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Predictions for Fights in E19


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so i was a bored and wanted to figure out what we the player will have to face later on in e19. this is just my speculation based on prior events leading up to it as well as information one can glean from the field effect manual, feel free to chime in and fill in any gaps i may have missed.


saphira is up first, and the final gym leader that we'll have to face. it's probably no secret as to what field we will be facing her on so i'll just assume
it's this one.



#--------------------------- 32. Dragon's Den [DD] ----------------------------------#
"If you wish to slay a dragon..."
*       Dragon type attacks increase in base power x2
*       Fire type attacks increase in base power x1.5
*       Water and Ice type attacks decrease in base power x0.5 
*       Multiscale additionally annulls user's Dragon type's weaknesses at all times
*       Activates Marvel Scale
*       These moves apply additional Fire type damage:
              Smack Down      Thousand Arrow    Continental Crush    Tectonic Rage
*       These moves increase in base power x2:
              Pay Day         Dragon Ascent    Smack Down    Thousand Arrows
*       These moves increase in base power x1.5:
                Lava Plume              Magma Storm             Mega Kick    
*       Pokemon with the following abilities have their defenses boosted on switch-in:
                Magma Armor
*       Magma Armor additionally protects from Fire Attacks
*       Magma Storm deals 1/6 Max HP damage per turn (from 1/8)
*       The stat-changing effect of these moves is amplified:
               Noble Roar      Dragon Dance
*       These moves transform this field into a Cave:
               Glaciate        Hydro Vortex        Subzero Slammer
*       These moves transform this field into a Cave after two uses:
               Muddy Water    Oceanic Operetta    Sparking Aria    Surf
*       Elemental Seed boosts Sp.Atk and applies Flash Fire boost to the user
*        Nature Power becomes Dragon Pulse
*        Camouflage changes the user's type to Dragon
*        Secret Power may Burn


well her dragonite is going to be a royal pain in the ass, but aside from that i'm going to go out on a limb and say her mega will probably be mega charizard x. even though it's not really a true dragon type, considering how utterly op it is on this field and her mother caroline having its megastone in the back of her gym, it seems the most plausible. definitely no kingdra considering how much its nerfed here and amaria already having it. ampharos, sceptile, altaria, salamence, garchomp, hydreigon and dragalge will likely not be seen as they are all megas and/or aces of other characters (besides sceptile). other pseudos in goodra and kommo-o will likely be used (assuming assault vest and clangorous soulblaze), as well as haxorus as they have not really been used by any other relevant characters. her last is likely a lesser dragon and what's left is exeggutor, flygon, druddigon, tyrantrum, noivern, turtonator and drampa. my educated guess would probably be either flygon, druddigon or tyrantrum but can't say for sure. aside from that she might use pokemon from the dragon egg group but not likely considering that all gym leaders battle using monotype for gym battles with the exception of noel's clefable, but how cool would it be if she used an unburden seed sceptile or marvel scale milotic? not sure if she is going to be fought in singles or doubles but going to go with singles since we just faced hardy in doubles, also not accounting legendaries for obvious reasons. from what's left in the tm pool, we get dragon claw after defeating her.


to recap, my guess as to what saphira's team will be is: dragonite, charizard, kommo-o, goodra, haxorus, filler


next up is the elite 4. not sure the order we face them in or if there even is one and we can fight them in any order (like in BW), but going to start with the next belrose sister in laura.



