of saying "Welcome to- DIE!"

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