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Aephiex's Ash-Greninja


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On 1/2/2020 at 2:23 AM, Aephiex said:

I still can't confirm this issue. My greninja can use Icicle Spear successfully without any errors.

It's not just Greninja. My Lucario has Bone Rush and it won't work, bringing up a long error message sometimes. The same as Xander's here. Water Shuriken doesn't work, Bone Rush, Fury Swipes, anything multi-hit fails to work. Very occasionally, after it kicks me out of the game for trying to use one of the moves, which doesn't happen often, it let's the move work once I get back in. However, this stops working after either a period of time or when I close out of the game and go back in.


On 3/8/2020 at 9:30 AM, Xander said:

This comes up whenever fury swipes is used




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On 4/23/2020 at 6:59 AM, TheRisingFlame said:

It's not just Greninja. My Lucario has Bone Rush and it won't work, bringing up a long error message sometimes. The same as Xander's here. Water Shuriken doesn't work, Bone Rush, Fury Swipes, anything multi-hit fails to work. Very occasionally, after it kicks me out of the game for trying to use one of the moves, which doesn't happen often, it let's the move work once I get back in. However, this stops working after either a period of time or when I close out of the game and go back in.



I think thats a bug with the mod. None of the multiple times hitting moves work when the mod is active

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  • 4 months later...
17 hours ago, Dereck156 said:

Ok thank you 

You know where i have to put the number "1" to give battle bond to my frogadier? Im new to this and i dont want to mess up the script.

U need the debug mod for that. There u need to change its form to 1

Edited by Crystalrage
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On 2/26/2020 at 1:38 PM, SakshamG30 said:

I started playing Reborn recently, and I just wanted to say thank you for creating this mod. For me, it works like a charm(although I haven't tried other multi hitting moves except ws), and it made my Reborn experience a lot more fun and unique 😄


anyonw know how to add the sprites in for the mod


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On 3/29/2021 at 12:26 AM, swordslinger020 said:

anyonw know how to add the sprites in for the mod


Go to the graphics file in the reborn folder, inside there there is another file called battlers. Rename whatever sprites you want to 658_2 (for the front facing sprite) and 658b_2 (for the back) (I'll attach the sprites I use with the water shuriken if you want to use them). If you want shiny do the same but make sure the name is 658s_2 and 658sb_2. if your using the sprites that come in the zip then just drag out the graphics folder into the reborn folder, it will automatically add the sprites. And I'm guessing you already know how to install the base mod.


PS: I don't have shiny sprites sadly.



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Does this ash-greninja include the transformed water shuriken effects, like in the main games?


Regular WS has 15power and hits twice, guaranteed.

Battlebond WS has 20power and hits at least 3 times. Making the effective base power 60, or 90 including STAB. Thats a serious priority move, compared to the former 45.


I've tried testing it, but I can't seem to figure it out...


Edit: I just encountered an exception, though it didn't seem to affect anything. I'll paste it below.



Pokemon Reborn
Exception: SystemStackError
Message: stack level too deep
PokemonUtilities:765:in `isConst?'
D:/Spellen/All Pokémon Games/Pokemon Reborn/Pokemon Reborn/Reborn - V18 Modded/Data/Mods/Aephiex's Ash-Greninja.rb:70:in `pbBaseDamage@Aephiex_AshGreninja'
D:/Spellen/All Pokémon Games/Pokemon Reborn/Pokemon Reborn/Reborn - V18 Modded/Data/Mods/Aephiex's Ash-Greninja.rb:71:in `pbBaseDamage@Aephiex_AshGreninja'
D:/Spellen/All Pokémon Games/Pokemon Reborn/Pokemon Reborn/Reborn - V18 Modded/Data/Mods/Aephiex's Ash-Greninja.rb:71:in `pbBaseDamage@Aephiex_AshGreninja'
D:/Spellen/All Pokémon Games/Pokemon Reborn/Pokemon Reborn/Reborn - V18 Modded/Data/Mods/Aephiex's Ash-Greninja.rb:71:in `pbBaseDamage@Aephiex_AshGreninja'
D:/Spellen/All Pokémon Games/Pokemon Reborn/Pokemon Reborn/Reborn - V18 Modded/Data/Mods/Aephiex's Ash-Greninja.rb:71:in `pbBaseDamage@Aephiex_AshGreninja'
D:/Spellen/All Pokémon Games/Pokemon Reborn/Pokemon Reborn/Reborn - V18 Modded/Data/Mods/Aephiex's Ash-Greninja.rb:71:in `pbBaseDamage@Aephiex_AshGreninja'
D:/Spellen/All Pokémon Games/Pokemon Reborn/Pokemon Reborn/Reborn - V18 Modded/Data/Mods/Aephiex's Ash-Greninja.rb:71:in `pbBaseDamage@Aephiex_AshGreninja'
D:/Spellen/All Pokémon Games/Pokemon Reborn/Pokemon Reborn/Reborn - V18 Modded/Data/Mods/Aephiex's Ash-Greninja.rb:71:in `pbBaseDamage@Aephiex_AshGreninja'
D:/Spellen/All Pokémon Games/Pokemon Reborn/Pokemon Reborn/Reborn - V18 Modded/Data/Mods/Aephiex's Ash-Greninja.rb:71:in `pbBaseDamage@Aephiex_AshGreninja'


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  • 4 months later...
On 12/3/2019 at 8:48 AM, Aephiex said:


1. Introduced Ash Greninja to the game.

2. Since Ash-Greninja can't spawn naturally in the core series, there are some tweaks on this mechanic:

• There is a 1/16 chance that a wild/gift Froakie family pokemon is created with the ability Battle Bond.

• Froakie family pokemons with the ability Battle Bond CAN BREED and CAN BE FEMALE and the ability Battle Bond CAN BE INHERITED.


Hidden Features (only available in debug mode):

1. If you hold CTRL while obtaining a gift / encountering a wild Froakie family pokemon, it's guaranteed to be created with the ability Battle Bond.



1. Unzip this rar and drag it into your game folder. Don't worry, it doesn't overwrite anything.



1. Head to the game folder and delete "/Data/mods/Aephiex's Ash-Greninja.rb". Pictures don't make sense.

2. Your existing Battle Bond Froakie family pokemons will have Torrent or Protean as their abilities, and if you install this mod again, they will once again have Battle Bond.


If you want to use Ash-Greninja in a save data where you already obtained your regular froakie, go to the debug menu and set it's form to 1.


The Ash-Greninja sprites are from pokemon showdown database.


Since Ash-Greninja doesn't even have Torrent until its final evolution, it's discussable that is Battle Bond more viable than Protean.


Aephiex's Ash-Greninja.rar 25.38 kB · 483 downloads


whats the difference between a normal froakie and a family froakie pokemon


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