#--------------------------- 33. Flower Garden Field [FGF] --------------------------------#
"Seeds line the field."
*    Starts at Stage 1 and increases to a maximum of Stage 5.
*     These moves grow the field one stage on use:
        Rototiller        Flower Shield    Rain Dance    Sunny Day    Growth
*    These abilities grow the field one stage on activation:
        Flower Gift        Flower Veil        Drought        Drizzle
*    These moves cut the field by one stage on use:
*    Activates Flower Gift and Swarm
*    Rototiller additionally boosts user's Attack and Special Attack
*    The stat-changing effect of these moves is amplified:
*    Growth's effect increases (x2, x3) at stages (1, 3)
*    At Stage 2 and later, Cut hits Grass types for super effective damage
*    At Stage 2 and later, these moves increase in base power x1.5
*    At Stage 2 and later, always activates Harvest and Leaf Guard
*    At Stage 2 and later, Flower Shield additionally boosts Sp. Def and the user's defenses
*    At Stage 2 and later, the base accuracy of these moves becomes 100:
        Sleep Power        Stun Spore        Poison Powder
*    At Stage 3 and later, Flower Veil passively reduces damage x0.5 to its user and allied Grass types
*    At Stage 3 and later, and in the absence of Rain or Water Sport, these moves will transform this field into a Burning Field:
        Heat Wave        Flame Burst        Lava Plume        Eruption    Searing Shot
        Fire Pledge        Inferno Overdrive    Mind Blown        Incinerate
*    At Stage 3 and later, Sweet Scent additionally lowers defenses
*    At Stage 3 and later, Fire attacks increase in base power x1.5
*    At Stage 3 and later, Fleur Cannon increase in base power x1.5
*    At Stage 3 and later, Flower Shield's effect is doubled
*    At Stage 4 and later, Chlorophyll is activated
*    At Stage 5, the following moves target both opposing Pokemon:
        Petal Dance        Petal Blizzard        All Powder Moves
*    At Stages 2/3/4/5, Grass type attacks increase in base power x1.2/1.5/2/3
*    At Stages 3/4/5, Grass type Pokemon take damage reduced by x0.75/0.67/0.5
*    At Stages 2/4 Bug type attacks increase in base power x1.5/2
*    At Stages 3/5 Swarm increases Bug attacks' power by x2/3
*    At Stages 2/3 Overgrow activates at 66% HP/Any HP amount
*    At Stages 4/5 Overgrow increases Grass attacks' power by x2/3
*    At Stages 4/5 Sweet Scent's effect increase x2/3
*    At Stages 2/4 Ingrain's effect increases x2/4
*    At Stages 3/4 these moves' base power increases x1.2/1.5:
        Petal Dance        Petal Blizzard
*    At Stages 3/4/5 Infestation's deals 1/6 / 1/4 / 1/3 Max HP Damage per turn (from 1/8)
*    At Stage 5, Nature Power becomes Petal Blizzard. At all other stages, Nature Power becomes Growth.
*    Camouflage changes the user's type to Grass
*    Secret Power may lower Evasion, and as of Stage 3 and later, both defense. At Stage 5, this effect doubles.
*    Bloom Doom grows field by 1 stage
*    Synthetic Seed boosts Sp.Def and applies Ingrain to the user
*    Acid Downpour reduces the field to Stage 1


jfc i know grass types suck but this just seems like overkill. ame is ramping up the bullshit to a whole nother level which i gotta say, you can never have too much of i guess. needless to say decontructing this will take quite a while but at the risk of coming off as a sadomasochist, this battle will be a 6v12 double battle vs laura AND bennett. the reason i believe that to be the case is as follows:


1) this field effect is meant to be fought in doubles and also boosts bug type moves 
2) there is not enough room for bennett to be in the elite 4 after he has helped laura reclaim her position
3) it makes sense in regards to the overall plot to fight them both here
4) this is not unprecedented as the player has already fought in 6v12 battles during the glass gauntlet 
5) it would be too easy otherwise


of course the one argument against this format would be that it may be inconsistent with respect to the other elite 4 members, as the rest of them are likely to be fought 1 on 1 and them not having 12 pokemon. all i can say in response to that is they will also be equally difficult, but bug and grass aren't the best defensive types and is moreso a handicap on the player to make this fight as reasonably difficult as possible. there is also the possibility that we fight laura and bennett separately, but both on flower garden as well. because this is the elite 4, i'm going to assume legendaries and wild cards likely to be used.


