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Major/Fatal bugs V12


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  On 11/18/2019 at 6:32 PM, Whales said:

Having the rift garbodor glitch where i get stuck in the wall. Can anyone help me please?


Ugh. I had the same issue. You might just need to replace your save with a backup save that isn't stuck. I lost an hour of game play but I prefer that to thinking my save file was beyond saving for 7 months :- )

Here's a post about replacing your save file, make sure to read it carefully! It works for rejuvenation.


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Not sure how the bug happened because I realised it too late and had progressed pretty far, but essentially my pokemon got cloned - specifically my mawile and misdreavus here (the other doubles are just me having more than 1 of the pokemon). The problem is that they had replaced 2 of my other pokemon which I EV trained and leveled to the max ugh. I don't know how this happened but just beware I guess -shrugs-


Edit: I realised one of it was the sylveon the character's mother gave, this probably happened while fixing the glitch at eclysia pyramid but I didn't notice earlier because I don't really use my Sylveon.



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  On 7/6/2019 at 7:39 PM, pointblankerror said:


I get this error when entering the zone zero desert 

EDIT: this is happening with all wild pokemon encounters even outside of zone zero. (im continuing the narcissa sidequest and im in crash hell ;()


did you ever figure out the solution to this I really would love to play this game :(

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  On 11/8/2019 at 6:16 PM, abhi0214 said:

So at the moment after im back at crawlis gym after fainting but i cant go through doors and i just walk through everything

Any way to fix?


Game.ini 108 B · 0 downloads


Exactly this. It's extremely annoying and apparently I have no saves to roll back to even though I set it to backup. I really don't want to have to start again. Troubleshoot this please.

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Im in Valor mountain, on B1 (I think) and I cannot move my character, or open the menu. whenever I press the move keys, I get the "running-into-a-wall" sound. All I can do is save my game, and now I cant even leave that area. I can't find old saves, so I cant re-load anywhere, and really don't want to have to start again. 

Edited by KitsuneCat
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Hi, I'm currently playing V12 and I'm at the Eclysia Pyramid, the part where you switch between yourself, Ren and Aelita. But my game has experienced a glitch and now I'm stuck, and can't do anything about it... I'm stuck as myself on a secluded island in the Pyramid, and can't switch to the other two no matter what button I press. The game autosaved there, so it's not like I can close my game and fix it that way... It's not a problem with my buttons or anything, I've tested and they all work as they should. Please respond, I really want to continue my save file, cause I have over 300 hours on it...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dunno if it counts as minor but it crashes the game each time without fault

In the 3 options in the pokedex, it’s data, location and appearance?

either way Meltan appearance if you select it your game turns off/ crash without fault

.....well I don’t think anyone would go on there but me....but there you go

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So when im in the corrupted cave below west gearan fighting the garbodor, if you lose the first time, it replays the cutscene but you are two or three tiles ahead, meaning when you fight garbodor you end up in the cave wall, and now that i beat garbodor, i am stuck in the wall and unable to access my menu or anything but the quicksave and reset options. pls help!

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I seem to have found myself in a predicament similar to what a few others on here have found themselves in, that being starting Chapter 14 and flying out of GDC before getting to the whole ship scene and story stuff, I (somehow) managed to get myself stuck in West Gearen as the train wont take me to GDC because of the lockdown and I can't fly anywhere as it only shows the Floria region map. AM I being dumb and missing an obvious way to get back and progress with the V12 content? Or am I genuinely stuck now? Backups aren't any help so have attached save file!



Game.rxdataFetching info...

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  On 2/10/2020 at 9:30 AM, Decagram said:

Everytime I encountered a wild pokemon in the safari zone



Ahem, while not a dev, i would suggest to only report something as a bug if it happens WITHOUT mods, in this particular case it's well known that the type battle icons and stat boost icons from the mod pack make safari zone encounters crash, and the error message clearly points to a mod file as the source of the error "SWM - TypeBattleIcons.rb"

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  On 2/10/2020 at 11:02 AM, Falirion said:

Ahem, while not a dev, i would suggest to only report something as a bug if it happens WITHOUT mods, in this particular case it's well known that the type battle icons and stat boost icons from the mod pack make safari zone encounters crash, and the error message clearly points to a mod file as the source of the error "SWM - TypeBattleIcons.rb"


Ah thanks, guess it's what I get for not properly reading the bugs for it

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so im at the part where you have to use the transmitter to switch between characters in the ruins to make pathways for the bridges and the button used to activate it stop when i tried to go to the last platform where everyone meets up (as your player character) is there anyway to fix this other than going to your last save because i did that and its not working

Screenshot (7).png

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  • 2 weeks later...

This glitch seems easy to encounter so it may have already been reported, but just in case. 
When you enter Valor Mountain for the first time and go straight for the northern ladder (before messing with the colored crystals), you get stuck here. 
The character wants to walk forward but it's as if there's an invisible wall. You can't move in any other direction.

glitch rejuvenation v12 valor mountain.png

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Right before you fight the Galvantula boss at the woods, Ren and Venam back up a bit. 
If you lose to the Galvantula, their positions won't reset. So if you lose to that Galvantula enough times (twice), Ren can't back up anymore, meaning the cutscene won't end and you can't fight Galvantula.



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