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Charlotte is difficult, pls help!


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I cannot beat Charlotte! My team is a Greninja (Extrasensory, Dark Pulse, Surf, Grass Knot) Drifblim (Minimize, Baton Pass, Destiny Bond, Shadow Ball), Zebstrika (Thunder Wave, Volt Tackle, Flame Charge, ) Mamoswine (Blizzard, Ice Fang, Ice Shard, Earthquake) Nidoking (Sludge Wave, Earth Power, Shadow Claw, Iron Tail) and Tysplosion (Eruption, Flamethrower, Extrasensory, HP Electric). I also have a Meowstic, Camurupt, Garbodor, and Houndoom that have all been boxed for a couple of gyms while, they are all in the 50s level wise except Meowstic, who I only just boxed to bring my Mamoswine back. Does anyone have any ideas on what to do? Thanks in advance!

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I posted this on the main forum but then I found this and I think here is better


I cannot beat Charlotte! My team is a Greninja (Extrasensory, Dark Pulse, Surf, Grass Knot) Drifblim (Minimize, Baton Pass, Destiny Bond, Shadow Ball), Zebstrika (Thunder Wave, Volt Tackle, Flame Charge, ) Mamoswine (Blizzard, Ice Fang, Ice Shard, Earthquake) Nidoking (Sludge Wave, Earth Power, Shadow Claw, Iron Tail) and Tysplosion (Eruption, Flamethrower, Extrasensory, HP Electric). I also have a Meowstic, Camurupt, Garbodor, and Houndoom that have all been boxed for a couple of gyms while, they are all in the 50s level wise except Meowstic, who I only just boxed to bring my Mamoswine back. Does anyone have any ideas on what to do? Thanks in advance!

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Is your Meowstic male? If so, you could teach it Rain Dance and use that with Prankster. I used a Purrloin Lv 12 with Prankster just to set the rain, which helped immensely. You could set up Reflect/Light Screen as well with him.

Edited by Edo
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Rain Dance is the secret password. To avoid the burning field which raises her existing Super Heated field boost and does burn damage to non-fire Pokemon every turn. 

Use Meowstic to Fake Out Typhlosion (who would otherwise use Eruption to burn the field) then use Rain Dance. 

Personally, I had planned to also have Meowstic use Trick Room because she's very fast but it went down before it had a chance. Still I came out victorious. 
At this point, whether you are able to get in Trick Room or not, you can sweep her with Surf and Earthquake. I'd favor Earthquake as the Super-Heated Field will still cut a bit of Water's Power even with Rain Dance helping it whereas Earthquake will one shot her. 

Save Surf for Rotom who has Levitate so is immune to Earthquake. 


I'd go with Quagsire for your Earthquake user since Mamoswine won't resist fire as well being part Ice. FYI, my Quagsire was also my Rain Dance user. 


I've read that Flash Fire Pokemon are also good for this battle since they're immune to fire moves but you'd have to be careful of Darmanitan in that case as it knows Rock Slide. 


I also set up Stealth Rocks with Lyconroc which halves Volcarona on it's own. 


On another note, I'm wondering how her Typhlosion knows Eruption at least 20 levels early. Typhlosion doesn't learn Eruption until level 88 I believe Serebii said. Does the move re-learner offer it? Is there a TM (I know it's not the TM she gives you but *shrug*)? She didn't use at least 20 common candies did she? That's ridiculous. 

Edited by Verge Of Chaos
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19 minutes ago, The8BitzySpider said:

But I didn't get the rain dance tm, what nearby can learn it?

I didn't get the TM either so it was fortunate I caught a Quagsire on Azurine Island desperate for water types for the Aster/Eclipse battle. 
Unfortunately the pond on route 4 outside Calcenon City doesn't allow fishing though supposedly it once did and Finneon/Lumineon could be captured but you might have had to go all the way back to the circus to get Rain Dance on them from the move relearner. 

If you can't use Rain Dance, then I'm not sure where to steer you. Sorry. 

Edited by Verge Of Chaos
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A fake out mon can help the start of the battle. u can fake out the typhlosion and EQ her lead immediately with rhydon or w/e ground type EQ mon u got. Drifblim is able to learn rain dance through TM so that can help prevent the terrain from blazing for a few turns after u take out her leads. For the rest of her mons, the easiest way imo is to switch in a bulky trick room user holding an amplified rock and proceed to AoE everything with your camerupt. Ideally Bronzong with Heatproof or Reuniclus can do this.

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Your own Typhlosion will do a number to her team with the massive field boosts, so long as you deal with the leads and EV train properly (which you should greatly consider doing around this stage; Charlotte is the first leader with proper EVs which is why she's such a massive difficulty spike). You could lead with Nidoking and Meowstic, use Fake Out to flinch Typhlosion while you Earth Power it, then bring in your own Typhlosion and try to get Sunny Day up with one of your 'mons. You could also add Tailwind to the equation to guarantee outspeeding everything on her team (you can catch Cottonee on Route 3 nearby, which learns Tailwind and has Prankster; there's also Rufflet on Route 1).


If you happened to revive an Archen earlier on, a properly-EV'd one should just solo her team. I believe you can also have Rockruff by this point, which is significantly weaker but just as fast. Gigalith does a good job tanking hits with the special defense boost from Sand Stream, and you can have partners like Sandslash and Stoutland abuse that sand for extra speed.

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Try out krookodile, if you're willing to train a new mon. Krook is a fast enough ground type with moxie. You can make a clean sweep of most of her team, then you can handle the rest of it easily enough. Another option is Simipour. It learns scald by level up, which is a water type attack that gets stronger in charlotte's terrain.


Reborn, especially by this point, is hard enough that you have to counter-team every gym leader or boss. 

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