based on first impressions alone, this fight seems to be weather based and benefits from either sun with chlorophyll and rain to nerf fire types and not turn the terrain into a burning field. this of course is questionable as interchanging between sun and rain makes a rainbow field, which completely invalidates whatever the fuck flower garden is. while lilligant is guaranteed to be her ace, i think it's safe to say that she also has a cherrim considering how much flower gift utterly buffs her teammate and the terrain itself. flower veil florges in a similar vein, but less certain as it is adrienn's ace and idk if she will overlap and use it as well, also it not actually being grass type. her options for a mega are venusaur, sceptile and abomasnow, with the most likely being venusaur for obvious reasons. grass type legendaries include celebi, shaymin, virizion, tapu bulu and kartana with shaymin being a prime suspect. her last member(s) will most likely be support based and help set up weather. ninetales isn't too much of a stretch given its history with charlotte, nor is politoed as poliwag is indigineous to tanzan cove. hell she may even set up manual weather with something fast like jumpluff or whimsicott idk.


to recap, my guess as to what laura's team will be is: lilligant, cherrim, venusaur, skymin, filler, filler


as for bennett, i'm expecting him to stick to some of his core pokemon but still deviate a bit and benefit from the field effect. volcarona is pretty much a given, but i also think he'll keep his butterfree since it is his primary ace and can abuse 100% accurate sleep powders with tinted lens. flower garden also specifically buffs infestation, and a prime abuser of the move would be shuckle which would act as a defensive anchor to his team. bug type legendaries include genesect, buzzwole and pheromosa of which genesect would seem to be the most fitting given his scientific nature. choice in mega comes down to beedrill, pinsir, scizor and heracross. while bennett did have a scyther before, titania already used mega scizor with fern and solaris having it as well. it also conflicts with my guess in him having genesect so i think it's safe to rule that out, but going to go with pinsir as it metamorphasizes into something with wings, similar to a butterfly. not sure what his last may be as bug types are extremely versatile, could even be a wild card to cover his weaknesses so can't say for sure.


to recap, my guess as to what bennett's team will be is: volcarona, butterfree, genesect, shuckle, mega, filler


heather specializes in flying types and seeing how there are only two fields that specifically boost that type in mountain and snowy mountain, i'm going to assume she will be fought on mountain as the player has not really fought on this terrain, with snowy mountain being essentially the same thing but also making her much more susceptible to ice.



#--------------------------- 27. Mountain [MTN] --------------------------------#
"Adieu to disappointment and spleen."
*    Tailwind lasts 5 turns and creates Strong Winds for its duration
*    Rock and Flying type attacks increase in base power x1.5
*    These moves increase in base power x1.5:
        Thunder            Eruption        Avalanche        Vital Throw        Storm Throw
        Circle Throw        Ominous Wind        Razor Wind        Icy Wind        Silver Wind
        Fairy Wind        Twister
*    These moves increase in base power an additional x1.5 in Strong Winds:
        Special Flying Moves
        Ominous Wind        Razor Wind        Icy Wind        Silver Wind        Fairy Wind
        Twister            Gust
*    Sunny Day, and Drought last for 8 turns
*    Activates Gale Wings during Strong Winds
*    Pokemon with Long Reach deal x1.5 damage
*    Thunder never misses
*    These moves transform this field into a Snowy Mountain:
        Blizzard        Subzero Slammer
*    After three consecutive turns, Hail weather will transforms this field into a Snowy Mountain.
*     Nature Power becomes Rock Slide
*    Camouflage changes the user's type to Rock
*    Secret Power may flinch
*    Telluric Seed boosts Attack and lowers Accuracy


this one appears vague and is subject to much more interpretation. not entirely sure whether or not she will be fought in singles or doubles seeing as they both are viable options, but going to assume the rest of the fights are going to be in the traditional singles format. based on her character profile, heather hates cute pokemon and prefers tough, powerful ones which makes it a lot easier to narrow down her options. she will also most likely employ tailwind to enable strong winds, which is important considering mountain buffs types that flying hates as well. salamence is no doubt her ace and doubles as her mega. she has a lot of options in regards to potential legendaries, but i think it's safe to assume she won't use one with more than 600 bst. this leaves the kanto birds, unovan genies and celesteela. of these, any of the genies seem to be the most likely considering they are the most viable, take advantage of mountain quite well and frankly are the least "cute" of the bunch. i wouldn't be surprised if she had more than 1 genie to be quite honest or zapdos for that matter. as for other pokemon that fit her strong and tough persona, gyarados and honchkrow come to mind which i wouldn't be surprised to see. talonflame and crobat are notable as well, with the former benifiting from prenerfed gale wings and the latter as a homage to her late father corey. there's not much else i can really see heather using aside from maybe a bug flying type as a sign of friendship with shelly, but nothing really comes to mind as far as potential wild cards go.


