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Pokemon Reborn - Walkthrough-review Part 10 [FINALE]: To be continued...


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- The constant hyperbole, or scathing ranting about roadblocks is a little offputting. The entire game relies on gimmicks (Field effects) which are always stacked against you, but fighting a singular high leveled pokemon isn't that hard even! I won't rag on you for using the method you did, there are plenty of ways to do so, but you seem to dislike changing out your team unless a fight demands it and i'll respect that. As i've said earlier, I brute forced my way using the same 6 mons no matter what all the way up to the steel type gym. I can personally guarantee these fights are possible the 'normal' way if not requiring some luck or judicious use of items.

- I completely skipped Route 1 my first go round. Just went through it to get to Radomus and that's it, wasn't till recently that I went back and picked up all the goodies within the forest.

- I don't know what to tell you about Cain. When I played through the game (in previous episodes) Cain didn't have the Mimikyu, it wasn't until the usual fight in the most recent where I had to deal with it.

- Well it's not like the Gym leader is gonna fight you without his ace.

- Yeah people just yoinking stuff off of my character gets on my nerves too. The good news? Chances are you'll get to beat their face in shortly after.

- Take the Corrupted Pokeball to the Pokeball shop

- I can't help if aspects of the game irk you. If you don't like it or love/hate it than that's you. Reborn brings out a lot of feelings for me at least when it comes to overcoming dumb stuff. Although my reactions to seeing massively overleveled mons try to take on my team go as follows, "What the f***, how am I supposed to beat that? Oh that's its' moveset? You're mine now hehehe." or something to that effect. As much as your complaints may put me off as I enjoy the game, it's nice to see what someone else thinks even if I may disagree with some opinions, but it's good to see what aspects can be improved upon. I encourage you to keep at it, but if you stop finding any enjoyment and quit for good then that's okay too, all your mons (friends) are there to help you succeed, there is more than one way to do anything in Reborn! Well, battle wise.

- You got me on the puzzles. I have a tiny smooth brain that make me do the hurty thinky thing so I google stuff.

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Thanks for your response.



- The constant hyperbole, or scathing ranting about roadblocks is a little offputting.

Dont hate the player, hate the game.



- I completely skipped Route 1 my first go round. Just went through it to get to Radomus and that's it, wasn't till recently that I went back and picked up all the goodies within the forest.

Poor route 1 :<



- Well it's not like the Gym leader is gonna fight you without his ace.

So I had to save his female slave because he feared me? That's an explanation I can get my head around.



Take the Corrupted Pokeball to the Pokeball shop

I tried, nothing happened. :<



- I can't help if aspects of the game irk you. If you don't like it or love/hate it than that's you.

Well yeah of course thats me. Its not your fault so you dont have to do much against it. while I think much of my criticism is subjective, much definitely isn't. The overwhelmingly frustrating puzzles for example. The reborn forum, the reborn wiki, youtube, everything is full with (justified) rants about it. The writing is outright bad. That's not subjective. It's horrendous at times. But yeah, at the end of the day most of my experience stays subjective.



Thanks for your kind words, I really appreciate it and it keeps me going. 🙂

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You're welcome! I'm not saying your criticisms are or are not valid! What bugs other people may not bug me and that's fine. What is objectively bad and subjectively disliked are both very valid things to consider and I can't expect someone to have the same experience as me with the game. I enjoy seeing and hearing other people's opinions on things I like for better or worse.


As for the corrupted ball, I just remembered the event got moved back WAY later for it. You'll know it when ya see it.

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No: a player is in checkmate when their king is under attack and they can make no legal move (at the end of a legal move, one’s king must not be under attack). 

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37 minutes ago, Yoraiko said:

But he can't make a single move without getting killed. Thats not... checkmate? (Yeah I stopped playing regulary years ago, well....)

No, thats stalemate because black doesn't have a legal move. In a "real life game" thats means the game is drawn

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dont know, probably not. Right now I did my first try with zel and got every single mon one-hitted by his alakazam haha. Considering this was my best team and Im trapped in devon this will be a great fun in the days to come again...







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My game just crashed right in the middle of the fight against taka and I forgot to save after my twenty minute fight with adrienn.























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On 4/11/2020 at 4:35 AM, ToDie said:

Still love your style of reviewing. It´s super entertaining for me and I hope the next part will be there soon 🙂

Thank you very much! I really appreciate it and I hope you will stay with me till the end.


Something's coming soon....



Now to translate the monster.


(becuz I never want to stop playing, thats why. i really should get into making videos...)

