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Reborn Gym Leader Difficultly(Episode 18)


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My Tier List for the Difficulty of Gym Leader in Reborn based on my experience with the game. This was pretty difficult as certain team compositions/ Pokemon can blow up any leaders with ease.. People will also naturally have different experiences based on their own playthroughs. However, I tried to take into account their overall team composition, available pokemon and resources, etc.



.Amaria is based on Reshiram Singles Route Battle

.Corey is based on Police Found Route

.Despite his suicide and not giving the player a bagde, I do count Corey

.Cal is not included

.I found Hardy and Serra really polarzing. Without Rain and or Nature Power they are brutal, but once you have those respective things they become super easy


Edited by Jayhawk
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8 minutes ago, Goatenks said:

Only thing I would change is Charlotte to S tier, other than that, it's pretty accurate.

If this was Pre-Nerf Charlotte(where you had that whole BS of Energy Ball Typhlo) then I would agree. However, I find her a tad overhyped

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Naaah, this is too subjective. Too much of it depends on the team and the player. For example, Noel or Charlotte never caused me much trouble, Shade varies from one playthrough to another being harder and easier, while Ciel is a pain in the back to me almost always. I'd never place Titania, Amaria, or Charlotte that high anyway, Amaria is a total pushover for me invariably, but Hardy turned out really strong against in my last play. We may all agree that Luna is weak, but there is really few leaders we may easily and objectively classify like that.

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Charlotte would probably be S for me, while Shade (and prob Corey) are too high. I mean, yeah, they were difficult, Reborn level difficult. I also think Kiki and Amaria are a little underrated maybe.

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There is no one accurate assessment of this as it depends heavily on the player and their choices (particularly for Corey's battle as whether or not the player completed the Police side quest alters it and while the alterations are slight, for some the Nasty Plot/Roost variation in particular makes a huge difference). 


I'm working on Radculous currently but I'd drop Shade and Corey down to about a C as it was just Mimikyu and Crobat on their teams that gave me some trouble and might actually bump Radculous up to a S. I'd also bump Kiki up to a B and knock Florinia down to D as she has been the only gym leader thus far that I've been able to beat on the first attempt.

Edited by Verge Of Chaos
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