to recap, my guess as to what heather's team will be is: salamence, genie, talonflame, crobat, filler, filler


el is an expert in normal types, with holy field acting as his field of choice.


#--------------------------- 29. Holy Field [HF] --------------------------------#
"Benedictus Sanctus Spiritus..."
*     Normal type attacks hit Ghost and Dark types for super effective damage
*    Ghost and special Dark moves decrease in base power x0.5
*    Fairy and special Normal moves increase in base power x1.5
*    Dragon and Psychic moves increase in base power x1.2
*    These moves increase in base power x1.3:
        Psystrike         Aeroblast         Origin Pulse         Precipice Blades    Dragon Ascent
         Doom Desire         Mist Ball        Luster Purge         Psycho Boost         Spacial Rend
        Roar of Time        Crush Grip         Secret Sword        Relic Song         Hyperspace Hole        
        Land's Wrath        Moongiest Beam        Sunsteel Strike        Prismatic Laser        Fleur Cannon
        Photon Geyser        Genesis Supernova    Searing Sunraze Smash    Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom
*    These moves increase in base power x1.5:
        Mystical Fire        Magical Leaf        Judgment        Sacred Fire
        Ancient Power
*    Justified's effect is doubled
*    Wish restores 75% of the user's Max HP (from 50%)
*    Cursed Body has no effect
*    Curses are lifted after each turn
*    Miracle Eye additionally boosts Atk and SpAtk
*    The stat changing effect of these moves is amplified:
        Cosmic Power
*     Nature Power becomes Judgment
*    Camouflage changes the user's type to Normal
*    Secret Power may lower SpAtk
*    Nature's Madness deals 66% HP damage (from 50%)
*    RKS System's type becomes Dark at all times
*    These moves will terminate this field effect:
        Light that Burns the Sky
*    Magical Seed boosts Sp.Atk and applies Magic Coat to the user


There's not really much we know about el's team other than the fact that he will probably have a choice scarf imposter ditto to reverse sweep degenerates using blaziken so that will be fun. if anyone has played reborn in its early stages, they might remember that you could in fact challenge el before fighting serra at her mansion. he only had one pokemon which was snorlax at the time, so i think it's safe to assume he will still have it here. his potential mega options include pidgeot, kangaskhan, lopunny and audino. either kangaskhan or audino seem to be the most plausible as they can take advantage of the field much better than the other 2, but probably kangaskhan since it is more offensively potent. regigigas, arceus, meloetta and silvally are the only normal type legendaries, with the two former exceeding 600 bst and the latter two being the most likely. meloetta is probably his legendary of choice considering how buffed it is by the field and silvally being nerfed by being a dark type for some reason. also going to say that smeargle is a likely option given its vast toolkit and it generally being a good lead. his last can probably be anything, another legendary, a wild card, or a generic shitty normal who knows.


to recap, my guess as to what el's team will be is: ditto, snorlax, kangaskhan, meloetta, smeargle, filler


anna is a professional in psychic types and this is going to be the field she's fought on probably.



