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Well yeah Amine is either Follower or Creeper, so he's confirmed town. Now about who to vote, i think Bok might be mafia so let me join the bandwagon and i really really hope we aren't lynching another town.

[Eliminate] Bok

For now i suspect astra and bok to be mafia. Like Ali said, i will wait for him to make a post and then i might change my vote to astra.


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Well there is plenty of pressure already for bok to speak so im for now not going to join in on that, and just wait for him to talk

  On 12/18/2019 at 10:21 PM, LykosHand said:

Well yeah Amine is either Follower or Creeper, so he's confirmed town.

  On 12/18/2019 at 9:13 PM, Alistair said:

Amine is almost confirmed Follower,


to clear up a misconception here, pretty sure amine has to be the creeper as he found that nicki was silenced N0 which the follower wouldn't have been able to determine without knowing who the silencer is (which was jace), also follower died N0 unless we believe aldo was the cardinal (which would be strange as the phase post seems to imply strongly he was the mafia kill)


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With my posts, I realized it sounds I'm worrying too much about the jihad and not about mafia. Well, there's a reason why I asked the questions I did and it's in my posts in you guys look hard enough then again I might be the only one who sees it because I'm the one who made those posts. If I do end up dying this phase, I want to say that I have a very strong townlean on Lykos right now. I can't elaborate too much on it but based off what I've done, I have a strong reason to believe so. I'm keep my vote on myself right now and see what else happens because Bok did say he was busy(and I can totally relate to that right now) so he'll respond when he can and I don't have a hard scum read on anyone right now.

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As i might not have time later today i'm gonna vote now, even though it would rather have heard what amine has learned at night, and for bok and lia to share their thoughts
Astra's vote behaviour on day one is wierd to me, and his posts today sound odd too, there is some softclaim in there, but i really don't trust it, it smells fishy. so:
[Eliminate] Astra

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I am a bit busier than I expected to be and the whole phase flew by before I could even sit to read what's going on, but I wasn't silenced @ fali and it looks like the same thing is going to happen again but I'll try to find a moment this evening to take a look at everything

going to commit self vote for now so I don't get modkilled although maybe I should ask for a replacement

[Eliminate] Lía


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ya know what, fine since there is still some who are way too inactive imma just speak the idea i have in my mind hopefully this game finishes early with it. 

long post inbound so imma put it in spoiler

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i hate talking business mode ugh but the activity here is less than the action mein puss* gets and i dont even have a puss*. but then again i also hate that other shit which i understood fckin nothing. man its hard to be a madman these days.


anyway anyone who disagrees is scummy on my book. fck u gurl

also since it has come to this:


[Eliminate] Kiet nothing personal kid i just want to equalize the voting. feel free to counter the lynch on me but please think through on what i said.


also imma head out work. I think i got notif that somebody else posted but i really have no time to read rn

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Boat usually tries to meet post requirements so im a bit sus of him currently

Congratulations Astra! your Night Action was successful, you cant be trapper or jihad since i lived, but this makes me more sus of you

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  On 12/18/2019 at 4:22 PM, CrimsonDragon21 said:

And if he gets lynched cause of that, than it's revenge for betraying our team in Newts Mafia Game.


Still no regrets :] 

Speaking of regrets, probably should have contributed more and will probably be lynched or modkilled, alas. 
I do however, have a hunch based on small non-contributions? Could be wrong, and nothing about voting patterns or posts really jump out at me for being super sketchy at the moment, so I'll see.
Under other circumstances, I would vote myself, but I think if I do, I would be committing self-lynch so in the interest of not dying
[Eliminate] Sopheria 

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Man, waking up to Bean defending me like this is awkward. Since it looks like I’m going to be lynch, I might as well tell everything. I’m the chariot. N0, I targeted Kiet and Bean for fun so I know neither is the jihad but I don’t know if they are mafia. N1, I targeted Drago and Lykos and this is why I think Lykos is for sure town. Since I didn’t die, I know that the jihad targeted Newt and since Drago died, I know Lykos was the mafia target for the kill. This also why I was posting about the jihad and chariot so much because I asked Nick a lot about my abilities and I figured might as well share them. I will be targeting myself tonight if I somehow survive the lynch, to which I doubt. To at least try to survive, I don’t know.

Unvote Astra

Eliminate Fali

I seriously have no idea who to vote.

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that sounds too believable and consistent to be made up

I think the ones who voted Astra should choose someone else


still, Bean seemed very certain that Astra was inno, so either it's good insight on his part or he somehow knew who Astra was all along 🤔

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Ok that's good Astra, i know you aren't lying because i've been transported last night so let me change my vote again. 


[Unvote] Astra

[Eliminate] Bok


Now it's very strange that Bean knows Astra is town, but that means Bean is the Oracle if i'm not wrong e if i remember correctly. 


I think Bok or Sophiera could be mafia and to be honest i will keep an eye on Kiet. 

I hope Astra won't get lynched btw. 

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This was a very weird day, with various levels of commitment, and ... let's say not the best one quality-wise.

You need to co-operate more.


Apologies, but I'm exhausted and will make this short. 

Bok is dead long live the Bok yada yada Slim Shady, yada yada Shadow Ballz, yada yada Still Haunted by The Past

[ideas that won't be properly implemented because I can bearly keep my eyes open]


I see nobody gets modkilled. That's positive. Nano's always vigilant. As per custom, he shall hand over the warnings, right afterwards.