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Part 8: A Nation Reborn






And I'm talking to myself at night
Because I can't forfeit
Back and forth through my team
Behind a cheesy strat'
And the teardrops coming from my eyes
Say dont you fuckin' stop
Don't want to hear about it
Every single one's got a puzzle to solve
Everyone knows about it
From the Queen of Reborn to the hounds of Lin
And if I catch her coming back my way
I'm gonna throw it at you
And that ain't what you want to read
But that's what I'll do
And the feeling coming from my guts
Say fucking pull through
I'm going to Amaria
Far from this fornever aftermore
I'm gonna drown the gym
Make the blood drip out of every ball
And I'm bleeding, and I'm losing, and I'm raging 

Right before the lords more like ladys
All the words are gonna bleed from me
And I will lose no more

And the voices coming from my head
Say freakin' stop to roar
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Im now at the final of the glass factory and I never felt that destroyed in Reborn before. In 40 minutes i battled through the two boss battles with all I had only to be greeted by a third one without a team healing and no potions left. I fought through half of it but then Ijust got overwhelmed because I had to heal my dead mon.


I really dont know how to commend on that. I mean, I could understand it if my team would get curted the third time too. But this is just... I dont know... there really are no words to that anymore. Obviously you all love the balancing of this game so that battle is a piece of art too and its just me being too bad. I dont think I will ever get through that battle actually, but maybe if stack myself with cotton candy x99 and ultra portion x99 and toxic my way through every single battle....


Right now I feel a bit like crying because all of that is so incredible frustrating and the knowledge that nobody thinks anything is wrong with such a Triple-bossbattle without healings in between makes it all the more devastating.


I hate this game so much as I love it. Right now much more. Reborn truly has the worst balancinbg I ever perceived in any videogame.


Talk about strategizing. Ill see how I strategize my way through these 30 enemy pokemon in a row................

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20 minutes ago, Yoraiko said:

without a team healing 

Here's one tip that you might want to know!

After the second battle, any fainted Pokemon aren't restored, but any ones that are still conscious are fully healed, as if a Full Restore was used on your whole team.

That aside, the gauntlet is incredibly difficult, and is probably one of the hardest fights in Reborn.

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X Items are broken and can really make "impossible battle" quite easy.

They're available in the Dept. Store, not sure which floor but you don't need all the stickers, meaning you don't have to do the adventurine woods puzzle which at this point is the only sticker difficult (or time consuming) to obtain.

Boosting defenses while healing, followed by booting attack and just sweeping is a nice way to get through hard battles. Just make sure to save between battles because crits do happen.

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5 hours ago, Cadmium48 said:

Here's one tip that you might want to know!

After the second battle, any fainted Pokemon aren't restored, but any ones that are still conscious are fully healed, as if a Full Restore was used on your whole team.

That aside, the gauntlet is incredibly difficult, and is probably one of the hardest fights in Reborn.

uh.... thanks. I wont even start to wonder about the logic behind it. Amethyst will know.


I think its safe to say its the hardest by far so far for me, considering the cirstumstances and that all three battles are decently hard, with the first being the hardest one (Luckily, would be even worse losing againd and again at the third one)


thanks for your words!



X Items are broken and can really make "impossible battle" quite easy.

Ive read that many times now but I dont really buy it. I dont really trust the value of an item rising ONE value of a pokemon which will die with one or two attacks, I usually prefer attacking to get through with it. see, the main problem all of my mon had with battles in this game, ESPECIALLY the late game, is that theyre all, without exception, fucking slow. Even my Rapidash, which was ALMOST first in the first half of the game is slower than every single enemy mon by now. In consequence, many of my mon get one-hitted or almost by most enemies all the time. Its really kill or be killed. Thank you though for the advice.



For reference, recordings of the first two battles:



I was so proud on myself because I rreally thought I did not bad with strategizing, using field effects, first trying Luna and stuff, but the not healing and my lack of potions really broke my neck at the third fight. You can see I was depressed before, but maybe I can pull this off eventually....


Nevermind, cant upload a video longer than ten minutes, so I have only the recording of the second battle right now.... ah, whatever.....


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After hours of frustrating attempts and one destroyed computer mouse I beat this fucking battle. The rest of the game will be a piece of cotton candy compared to that! Now I can write my next little review.


I love my team. Theyre failbobs, and shitheads, and useless freaks, but damn they're bringing me through this miserably balanced game...!!





















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9 hours ago, ToDie said:

And maybe exactly these emotions are the logic behind this 🙂

soooo.... not worth it.


So I think my next part will take a bit longer since I didnt know the last thing I wanted to include in it was the actual big story climax. That some stuff to take in.

All fun and no work here!



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