#--------------------------- 34. Starlight Arena [SA] --------------------------------#
"Starlight fills the battlefield."
*     Temporarily annulled by all weather except Strong Winds
*    Psychic type attacks increase in base power x1.5
*    Fairy type attacks increase in base power x1.3
*    Dark type attacks increase in base power x1.5
*    Dark type attacks deal additional Fairy damage
*    Enables Aurora Veil
*    Solar Blade deals additional Fairy-type damage
*    Victory Star additionally boosts user and allies' attacks x1.5
*    Activates Marvel Scale
*    Shadow Shield Pokemon take x0.5 decreased damage
*    Pokemon with the following abilities have their Special Attack boosted on switch-in:
*    These moves increase in base power x1.5:
        Aurora Beam    Signal Beam    Flash Cannon    Luster Purge    Dazzling Gleam        
        Mirror Shot    Moonblast    Technoblast     Solar Beam 
*    These moves increase in base power x2:
        Draco Meteor     Meteor Mash      Comet Punch     Spacial Rend     Swift
        Hyperspace Hole    Hyperspace Fury    Moongeist Beam    Sunsteel Strike Black Hole Eclipse
*    These moves increase in base power x4 and apply additional Fire type damage:
        Doom Desire
*    Solar Beam deals Fairy type damage
*    The following moves' stat-boosting effect is amplified:
        Cosmic Power    Flash
*    Adaptability copies Trace's effect
*    Wish restores 75% of the user's Max HP (from 50%)
*     Healing Wish and Lunar Dance boost recipient's Attack and Special Attack
*    Moonlight restores 75% of the user's Max HP
*     Nature Power becomes Moonblast
*    Camouflage changes the user's type to Dark
*    Secret Power may lower Sp. Def
*       Magical Seed boosts Sp Atk and applies Lunar Dance to the user


anna's potential team is just as much an enigma as she is, but there are a couple pokemon that stand out here. jirachi obviously being her ace and choice in legendary, as it is the only pokemon known that she is alluded to have. her mega selection is pretty diverse, but i have no doubt that she will have a mega metagross to back her up as it is the one that benefits the most from starlight arena. starmie is also a very obvious pick as most of its moves are boosted and it is the only psychic type with illuminate which gets +1 sp atk upon switching in (also the fact that it's a star). those are three i think she will have for certain, as the rest of her team can be anything. i wouldn't be surprised if she had extra legendaries since a fair amount of them can take advantage of the terrain quite effectively like lati@s, victini and hoopa. nothing else really comes to mind in terms of potential wild cards other than maybe a cloud nine pokemon to negate weather which would eliminate her field.


to recap, my guess as to what anna's team will be is: jirachi, metagross, starmie, filler, filler, filler


lin is the champion that we need to overcome. i don't believe she is confined to any one type but i would wager that her theme revolves around legendaries. while this field effect isn't as egregious as laura's, i'd say it comes pretty close.



#--------------------------- 35. New World [NA] --------------------------------#
"From darkness, from stardust, from memories of eons passed and visions yet to come..."
*    Pokemon with the ability Multitype randomly become a different type at the end of each turn.
*    Grounded Pokemon's Speed is halved
*    RKS System matches Multitype's effects, but is selected separately.
*    Prevents all weather and generated Field Effects
*    Dark type attacks increase in base power x1.5
*    These moves increase in base power x1.5:
        Mirror Shot    Aurora Beam    Signal Beam    Dazzling Gleam
        Flash Cannon    Psystrike    Aeroblast    Sacred Fire    Mist Ball    
        Luster Purge    Origin Pulse    Dragon Ascent    Precipice Blades
        Psycho Boost    Roar of Time    Magma Storm    Crush Grip        
        Shadow Force    Seed Flare    Judgment    Searing Shot    
        V-Create    Sacred Sword    Secret Sword    Fusion Bolt        
        Fusion Flare    Bolt Strike    Blue Flare    Glaciate        
        Ice Burn    Freeze Shock    Relic Song    Technoblast    
        Oblivion Wing    Land's Wrath    Thousand Arrow    Thousand Waves    
        Diamond Storm    Steam Eruption    Eruption    Power Gem
        Earth Power    Fleur Cannon     Prismatic Laser Sunsteel Strike
        Spectral Thief  Moongeist Beam  Multi Attack    Continental Crush
        Core Enforcer    Mind Blown    Photon Geyser    Plasma Fists    
        Genesis Supernova    Light that Burns the Sky    Searing Sunraze Smash    
        Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom    Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike
*    These moves increase in base power x2:
        Vacuum Wave    Draco Meteor    Meteor Mash    Moonblast    
        Comet Punch    Spacial Rend    Swift        Future Sight
        Ancient Power    Hyperspace Hole    Hyperspace Fury
*    These moves increase in base power x4 and apply additional Fire type damage:
        Doom Desire
*    Heart Swap additionally gains Pain Split's effect
*    Victory Star additionally boosts user and allies' attacks x1.5
*    The base accuracy of these moves becomes 100:
        Dark Void
*     Lunar Dance boosts all of the recipient's stats
*    Trick Room, Magic Room and Wonder Room last for 8 turns
*    The following moves' stat-boosting effect is amplified:
        Cosmic Power    Flash
*    Moonlight restores 75% of the user's Max HP
*    Nature's Madness deals 75% HP damage (from 50%)
*    Shadow Shield Pokemon take x0.5 decreased damage
*       Black Hole Eclipse damage increases x4
*    Magical Seed boosts all stats and makes the user recharge
*    These moves will temporarily transform this field into a Starlight Arena:
*    These moves will transform this field into a Starlight Arena:
*     Nature Power becomes Spacial Rend
*    Camouflage changes the user's type to a random type
*    Secret Power may lower all stats