No worries, he's not that bloodthirsty on Tuesdays. Oh, it's not Tuesday... Shame.



01. Nicki - Herbalist [Dead N0]

02. Newt - Troublemaker [Dead N1]

03. Drago - Gossiper [Dead N1]

04. Alistair

05. Arch

06. Aldo - Follower [Dead N0]

07. Bean

08. Lykos

09. Astra

10. Falirion

11. Lía

12. Kiet

13. Sopheria

14. Boat

15. Anti Loser - Ghoul [Lynched D1]

16. Jace - Nuncio [Dead N1]

17. Candy - Trapper [Dead N1]

18. Bok - Ghost [Lynched D2]

19. Amine


It's right now Night 2. You have 24.5 hours to send in any Night actions, factional kills, love letters, w/e.


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As I exit my gallery, brush of red still in my hand, I take a good look back at my monochrome canvas.


While one may criticise the brutality of the actions, one ought to simply respect the solid foundations upon which the whole scheme was created. When others were struggling to suppress, success hid in allowing the uninformed and uneducated masses to freely express their opinions and be refuted by the scholars who always knew how to strawman then and take them on their side. Abusing political power to adhere to the masses' beliefs, while putting on a show claiming you have deeper knowledge than them, all in order to continue holding the reigns and using their faith for your own selfish goals, was irrefutably cold, but solid. It was gold. The compass of the kingdroms, fiefdoms, and even democracies to follow the initial nomadic lifestyle were all based on what unifies the people. A wiser man than me named it "The opium of the masses" and nevertheless knew well about opium. 


I hope it's not hard to follow; after all the story is engraved in your everyday lives, no matter where you stem from. In free countries, with freedom of speech that is, the extremes are not to be observed so plainly. In others, who wish to be named likewise but essentially have been basing in various quantities their freedom on debts to the respective religious foundation, it becomes apparent when you simply glance over the possessions of the church. Then you can see the hypocricy; those who preach tolearance have started campaigns against minorities. Those who preach love have been actively stepping over others' human rights. Those who fervently talk about strict lives without luxury are often dressed in expensive suits, or even wear garments of silver while holding sceptres of gold. The power however, lies with money. And the beneifts it can offer.


Such benefits might be the removal of dangerous fragments of the fickle medieval society. The lack of expression of ideals and beliefs, the straightforward clash of ideas against what is considered divine, all might lead to your extermination. Either you will simply vanish, without trace, or you will be made a spectacle, in order to terrorize the others. In order to avoid having to repeat the same, and instill feat in the hearts of the potential infidels. I wonder, what the criteria might be. Until then, I might as well censor myself with Godspeek.


There were some though who wouldn't falter at such danger, their existence already being seemingly thin. Such a being was Bok, dubbed "Veggie". We didn't give him a proper goobye, but that's perfectly in line with how we always faced Bok. We always avoided him, as his existence was too thin for us, as if he was transparent. It's not surprizing, that even I forgot to post a proper farewell, to a creature that has promised so much, but his voice always fell on deaf ears.


Another creature was Amine. He was always a bit of a loner, a bit of a weirdo, a bit of a nosy little thing; wanting to find out exactly what you did last summer. Naturally, the way he approached each situation was not the most accurate, but his keen eyes and sharp wit always found a slither of hope upon which he was hung, and found the needed motivation to keep on. He once told us during his confession, that he strives to find out how others are happy. That's why he follows and listens to what god says to them. Tonight, all God had to tell Amine was that his days on this earth had come to an end. It rests on us to accept his fate, forgive him, and move on.


Now, as for why I am the one conducting todays sermon, the reason is quite obvious. Falirion was nowhere to be found. We searched his house, opened his cellar and the secret door behind the bookcase, to no avail. He had disappeared, and all traces of the attack were also gone. It's as if nobody has ever entered his house, never broke the lock, didn't even leave marks of combat, bloodstains, DNA. Even in the case of a rapture, one would think God would leave a sign. This was so carefully planned and executed with surgical precision. I wonder if you are going to miss him, but certainly I am not allowed to even think otherwise. He was a good priest, and an even better combatant against etherial malice. 


In other, more enticing news, I would like you all to make a stand, and welcome a new member in our church.

She has been cleared of all her sins, received the clarity of the Holy Spirit, met with God himself, and though His power returned from the heavens to preach in his name.

Candy has returned from the grave, by the help of our very local Lazarus Pit. The specialist we hired for the job proved not to be a quack after all.

Accept her back, as she has always been His favorite.



01. Nicki - Herbalist [Dead N0]

02. Newt - Troublemaker [Dead N1]

03. Drago - Gossiper [Dead N1]

04. Alistair

05. Arch

06. Aldo - Follower [Dead N0]

07. Bean

08. Lykos

09. Astra

10. Falirion - Exorcist [Dead N2]

11. Lía

12. Kiet

13. Sopheria

14. Boat

15. Anti Loser - Ghoul [Lynched D1]

16. Jace - Nuncio [Dead N1]

17. Candy - Trapper [Dead N1 - Revived D3]

18. Bok - Ghost [Lynched D2]

19. Amine - Creeper [Dead N2]


It is now Day3. You have 48 hours to act like good faithful men and women. I hope the Heavens bestow thee with wisdom.

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