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Starter Pokemon Viability Tier(In Game)


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Not gonna lie, I have had at least 9+ playthroughs and thats a horrid tier list.


Greninja is complete dead weight until mid/late game. Serperior is garbage until leafstorm, has a power spike and then falls off again. Those 2 should be heavily dropped on the tier list.


Charizard can solo carry a team into mid game and still has good matchups throughout. Dragon Rage + flame burst is all you need early. Mid game on Sun teams, solar power allows him to solo carry again. Should be A+ tier at least. 


I would re-evaluate every pokemon you put on there after Blaziken

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Played through reborn three times and I'm very salty about that Typhlosion ranking lol. Ran a sun team with him and he was by far the best starter I chose. His early game movepool is pretty trash but Nature power can compensate for it until you get Lava Plume and Eruption. You can grab a cherubi before you've even hit your first badge and teach it sunny day at level 22. Set up sun and watch as Typhlosion makes the complete mid game and double battles an absolute walk in the park. 


He should be higher than Serperior imo, who honestly couldn't pull his weight on my team until the blessed leaf storm. 


Not sure about venasaur as a starter but i've used him on the Typhlosion team and he is pretty beastly after a growth boost. 

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  • 2 years later...
On 11/23/2019 at 10:04 PM, Scyl said:

Serperior should be in hard F.


No memes, Serperior is actually worse than Meganium.

I think the reason it is so high is contrary. Leaf storm contrary really saves this pokemon. This Rom Hack does have Hidden abilities

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On 11/25/2019 at 6:50 PM, Lucifer Morningstar said:

I concur, my Charizard has been a rock throughout a lot of the game.

In the Charmeleon stage Dragon Rage kind of carried my team, then as a fully evolved Charizard it finished off Kiki's Metacham and it's flamethrower tore through Pokemon Gargantuan and PULSE Abra like butter which as is a commonality, was a saving grace as I'd gone into that event with a different plan I'd formed based on research which bombed pretty badly. 

I'd say it's a solid B at least if not an A-. 


I want to add to this that Mega Charizard Y has been wrecking the E4 and post-game (along with Mega Metagross). I swear sometimes I almost feel as though I'm cheating. 

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Charmander is extremely good in early game, thanks to Dragon Rage and Flame Burst. If you want to stall a bit, it can access to Scary Face and Smoke Screen at least, too.

Despite it is not a "god tier", Charizard with Sun or the Mega Y can do his work with Solar Beam and Heat Wave. At least a B or a A- for him.


From my experiences, Charizard helped me in many Doubles...same Typhlosion...


Greninja requires bit late phases of the game to access his moveset, plus I think his poor defense stat cannot help him much... if Gen 8 will be a thing, Cinderace will do a better and cooler work than Greninja.


Serperior is a problem until Leaf Storm, S tier absolutely not.


Delphox is a good early-game Psychic Type and Mystical Fire, Light Screen, Will o' Wisp and more do their thing.






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Feraligatr is underrrated as hell. It struggles a bit early game without being a total deadweight either but it is really good late game when you can learn it physical Water moves. With Life Orb, DD/Agility, Ice Punch, Crunch, Liquidation it is able to sweep many battles. With Icium-Z and the right support including SR it destroys Saphira 6-0, I think there is ONLY ONE mon better than it against her, being Mega-Altaria. My boy Feraligatr is a solid A tier.

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20 hours ago, RocketOSullivan said:

Feraligatr is underrrated as hell. It struggles a bit early game without being a total deadweight but it is really good late game when you can learn it physical Water moves. With Life Orb, DD/Agility, Ice Punch, Crunch, Liquidation it is able to sweep many battles. With Icium-Z and the right support including SR it destroys Saphira 6-0, I think there is ONLY ONE mon better than it against her, being Mega-Altaria. My boy Feraligatr is a solid A tier.

I know it has Sheer Force which kinda does its things...never tried Feraligatr.

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