what immediately sticks out to me is grounded pokemon have halved speed, no weather or terrain cheese and every legendary getting buffed. i'd expect nothing less to be honest. new world seems tailor made for lin's hydreigon, i just wonder if it won't be overshadowed by whatever else she may have up her sleeve. that being said, the creation trio as well as arceus seem to be likely members given their overall significance in reborn's setting and story and i would be surprised if she didn't have at least one of them on her team. we don't really know much about lin herself so anything beyond this would be pointless conjecture. hell she might even use gossip gardevoir as a pulse2 against us for all i know, but all in all seems like an actually challenging final fight so looking forward to whatever it will be.


to recap, my guess as to what lin's team will be is: hydreigon, arceus, palkia, dialga, giratina, filler (mega?)


well those are all my thoughts. not sure if this post counts as spoilers but it's nothing that isn't within the realms of possibility. regardless, hope ya'll enjoyed my supposition on what's planned for e19 :p.

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Really thought out ideas and you're making some valid points, but I don't believe that Elite 4 members will have strictly monotyped teams like Gym leaders had. They might be more centered on abusing their fields and covering their weaknesses. They might focus on at least two types that benefit most from the terrain, like for example Laura could have both Grass and Bug types, or El and Anna could also additionally have Fairy/Psychic or Fairy/Dark respectively. I would basically expect more balanced teams from these trainers.

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yeah i sure hope so, like i said wildcards are likely to be possible so i genuinely hope we can get some interesting/difficult battles and not anything too one note. i'm uncertain how difficult the e4 will be compared to all the gym leaders and boss fights we already faced, but outside of the champion battle, the rest of them can be cheesed by altering their terrain (especially flower garden) which more or less would invalidate the challenge i'd assume, so i kind of hope their teams aren't too reliant on the field effect itself. it would also be interesting if they forced the player to not use items and/or be in set > shift mode to bump up the difficulty but i kind of doubt it.

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16 hours ago, bloo123 said:

the rest of them can be cheesed by altering their terrain (especially flower garden) which more or less would invalidate the challenge i'd assume, so i kind of hope their teams aren't too reliant on the field effect itself.

The New World field has one effect that prohibits the use of field altering moves. If they implement that mechanic for the Elite 4 and Champion battles, that would be a very interesting challenge. Since Flower Garden can also be destroyed by certain fire moves, they would have to prevent that as well. That way, they could really focus their teams on the field.

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I also think Lin was a Dragon-type Leader in the original Reborn League so I think her team would in some way reflect this. I agree on her having a Palkia, Dialga and Giratina, but I think the actual Arceus (or Arc-Pulse in the worst case) will be saved for a Solo boss of the story mode, with a huge event for itself that could even merge with its capture event marked in the development blog.

For the others, I'm not very good at making competitive teams, but I also wonder if they'll depend a lot on their terrains (tailored to them, but able to be destroyed or abused) or more competitive teams that would be more versatile.

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